Self-reported distortion of body image among classical
ballet students in Brazil: classification according to the Body Shape
Distorção autorrelatada
da imagem corporal entre estudantes de balé clássico no Brasil: classificação
segundo o Body Shape Questionnaire
Fernando Eduardo Zikan, PT, D.Sc.*
*Professor of Manual Therapy,
Physiotherapy Department, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro (UFRJ)
Recebido em 1 de outubro de 2018; aceito em 13 de novembro de 2018.
Corresponding author adress: Prof. Dr. Fernando
Eduardo Zikan, Coordenação do Curso de Fisioterapia,
Faculdade de Medicina, Rua Professor Rodolpho Paulo Rocco, 255, 8º andar, Ala
E, Sala 3, Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga
Filho da UFRJ, Cidade Universitária Ilha do Fundão 21941-913 Rio de Janeiro RJ,
E-mail: fernandozikan@hucff.ufrj.br
Body image is an important component of the complex mechanism of
personal identity. The subjective component of body image refers to
individuals’ satisfaction with their body size or specific parts of their body.
Ballet has been cited in some studies on feeding behavior among athletes as yet
another specific group, who value low weight and overvalue esthetics. The
present study aimed to evaluate the potential body image disorders among
classical ballet students in Brazilian schools through identifying
self-reported body image distortion, using the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ)
as the instrument. This study is fundamental for the formation of all corporal
work that physiotherapists do together with dancers, students or professionals.
This was a descriptive study conducted in three schools that are officially
recognized as training centers for professional dancers in Brazil. The results
indicate homogeneity among the BSQ values attained by the students at the
participating schools. Differing from the literature, there was no significant
difference between the genders in terms of scoring and distribution of
classification of the BSQ levels. We conclude that dissatisfaction with body
image is a constant variable and important when dealing with ballet students,
and that this importance goes beyond just the esthetic values and towards
professional performance. Body image distortions can alter the way in which
dance students codify their body, which may facilitate disorders in their
physical and mental health.
Key-words: classical
ballet, body image, musculoskeletal system.
A imagem corporal é
um componente importante do complexo mecanismo de identidade pessoal. O
componente subjetivo da imagem corporal refere-se à satisfação dos indivíduos
com seu tamanho corporal ou partes específicas de seu corpo. O balé tem sido
citado em alguns estudos sobre comportamento alimentar entre atletas como outro
grupo específico, que valoriza o baixo peso e a estética supervalorizada. O
presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de distúrbios da imagem
corporal em escolares de ballet clássico em escolas brasileiras através da
identificação da distorção da imagem corporal autorreferida,
utilizando o Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) como instrumento. Este estudo é
fundamental para a formação de todo trabalho corporal que os fisioterapeutas
realizam junto aos bailarinos, estudantes ou profissionais. Trata-se de um
estudo descritivo realizado em três escolas oficialmente reconhecidas como
centros de formação de bailarinos profissionais no Brasil. Os resultados
indicam homogeneidade entre os valores de BSQ obtidos pelos alunos nas escolas
participantes. Diferentemente da literatura, não houve diferença significativa
entre os gêneros em termos de pontuação e distribuição de classificação dos
níveis de BSQ. Concluímos que a insatisfação com a imagem corporal é uma
variável constante e importante quando se trata de estudantes de balé, e que
essa importância vai além dos valores estéticos e do desempenho profissional.
As distorções da imagem corporal podem alterar a maneira como os estudantes de
dança codificam seu corpo, o que pode facilitar distúrbios em sua saúde física
e mental.
Palavras-chave: balé clássico,
imagem corporal, sistema musculoesquelético.
Body image is an important component of the complex mechanism of
personal identity. Gardner [1] defined it as "the mental picture we have
of measurements, contours and shapes of our bodies and the feelings relating to
these characteristics and to the parts of our bodies." The subjective component
of body image refers to individuals’ satisfaction with their body size or
specific parts of their body [2].
Sociocultural theories of body image disorders refer to the influences
of established body ideals on experiences and expectations, and the etiology
and maintenance of body image disorders. In this sense, there is a prominent
negative influence exerted by the mass media, confirming the conflict between
the ideal of beauty prescribed by current society and the somatotype of the
majority of the population, and the pressure that such a model represents [3].
Therefore, the cultural environmental conditions appear to be one of the
determining factors for the development of distortion and subjective
disturbances of body image.
Body image is understood as the way in which the body is presented to
the person, i.e. it is seen according to what we think of it, taking into
account environmental, emotional and social factors and other opinion-formers
[4]. Different situations will modify individuals’ own body image and other
people’s images in a dynamic process, resulting from memories and present
perceptions. Thus, body image goes on being formed from our experiences, linked
to the experiences of others with their own bodies [5].
It can be said that the search for the ideal body image among dancers
goes beyond the parameters in the general population and, as they become
professionals, the need to maintain proper weight increases [6]. From this
context, the present study is justified by the fact that dancers form a group
whose activity involves constant physical training, in which the demand for a
proper esthetic standard can lead to dissatisfaction and distortion of their
relationship with body image [7]. Dance works directly with the body and it is
through the body that the dancer experiences different emotions and transmits
the esthetic of the choreography. Their body image, therefore, is always in
evidence and is part of their routine [8].
The model of beauty imposed by society today corresponds to a lean body
without, however, taking into consideration issues relating to health and the
different physical constitutions of the population, which are in part
determined by genetic inheritance and the human groups within which the subjects
are included. These behaviors are considered to be precursors of Feeding
Behavior Disorder (FBD), which include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa,
and the so-called nonspecific eating disorders, among which Binge Eating
Disorder (BED) can be highlighted [9].
People affected by anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa have in common
excessive concern with weight and diet, as well as dissatisfaction and
distortion of their body image and, in general, are resistant to treatment.
Significant energy restriction and subsequent weight loss over a short period
of time produce a decrease in basal metabolic rate, and losses of skeletal
muscle, cardiovascular, endocrine and thermoregulatory functions and
difficulties regarding attention and concentration [10,11].
These feelings lead to extreme behavior, such as provocation of
vomiting, misuse of laxatives and/or diuretics and excessive practice of
physical activity, in addition to extreme diets or fasting, with the aim of
avoiding the possible consequences of the food that was consumed in excess. The
close relationship between body image and physical performance causes athletes
to be a group particularly vulnerable to establishment of these disorders, in
view of the emphasis on weight control [12,13].
Studies have cited the influence exerted by coaches, sponsors and family
members, through their comments on athletes’ weight and shape, as a powerful
element in establishing abnormal eating behavior. Sports that advocate low body
weight and place excessive value on esthetics, using this as a criterion for
obtaining good results in competitions - as occurs, for example, in gymnastics,
synchronized swimming, running and ballet - have been shown by research
conducted in this area to be the ones with highest incidence of eating
disorders and behaviors that are considered precursors of FBD [14,15].
Ballet, in addition to being considered an art form, has been cited in
some studies on feeding behavior among athletes as yet another specific group,
among other groups of athletes, who value low weight and overvalue esthetics
Thus, it is extremely necessary to provide clarification for dancers and
their teachers regarding risky behaviors, such as restrictive diets for rapid
weight loss, which consequently may lead to the development of severe FBD
The present study aimed to evaluate the potential body image disorders
among classical ballet students in Brazilian schools through identifying
self-reported body image distortion, using the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ)
as the instrument [16,17], in order to construct
guidelines through analysis on the empirical data collected, which would
support a theoretical proposal on this subject in relation to other elements
and dimensions.
This was a descriptive study using quantitative methodology, in which
the epidemiological method was highlighted. It was conducted in three schools
that are officially recognized as training centers for professional dancers in
To evaluate body image dissatisfaction we used the Body Shape Questionnaire
(BSQ), as validated by Cooper et al. [19],
which measures the degree of concern about body shape, self-depreciation due to
physical appearance and the feeling of being fat. According Cordás
[20], this questionnaire distinguishes two aspects of body image: the accuracy
of estimated body size and feelings towards the body. The instrument consists
of 34 items, with six choices of answers: 1) never, 2) rarely, 3) sometimes, 4)
frequently, 5) very frequent, or 6) always. According to the answer marked for
each item, the numerical value of the alternative chosen corresponds to greater
or lesser dissatisfaction or devaluation of body image (for example: never is
worth one point and always is worth six).
The total number of points obtained in the instrument is summed and the
value is calculated for each evaluation. The results are classified from the
total number of points scored, which reflects the level of concern with body
image. Results less than or equal to 80 points show normal patterns and are taken
to be absence of body image distortion. Results between 81 and 110 points are
classified as mild distortion of body image; between 111 and 140, moderate body
image distortion; and over 140 points, severe body image distortion.
This project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UFRJ, and
each participant received a free and informed consent statement for them to
sign, thereby indicating their agreement (or not) regarding participation in
the study, in accordance with CONEP Resolution 196/96.
Quantitative data were collected and analyzed using the SPSS software,
version 17.0, in which statistical tests were conducted (chi-square) to obtain
data for discussion and completion of the study.
Hundred students from vocational classical ballet schools in Brazil
participated in this study, among whom 70 were female and 30 were male. All the
participants completed the self-administered Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and
the results showed that on average there was no statistical difference in the
distribution of values attained between the male and female students, as shown
in Graph 1. However, although not statistically significant, the average for
females in the BSQ was shown to be slightly higher than the average for males.
Graph 1 – Distribution of BSQ according to sex.
Thus, we chose to show the distribution of the BSQ scores in their
classification levels and analyzed them together (males and females combined).
We observed that the mean for the combination was distributed in the same way
as when separated. In analyzing this distribution in Table I, we observed that
66% of the study population presented image disorders according to the BSQ, and
6% of these individuals had severe body image disorders.
Table I – Distribution and classification
of BSQ.
confidence interval for the accumulated percentage
From evaluating the anthropometric characteristics, using the data
presented in Table II, the gender variable was shown to be an important factor
in evaluating the data on measured and desired weight and height. The table
also shows the difference between the measured and desired data). The girls,
with a mean age of 17.8 years, were dissatisfied with their weight, wanting to
lose an average of 3.8 kg (with a maximum desired loss of 16.1 kg), and were
almost satisfied with their height, with a wish to gain 3 cm on average. The
boys, with a mean age of 19.1 years, were on average satisfied with their
weight, wanting to gain 0.3 kg (although there was a desire to lose a maximum
of 9.5 kg), and also seem satisfied with their average height, wanting to gain
only 5 cm on average.
Table II – Anthropometric characteristics according to
values minus the measured values, representing "dissatisfaction" with
the weight and height
In making correlations between the anthropometric variables and the
indexes presented in the BSQ, it caught our attention that the women, on
average, really wanted to lose weight and the men did not. Furthermore,
regarding height, the men, on average, wanted to be taller, in comparison with
the women’s desires, but without any statistically significant difference
between these data (Table III).
Table III – Correlation between body
characteristics and BSQ.
in the upper right triangle (area marked in pink) refer to females, and those
in the lower left triangle (area marked in blue) refer to males.
Regarding BSQ, Graph 2 helps to evaluate the numerical data of Table
III, and it can be seen that there was a positive correlation between the
weight measured in the population and the indices obtained in the BSQ. In other
words, the individuals who were heavier showed higher levels in the BSQ,
meaning that greater weight generated an impact on body image.
In correlating the BSQ with dissatisfaction with weight, we found that
the majority of the population was distributed in low levels of dissatisfaction
with weight, with a correlation close to zero. The individuals with higher
levels in the BSQ were the ones who wanted to lose more weight, and those with
lower levels in the BSQ were the ones wished to gain more weight. Thus, there
were negative correlations for both sexes (-0.403 for the girls and -0.547 for
the boys).
Graph 2 – BSQ correlations with measured weight and
dissatisfaction with weight.
According to Léon [21], the systemic model of the ideal for a dancer's
body is structured starting from its scenic beauty, which will significantly
structure the potential efficiency of the transitive aspects of art-movement-technique.The qualitative assessment of the scenic beauty
of the dancer’s body includes evaluating the fat, slimness, height,
proportionality and the dynamic capacity for beauty of movement.
In addition to having higher rates of eating disorders, dancers are also
more concerned with diet and body image than are non-athletes and non-dancers.
These data can be explained by the fact that the body image of these
professionals is a broad construct that relates to visual images and body
attitudes [2,22].
A review published by Toro [23] revealed that the majority of published
studies had reported higher prevalence of eating disorders among dance students
than among the general population of adolescent girls. This raised the
possibility that there may be specific features as risk factors and protective
factors in the populations studied, which led the author to think that there
may have been differences, given that the pedagogic processes were different at
each dance school.
The BSQ assesses concerns about body shape, self-deprecation due to
physical appearance and the feeling of being "fat", and it has also
been validated in a population of Brazilian university students by Di Pietro [24].
In developed countries, both in adolescents and in adults,
dissatisfaction with body image affects between 50% and 70%. Studies in Brazil
have shown that body dissatisfaction among adolescents and children ranges from
64% to 82%. In the study by Miranda [26] the results showed that the prevalence
of body dissatisfaction was 26.4% (BSQ) among young people living in cities
with up to five thousand inhabitants, which was lower than in corresponding
published studies.
The average score from the BSQ in that study was 66.78 ± 29.63 points,
and was significantly higher in females and in overweight and obese subjects.
The body dissatisfaction classification of the BSQ showed that 296 adolescents
(73.6%) were free from body dissatisfaction and 106 students (24.6%) presented
levels of dissatisfaction with their physical appearance from mild to severe.
Between the sexes, it was found that 11.5% of the girls and 3.5% of the boys
presented body dissatisfaction classified as moderate or severe [25].
Those data differed from our study, in which the rates were not
statistically different according to gender, with only 34% of the students free
from image disorders. This indicates to us that among dancers, concern with
body image is greater than among non-dancers.
In a study conducted by Grego et al. [26], the results showed that the
classical dancers have body weight, height and body mass index that are lower
than in other groups, which emphasizes that the search for an appropriate body
image in classical ballet means maintaining a lightweight body and low body fat
percentage. Most of the adolescents (66%) did not show any signs of
dissatisfaction with body image in the study by Conti [27], and only 5% showed
severe dissatisfaction, although among girls this figure rose to almost 10%.
According to Bosi et al. [28], when dissatisfaction with body image exists,
inappropriate eating behaviors and ways of reducing body weight are frequently
adopted among women. In their study, the entire population with moderate or
severe BSQ scores showed dissatisfaction with body weight,
and the vast majority (90.9%) had the desire to lose more than 2 kg, thus
indicating a clear desire to lose weight. Analysis on the instrument used
showed that the average score from the BSQ among the students in their study
was 81.2 (± 33.6). The final classification according to levels of concern with
body image showed that 59.6% of the students did not have any change in body
image, while 6.2% had severe distortion. In our study on ballet students, the
average level of severe distortion remained close to 6%, but there was a smaller number of individuals without disturbances,
thus showing that in dancing, a larger number of people presented alterations
Another study by Bosi [29] showed a
relationship between the results from the BSQ and dissatisfaction with weight,
such that even in the group of students who had normal or mildly abnormal
levels of concern with body image, a significant percentage would like to lose
two kg or more (58.7%). Among those with moderate or severe abnormalities of
body self-image, almost all the university students had that same desire
(94.3%), which corresponds to a high degree of distortion detected, and a risk
factor for disorders in the sphere of nutrition. A longitudinal study on
Norwegian girls found that body image was a predictor for practicing diets and
had a direct relationship with increasing age. Moreover, the practice of
frequent dieting was a risk factor for the development of eating disorders,
especially states of anorexia nervosa.
The need to maintain an appropriate body standard among dancers often
results in dissatisfaction with and distortion of body image, as shown in the
study by Ravaldi et
al. [30], on 110 non-professional ballet dancers and a control group of 59
people in the city of Florence, Italy.
Dissatisfaction was proven by Souza [31] and it could be seen that only
34.2% of the female adolescents did not have any body image disorder. Among the
male adolescents, the presence of body image disorders according to the
self-administered BSQ was much smaller: only 11.4 and 7.2% had mild and
moderate disorders, respectively.
Students at ballet schools have greater desire to slim and greater
perfectionism, and are more likely to use diet to control their weight than are
students who are not dancers, and they also have a high risk of developing
image disturbance. This higher risk has been attributed mainly to the high
prevalence of particular personality features in younger individuals [23].
This information was reflected in our study, both by the indexes from
the BSQ and by the desire for body modification with weight loss, as the main
factor for improving the levels of dissatisfaction with their body image.
The results indicate homogeneity among the BSQ values attained by the
students at the participating schools. Differing from the literature, there was
no significant difference between the genders in terms of scoring and
distribution of classification of the BSQ levels.
Comparison with studies that assessed non-dancers showed that dance
students had greater body image distortion values than shown by the rest of the
population, but that the rates of greater severity were similar.
The disorders assessed using the BSQ showed a positive relationship with
dissatisfaction regarding weight and height, with differences between the
genders. Girls wished that they were slimmer, where the heaviest girls showed
greater abnormality of BSQ values because of their desire to lose weight. On
the other hand, the boys wanted to be taller.
We conclude that dissatisfaction with body image is a constant variable
and important when dealing with ballet students, and that this importance goes
beyond just the esthetic values and towards professional performance. The job
market selects only those that reach a body pattern characteristic for
practicing classical ballet, i.e. long and slender bodies.
Lastly, body image distortions and abnormalities can alter the way in
which dance students codify their body, which may facilitate disorders in their
physical and mental health.