Fisioter Bras. 2023;24(6):751-69
Comparison of neurological assessment and general
movements of infants at risk at different time points
da avaliação neurológica e movimentos gerais de bebês de risco em diferentes
Silveira Morinel1, Carla Skilhan de
Almeida2, Laís Rodrigues Gerzson2
1Hospital Materno Infantil Presidente
Vargas (HMIPV), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Received: March 23, 2023; Accepted: November 8, 2023.
Correspondence: Laís Rodrigues Gerzson,
How to cite
Caroline Silveira Morinel, Carla Skilhan
de Almeida, Laís Rodrigues Gerzson. Comparison of neurological assessment and general
movements of infants at risk at different time points. Fisioter Bras. 2023;24(6):751-69.
doi: 10.33233/fb.v24i6.5434
Background: Brain
development is a constant interaction between genetic, biological, and
environmental factors. Its maturation process is extremely sensitive, and if it
does not occur in sync, brain damage can occur in the immature brain,
triggering a set of permanent movement and posture disorders. Thus, early
diagnosis of developmental changes is essential for intervention to begin as
soon as possible, optimizing results, improving functional skills, and reducing
the damage to the future life of these babies, and serve as a basis for the
actions of professional teams dedicated to stimulation and monitoring of child development.
Objectives: To compare the neurological assessment and general movements
of infants at risk at 40, 52, and 64 weeks of gestational age (GA). Methods:
Infants at risk born in a reference maternal and child hospital were assessed
for their neuromotor behavior using the "Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological
Examination (HNNE)", "Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination
(HINE)" and "General Movements Assessment (GMA)" scales at 40,
52, and 64 weeks gestational age. Data will be correlated and analyzed
descriptively. Results: 33 infants at risk were assessed at 40, 52 and
64 weeks, i.e., up to six months of corrected age. Male gender (75.8%), a
cesarean delivery (51.5%), and white race (60.6%) predominated. The Median
Apgar score was nine, mean of five prenatal visits, and a mean GA of 35.8
weeks. Prematurity and congenital syphilis were the main diagnoses found. 30.3%
of the patients underwent neuroimaging exams, especially brain ultrasounds,
with normal results. There was a predominance of "altered evaluation"
in HNNE and HINE at the three evaluative moments for term babies, especially
for babies with congenital syphilis, and "adequate" for premature
babies. In the GMA evaluation and regarding the presence of fidgety, there was
a higher frequency of the "suboptimal" classification and most
presented fidgety. In the longitudinal comparison between the three moments
assessed using the HNNE/HINE scales, it was found that there was a significant
difference between the first and the third evaluative moment (p = 0.029), where
babies improved their classification. There were positive associations of
results between the HNNE/HINE scales with scores in different variables. Conclusion:
Infants at risk had altered scores on neurological assessments, indicating developmental
delay. Children at risk or with delayed neurological development may present
restrictions in activities and participation with compromised quality of life
and even school learning. Therefore, it is extremely important to include
standardized scales during neonatal screening in the routine of the Neonatal
Intermediate Care Unit (NICU), as they are highly reliable and low-cost, so
that early identification of neurological changes can be enabled, and thus
intervene early, enhancing development.
Keywords: premature newborn; infant
development; disability assessment; risk factors.
Introdução: O desenvolvimento do cérebro acontece
por uma constante interação entre fatores genéticos, biológicos e ambientais.
Seu processo de maturação é extremamente sensível, e caso não ocorra em
sintonia, podem ocorrer lesões cerebrais no encéfalo imaturo que desencadeiam
um conjunto de desordens permanentes do movimento e da postura. Assim,
percebe-se que o diagnóstico precoce de alterações do desenvolvimento é imprescindível
para que a intervenção possa iniciar o quanto antes, otimizando os resultados,
melhorando as competências funcionais, diminuindo os prejuízos na vida futura
destes bebês, e serve para basear ações das equipes profissionais dedicadas à
estimulação e ao acompanhamento do desenvolvimento infantil. Objetivos:
Comparar a avaliação neurológica e os movimentos gerais de bebês de risco com
40, 52 e 64 semanas de idade gestacional (IG). Métodos: Bebês de risco
nascidos em hospital materno infantil de referência foram avaliados quanto ao
seu comportamento neuromotor através das escalas: “Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological
Examination (HNNE)”, “Hammersmith
Infant Neurological Examination (HINE)”, “General Movements
Assessment (GMA)” ao completarem 40, 52 e 64 semanas de IG. Os dados serão
correlacionados e analisados de forma descritiva. Resultados: 33 bebês
de risco foram avaliados nas 40, 52 e nas 64 semanas, ou seja, até os seis
meses de idade corrigida. Predominou sexo masculino (75,8%), parto cesáreo (51,5%)
e raça branca (60,6%). Apgar com mediana nove, média
de cinco consultas pré-natal e média de IG de 35,8 semanas. Prematuridade e
sífilis congênita foram os principais diagnósticos encontrados. 30,3%
realizaram exame de neuroimagem, destacou-se a ecografia cerebral com
resultados normais. Predominou “avaliação alterada” na HNNE e HINE nos três
momentos avaliativos para bebês a termo, principalmente para bebês com sífilis
congênita, e “adequada” para os prematuros. Na avaliação GMA e quanto à presença
de fidgety, houve maior frequência da classificação “subótima” e a maioria apresentou fidgety.
Na comparação longitudinal entre os três momentos avaliados utilizando as
escalas HNNE/HINE, verificou-se que houve diferença significativa entre o
primeiro e o terceiro momento avaliativo (p = 0,029), onde os bebês melhoraram
a classificação. Houve associações positivas de resultados entre as escalas
HNNE/HINE com pontuações em diferentes variáveis. Conclusão: Os bebês de
risco apresentaram pontuações alteradas nas avaliações neurológicas, o que
indica atraso no desenvolvimento. Crianças em risco ou atraso no
desenvolvimento neurológico podem apresentar restrições em atividades e
participação com comprometimento de sua qualidade de vida e até mesmo das
aprendizagens escolares. Portanto, é de extrema importância a inclusão de
escalas padronizadas durante a triagem neonatal na rotina da Unidade de Cuidado
Intermediário Neonatal (UCIN), por serem altamente fidedignas e de baixo custo,
de forma que possa oportunizar a identificação precoce de alterações
neurológicas e assim intervir precocemente, potencializando o desenvolvimento.
Palavras-chave: recém-nascido prematuro;
desenvolvimento infantil; avaliação da deficiência; fatores de risco.
The development of the human brain
is a complex, long-term process. It begins in the fifth gestational week, with
the formation and closure of the neural tube, neuronal production, migration,
and differentiation of these neurons, peaking in the midgestational period. The
first generations of neurons do not travel to the cortical plate but stop at a
transitional structure called the subcortical plate: a temporary structure of
the developing brain, which will help in the adjustment of cortical activity
[1]. The myelination process begins to intensify in the last gestational
trimester, adding to the gradual disappearance of the subcortical plate with
the verticalization of neurons, becoming permanent circuits in the cortical
plate, especially after the first three months of corrected age (CI) [2].
The greatest vulnerability occurs
in the period considered neonatal, which is the first 27 days after birth [3].
Newborns (NBs) at risk are those who need to remain in the Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit (NICU). They are low birth weight; prematurity; severe asphyxia;
teenage or low education mother; residence in a risk area; history of the death
of children under five years old in the family [4]. These babies require early
assessment and treatment because they have a higher risk of unfavorable
evolution, as well as a higher risk of morbidity and mortality [5,6]. With the
evolution of science and technology, there was an increase in survival rates of
infants discharged from NICUs, but with unknown long-term outcomes about their
overall development.
In this context, neonatal follow-up
emerged to ensure that these children receive early diagnosis and interventions
that optimize their developmental potentials as early as possible [7,8],
improving functional skills, and decreasing the damage to their future life.
This follow-up must be formed by a multi-professional and interdisciplinary
team [9].
Thus, we asked some questions to
guide our study: Is it necessary to wait for some symptom of alteration in the
baby's long-term assessment, because babies come to the intervention more than
six months old? Or, considering that the trajectory of the baby at risk follows
a coherence in this developmental process (classification/performance), will
those who have an alteration at 40 weeks also have it at three and six months?
Can we detect this alteration early? But when exactly? If our hypothesis is
correct, that is, the baby who shows a change in the assessment at 40 weeks
will also have this change at 52 and 64 weeks. Therefore, babies with changes at
40 weeks can already be referred for early intervention.
Given the above, this study aimed
to compare the neurological assessment and general movements of babies at risk
at 40, 52, and 64 weeks of gestational age (GA). We also sought to answer the questions
described above.
This was a longitudinal study, with
an independent non-probability convenience sample, involving all infants at
risk admitted to the Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit (NICU) of Hospital Materno Infantil Presidente Vargas (HMIPV), located in Porto Alegre, RS,
Brazil, a public reference for high-risk pregnancy care.
The sample size calculation was
performed using an equation with proportions for an infinite population, with a
significance level = (α
0.05) and a 10% error, besides the p-value = 0.1 (10%), which was taken from Nicolau et al. [10] because they had a sample very
similar to the target population of our investigation. We then chose to select
the value of p = 10% because it was the percentage of the sample that showed
motor performance below average for GA, similar to the result we expected to
find in this research [10]. We assumed that the population we intended to
represent could not be delimited. Considering the possibility of sample losses,
loss adjustment/correction was calculated, and the estimated proportion of loss
was 10%, thus reaching a sample of 39 NBs. Newborns with severe congenital
malformations, unstable for the assessment, or those who could not participate
in the three evaluative moments were excluded. Thus, 33 babies were included
and 24 were excluded.
The first assessment was performed
at 40 weeks of the baby's GA in the NICU, when they were still hospitalized
(Time 1). The NB should be stable, with no need for mechanical ventilation or
intensive care. The second assessment (Time 2) was performed at 52 weeks (three
months of HF) and the third time (Time 3) was done when the baby was at 64
weeks (six months of HF), both in the outpatient phase.
The electronic program Hospital
Information System (SIHO) was used for the identification of patients and
recording of care information after authorization from the institution. The
variables studied at 40 weeks were: child's age, baby's gender, type of
delivery, baby's race/color, Apgar score (1st and 5th minute), number of
prenatal visits, gestational age at birth, prematurity (born before 37 weeks)
[11], birth weight, and current weight. The form for characterizing the babies'
clinical data was based on the theoretical model by Chiquetti
et al. [12].
At time 1, the NB was referred by
the NICU physiotherapy team. They were assessed in a room in the unit itself by
an experienced physiotherapist blinded, trained, and certified to perform the
tests, without knowledge of the baby's previous history so as not to be
influenced. For the "neurological/neuromotor assessment" variables,
the RNs were assessed using the Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological Examination
(HNNE) and General Movements Assessment (GMA) scales.
The HNNE instrument is a screening
test used to examine newborns at term age (age at probable delivery - 40 to 44
weeks) and diagnose risks for cerebral palsy (CP) [13]. It consists of 34 items
subdivided into six categories: posture and tone (ten items); tone patterns
(five items); reflexes (six items); spontaneous movements (three items);
abnormal signs (three items); and orientation and behavior (seven items). The
scoring is done by observing the NB and marking it on a table, which divides
NBs into gestational age (25-27, 28-29, 30-31, 32-34 weeks, and term). It is
important to note that the test considers the neurological assessment of the
typical full-term baby from 34 weeks "only" for scoring. We continue
to consider babies up to 37 weeks premature. In the end, the points are added
and the NB is considered "optimal" or "normal assessment"
when its sum is equal to or greater than 30.5 points if the baby is full-term
and 26 points if it is premature [13]. In case of scores below these cut-off
points, the babies are considered "suboptimal" or "altered
assessment" [14]. In this study, normal assessment" and "altered
assessment" were used.
The GMA consists in evaluating the
quality of general movements (GMs), i.e., it evaluates the central nervous
system (CNS), where the observation of the NB's spontaneous movement is
performed. It is recommended to be performed from the third day of life. The
characteristic movements of newborns are transformed as they mature,
progressing from twisting movements (Writing Movements) to irregular and
elegant movements (Fidgety), bringing a harmonic and complex network of motor
experimentation, gradually modified by voluntary atitudes
To evaluate the GMs, the Gestalt
(understanding the whole to understand the parts) of the complexity, variation,
and fluidity of the movement is performed [16]. The RN with optimal
classification will have "three plus" (+) in complexity and
variability and "one plus" in fluency, while the suboptimal will have
"two plus" in complexity and variability and fluency "one
minus" (-). In mildly abnormal classification, the RN receives only
"one plus" in complexity and variability and, in fluency, "one
minus". In the abnormal classification, the RN in all three items,
complexity, variability, and fluency identifies as "a minus". GMs are
devoid of complexity and variation placing an infant at very high risk for CP.
This implies that abnormal GMs are an indication for early physiotherapeutic
intervention immediately [16]. The GMA was performed with the aid of filming the
spontaneous movements of the NB for later analysis [15].
At Time 2, a reevaluation was
scheduled at the hospital outpatient clinic and the Hammersmith Infant
Neurological Examination (HINE) and the Fidgety assessment, which is part of
the three-month GMA, were performed.
The HINE instrument is a
neurological assessment method that was updated, revised, and standardized by Mercuri; Dubowitz [17]. The objective of the assessment is
to examine, preferably, neonates and infants older than 44 weeks to diagnose
risks for CP [18].
Moreover, a version of this
instrument was validated for at-risk, Premature, and full-term NBs, which
allowed the establishment of the variability of tone, movements, and behavior
in different IGs and provided some general guidelines on what are the most
common findings in each GA [19]. There are three versions of this assessment,
being an expanded version of the HNNE (and the shortened version of the same
instrument, focusing on the assessment of neonates); and the HINE version that
assesses infants from 30 days of life up to 24 months.
The quality of GMs for older
infants, from two to four months, is defined as fidgety (the so-called age of
restless movements). These are movements where small muscles start to contract,
generating elegant and continuous movements, like a dance. This new form of
neuromotor assessment of infants up to two months old was developed based on
the quality assessment of the GMs, classified as GMs with "normal
assessment" (optimal or suboptimal and presence of the Fidgety) and
"altered assessment" (slightly abnormal, definitely abnormal and
decrease/absence of Fidgety ) [15]. If at three months
he does not present Fidgety, it may be an indication of risk for CP [15]. And
finally, the babies returned to the re-evaluation at moment 3, where the HINE
was repeated and the GMs were not used. According to Hadders-Algra,
general movements only go up to five months [15].
Data were collected and analyzed
using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version
28.0. Quantitative variables were described by the mean and standard deviation
or median and interquartile range, depending on the data distribution.
Categorical variables were described by absolute and relative frequencies. To
compare means, the t-student test was applied. In the case of asymmetry, the
Mann-Whitney test was used. When comparing proportions, the chi-square or
Fisher's exact tests were applied. The comparison of HNNE/HINE between 40, 52,
and 64 weeks was evaluated by Cochran's test in conjunction with Bonferroni's
test. The significance level adopted was 5% (p ≤ 0.05).
The study was submitted and
approved by the Comitê de Ética
da UFRGS, opinion number: 4.873.085 (CAAE: 4 7510821.1.0000.5347) and by the
Research Ethics Committee of HMIPV, co-participating institution, opinion
number: 4.900.00 (CAAE: 47510821.1.3001.5329), and the guardians signed a Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE).
We analyzed 33 NBs identified as
being at risk, according to the criteria defined by the Ministry of Health
(MOH) [4], admitted to the NICU. The characterization of the sample is shown in
Table I.
Table I - Characterization of NBs at
risk admitted to the NICU
NBs = newborns; NICU: neonatal
intermediate care unit; GA = Gestational Age; SGA = Small for gestational age;
AGA = Adequate for gestational age; LGA = large for gestational age
Table II shows the diagnosis of
hospitalization and some characteristics, including the indication of physical therapy
during hospitalization and the time of treatment.
It is important to note that two of
the three NBs with altered neuroimaging reports were premature (classified as
extreme preterm and moderate preterm) and both had intracranial hemorrhage, one
of them also associated with the presence of hydrocephalus. Of these, one of
the infants scored 27, and two scored 19 points on the HNNE. The mentioned
infants had scores below the cutoff values.
Table II - Hospitalization diagnosis and
specific characteristics
SGA = Small for gestational age;
HMD = Hyaline membrane disease. *all brain echography
Table III shows the main outcomes
of the neurological assessments and GMA. A longitudinal comparison of
performance in the assessments is shown in figure 1. It was found that there
was a significant difference between the moments (p = 0.029), with the
difference occurring from the first moment to the last (p = 0.010) because from
the first assessment to the second and from the second to the third, the
differences were not significant (p = 0.460 and p = 0.065, respectively).
When associating the sample
characterization variables with 40-week HNNE, statistically significant results
for altered HNNE were found: vaginal delivery, higher GA, higher birth weight,
presence of a medical diagnosis of congenital syphilis (CS), and altered report
on imaging exam. They also presented subjects with a lower number of premature,
very low birth weights and length of stay in the NICU. It is observed, however,
that 73.7 (14) of the infants born at term were classified with the
"altered assessment" in the HNNE, while only 26.3 (five) of the
preterm infants scored below their cutoff points.
Table III - Outcomes of neurological
assessments and GMA
HNNE = Hammersmith Neonatal
Neurological Examination; HINE = Hammersmith Infant Neurological Assessment;
GMA = General Movements Assessment
A longitudinal comparison of
performance on the assessments is shown in figure 1. It was found that there
was a significant difference between the moments (p = 0.029), with the
difference occurring from the first moment to the last (p = 0.010) because from
the first assessment to the second and from the second to the third, the differences
were not significant (p = 0.460 and p = 0.065, respectively). (Insert figure
1 here)
a,bLetras iguais não diferem pelo
teste de Bonferroni a 5% de significância
HNNE = Hammersmith Neonatal
Neurological Examination; HINE = Hammersmith Infant Neurological Assessment
Figure 1 - Comparison between the
HNNE/HINE assessment scales at all evaluated time points
When associating the sample
characterization variables with the 40-week HNNE, the babies had a
significantly higher vaginal delivery, higher gestational age, higher birth
weight, presence of a medical diagnosis of congenital syphilis, and altered
report on the imaging exam. They also had lower prematurity, very low birth
weight, and length of stay in the NICU. It was observed, however, that 73.7
(14) of the full-term babies were classified with the "altered
assessment" of HNNE, while only 26.3 (5) of the preterm babies scored
below their cutoff points (Table IV).
Table IV - Association of variables of
the sample characterization with the classification of the HNNE at 40 weeks
GA = Gestational Age; SGA = Small
for gestational age; AGA: Adequate for age; LGA: Large for gestational age
In the association of the HINE
assessment classified as "altered" of the 52-week infants with the
characterization of the sample, there was a significant result for the higher
presence of early respiratory dysfunction (PRD) (0.039), very low birth weight
(0.044), and clinical diagnosis of CS (0.020).
Infants with altered HINE results
at 64 weeks exhibited significantly higher altered imaging reports (p=0.033).
Infants with pre-pathologic HINE results were also found to have a
significantly higher medical diagnosis of hyaline membrane disease (p=0.036)
and a lower presence of fidgety (0.042). There was no statistically significant
association of variables with the presence of fidgety.
The study compared the neurological
assessment and general movements of at-risk infants at 40, 52, and 64 weeks GA.
Early identification of infants at risk for neurodevelopmental disabilities or
delays is important to ensure early intervention at an age when brain
plasticity is high [20]. Therefore, specific and more sensitive assessment
instruments were used for these age groups [21,22]. We hypothesize that the
baby with an altered assessment at 40 weeks would remain so in the next
evaluations as well, which would enable early detection of abnormalities,
allowing early intervention [23].
The results point to the prevalence
of the male gender, which can be explained by the fact that males have a slower
maturation during fetal development compared to females [24].
Considering prenatal care, the
results showed an average of five consultations. The low compliance is in
agreement with the study by Formiga et al.
[25], in which of 540 babies at risk, the mean number of prenatal visits was
5.47. RNs with less than six prenatal visits had 1.3 times more risk of
hospital admissions [26].
The research found that mothers did
not reach the number of prenatal consultations recommended by the MS (minimum
six) [27]. Women of low socioeconomic status are susceptible to fewer prenatal
consultations, which could justify the findings of this study when we associate
the context of vulnerability of the public attended [28].
infants, 51.5% were born at term; however, part of the admissions that occurred
in the NICU are babies coming from the NICU. Most babies admitted to NICUs have
other risk factors other than prematurity and are little studied. Often, they
are related to complications that can chronify, such
as respiratory problems, more severe CNs injuries, surgeries, and congenital
infections of the mother [29].
Regarding hospitalization
diagnoses, they point to prematurity as the most prevalent, followed by CS,
jaundice, low birth weight, and PRD. Prematurity, low birth weight, and PRD are
the main causes of hospitalization in the neonatal unit [30,31]. However, the
diagnosis of CS stands out, but it does not appear as an expressive diagnosis
in NICUs [32]. Nevertheless, the MS epidemiological bulletin shows that, in the
last ten years, there has been an increase in these rates and the state of RS
had rates higher than the national rate, with 12.9 cases/1,000 live births
[33]. The data is worrisome and motivates us to study these babies in depth.
Neuroimaging exams were performed
on 10 NBs at risk assessed; among these, all underwent Brain Echography (BE).
The number of NBs who underwent the exam is not by the data found in the
literature, where there is a strong recommendation for the use of neuroimaging
in RNs at risk, as well as standardized neurological and motor evaluations
[21]. It is recommended that hospitals give priority to skilled people and a
good quality ultrasound scanner so that babies can have access to this exam
The neuroimaging exams predominated
normal results; only three reports described alterations. Two NBs with altered
reports were premature, which is in agreement with the literature [34]. The NBs
with altered test results scored below the HNNE/HINE cutoff points in the three
evaluative moments, as well as being classified in the GMA as
"pre-pathological". The study confirms the high predictive value of
the scales in infants at risk, according to findings in larger samples [35,36],
where early intervention is recommended.
As for the neurological
evaluations, there was a predominance of "altered" classification in
the first two evaluations, and scores above the cutoff point prevailed in the
last one. Therefore, it was found that there was a significant difference
between the first and last assessments (p=0.029).
The performance obtained from the
NBs is in agreement with other studies that showed median scores of the HINE
scale with intervals for infants younger than 12 months. Haataja
et al. [37] reported that mean HINE scores increased with age over four
weeks in 74 healthy-term infants. Also, in another investigation, scores were
higher at six months than at three months of age. Assessment at older ages
would likely result in a more accurate measure of the neurodevelopmental
trajectory [38,39].
This corroborates with the study in
which absolute numbers that for HNNE findings, most preterm NBs were considered
adequate (n = 11). They remain the same number at three months (n = 11) with
the HINE and increase at six months (n=14). In term infants, most were altered
at 40 weeks (n=16), decreasing at three months (n=12) and more so at six months
(n = 9).
HNNE/HINE brings results beyond
motor impairment, but also for cognitive impairment [39]. Splitte
et al. [14] showed that suboptimal scores at the neonatal stage are
associated with a higher likelihood of cognitive delay at two years. Likewise,
Romeo et al. [39] observed a significant correlation between cognitive
performance scores with the HINE at three, six, nine, and 12 months, with a
better correlation starting at six months. Some of the items are age-dependent,
corroborating the aforementioned findings that scores would increase with age
and be more sensitive over time.
As for the analysis of the GMs, the
"suboptimal" classification prevailed, followed by
"pre-pathological". The relationship between the GMs and the Fidgety,
showed similarity and continuity between them, as there was a prevalence of
infants classified as "excellent/suboptimal" in the first month of
life and the third month most of them had Fidgety.
The performance of preterm infants
was higher than that of term infants in the three assessments performed,
indicating that most of them had "normal assessment". Corroborating
our findings, a study found that the mean HNNE of premature babies was above
the cutoff points [40].
There was a significant correlation
between CS diagnosis with "altered" assessment at 40 weeks and 52
weeks. Most full-term babies born by vaginal delivery and that had their
evaluations "altered" had the diagnosis of CS, this demonstrates the
relationship of the disease with important motor losses. Thus, the baby with CS
should be followed early as soon as the diagnosis is made, even if born at
It was found that GA and higher
weight were also significantly related to "altered" HNNE. The results
signal the tendency of the term at-risk NB to have worse scores than preterm
infants when evaluated at HF in a NICU. It could also be observed that most
babies classified as "altered" in the HNNE had a shorter NICU stay,
which can be related to the greater number of term NBs.
There is a worrisome fact,
physiotherapy was performed in only 27.3% of NBs, and besides the fact that few
babies were assisted by these professionals, it was found that half of the
preterm infants in the sample were not accompanied by this team. The evidence
points out that babies born very prematurely have a high chance of presenting
neuromotor development delays [41]. Regardless of being premature or not, the
physical therapist is a professional who monitors the development of babies at
risk, and should always be called upon.
This data, however, can be
explained by the lack of a physical therapist in the unit, a specific
characteristic of the hospital where the research was carried out. In addition,
the physical therapy follow-up is conditioned to a medical prescription,
contrary to the article (10) - COFFITO resolution 80. Unfortunately, this
context is still found in the country [42].
The physiotherapist plays an
important role in the care/assessment of these children and necessary post-discharge
referrals if they have any neurodevelopmental delay [43]. The infants
identified with changes in the evaluations were enrolled in physical therapy in
the unit where they were or referred to an early stimulation service; in
addition, the families were instructed about sensory-motor stimulation
Some questions were asked to guide
our study. Is it necessary to wait for some later symptom of developmental
change? The research verified, once the baby at risk presents an alteration at
40 weeks, it should already be referred to early intervention, since it is in
the first months of life that the capacity for adaptation and neuroplasticity
happens quickly and sharply. If only nature acts on the baby, without
intervention, the windows of opportunity may be closed. Furthermore, the
research demonstrated a significant association between the evaluations
performed (HNNE p = 0.008, HINE p = 0.033) and the neuroimaging exam report.
Does the trajectory of the at-risk
baby follow a coherence in this developmental process (grading/performance) at
40, 52, and 64 weeks, can it be detected early? In the comparison of the
babies' performance there was a significant difference between the first moment
and the third moment, that is, babies at six months were classified with
adequate scores, but the number of altered babies is still large. Babies with
altered HNNE/HINE and GMA at the three-time points are the most compromised and
with a high chance of developing CP [22].
The combination of a neonatal brain
MRI at term equivalent age with GMs and HNNE/HINE has high predictive power for
PC [22]. Early detection would allow the initiation of intervention. But when
exactly? As early as possible, so that windows of opportunity are not closed
[44]. Evaluation at 40 weeks is recommended, before discharge and, in case of
change, referral for intervention.
Some limitations should be
considered for this study. Data were collected in a single hospital, limiting
external validity, but important for the improvement of similar services, the
difficulty of information in the analyzed medical records, such as
sociodemographic, maternal, and paternal data to complement the sample
characterization. A low number of patients in physical therapy limited the association
of early motor stimulation with the other variables. Difficulty in contacting
the families and low socioeconomic status prevented reevaluation.
The profile of babies at risk was
mostly male, white race/color, with Apgar within the normal range, born by
cesarean section, and with a lower than expected number of prenatal visits.
Prematurity was the main diagnosis, followed by CS. Full-term babies were more
compromised in all three assessment times compared to premature babies. The NB
with altered assessment at 40 weeks should already be referred for
intervention, especially those who showed changes in the three evaluative
moments. These are babies with CS, respiratory dysfunction, very low birth
weight, neuroimaging alterations, GMA classified as pre-pathological, and
absence of Fidgety. Babies not mentioned tended to recover at 64 weeks, a
factor known as catch-up. Early referral is suggested for all who presented
with altered neurological assessment or with altered general movements. Those
who showed more complex, variable, and fluid movements had Fidgety present at
three months of IC.
Conflict of interest
The authors report no conflicts of
Financing source
Author’s contributions
Conception and design
of the study, data analysis, interpretation; Statistical analysis and
manuscript writing: Morinel
CS; Critical review of the manuscript for important intellectual content:
Gerzson LR, Almeida CS