Fisioter Bras. 2023;24(6):950-60
Effects of high frequency non-invasive ventilation in
premature newborn infants: systematic review protocol
da ventilação não invasiva de alta frequência em recém-nascidos prematuros:
protocolo de revisão sistemática
Tolosa dos Santos1, Luiani Lima de
Oliveira1, Fernanda Gabriella de Siqueira Barros Nogueira1,
Renan Lima Monteiro1, Samira Vitória Rego Fagury1, Ana
Carolina Pereira Nunes Pinto1,2,3, Juliana Anézia Rodrigues do
Federal do Amapá, Macapá,
AP, Brasil
Cochrane Centre - Biomedical Research Institute Sant Pau (IIB Sant Pau),
Barcelona, Spain
3Cochrane Brazil,
Center for Evidence-Based Health Studies and Health Technology Assessment, São
Paulo, SP, Brazil
Received: August 14, 2023; accepted:
November 23, 2023.
Correspondence: Ana Carolina Pereira Nunes Pinto,
How to cite
Santos ET, Oliveira LL, Nogueira FGSB, Monteiro RL, Fagury SVR, Pinto ACPN, Amaral JAR. Effects of high frequency non-invasive ventilation in premature newborn infants: systematic review protocol. Fisioter Bras. 2023;24(6):950-60. doi: 10.33233/fb.v24i6.5479
Introduction: Premature
birth is a condition, which can be induced by several factors. High Frequency
non-invasive ventilation is a promising new mode of non-invasive ventilation
that aims to offer adequate ventilation and oxygenation, but much has yet been
discussed about its effectiveness and safety. Objective: To evaluate the
effectiveness and safety of high frequency non-invasive ventilation in
premature infants. Methods: To this end, we will carry out a systematic
review. The study protocol was recorded on the Prosperous Platform. We will
include premature newborns who used high-frequency non-invasive ventilation
requiring ventilation as an initial support, after extubation
or as a rescue mode (after failure of initial non-invasive therapy). The
searches will be carried out in the databases: Medical Literature Analysis and
Retrieval System Online (Medline) via Pubmed, Excerpta Medica dataBASE (Embase) via Elsevier,
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) via Cochrane Library,
Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) via the
Virtual Health Library Portal and Physiotherapy Evidence Database We will
evaluate the methodological rigor of the included studies and the certainty of
the evidence of the main outcomes of the systematic review using Cochrane's
Risk of Bias 2.0 tool and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach, respectively. The selection of
studies, data extraction, evaluation of the bias of the included studies and
evaluation of the certainty of the evidence will be carried out by two
independent researchers. Expected Results: The results of this review
are expected to present a critical and up-to-date summary of the topic and
facilitate safer decision-making by physiotherapists regarding the best
recommendation for ventilatory support in the NICU, based on the best
scientific evidence currently available.
Keywords: premature birth; infant,
premature; noninvasive ventilation, high-frequency ventilation.
Introdução: A prematuridade tem sido a principal
causa de mortalidade neonatal no mundo por pelo menos uma década, e é uma
condição que pode ser induzida por vários fatores. A ventilação não invasiva de
alta frequência (VAF) é um novo modo promissor de ventilação não invasiva que
visa oferecer uma ventilação e oxigenação adequadas. Entretanto, muito ainda se
tem discutido sobre sua efetividade e segurança. Objetivo: Avaliar a
efetividade e segurança da ventilação não invasiva de alta frequência
oscilatória, a jato e percussiva em recém-nascidos prematuros. Métodos:
Para tanto, realizaremos uma revisão sistemática. O protocolo do estudo será
registrado na Plataforma Prospero. Incluiremos recém-nascidos prematuros que
utilizaram a ventilação não invasiva de alta frequência com necessidade de
ventilação como suporte inicial, após a extubação ou como modo de resgate (após
falha de terapia não invasiva inicial). As buscas serão realizadas nas bases de
dados: Medical Literature Analysis
and Retrieval System Online
(Medline) via Pubmed, Excerpta
Medica dataBASE (Embase) via Elsevier, Cochrane
Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) via
Cochrane Library, Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde
(Lilacs) via Portal da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), sem restrições
de idioma ou ano de publicação. Avaliaremos o rigor metodológico dos estudos
incluídos e a certeza da evidência dos principais desfechos da revisão
sistemática utilizando a ferramenta Risco de Viés 2.0 da Cochrane e a abordagem
Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development
and Evaluation (GRADE),
respectivamente. A seleção dos estudos, extração de dados, avaliação do viés
dos estudos incluídos e avaliação da certeza da evidência serão realizados por
dois pesquisadores independentes. Resultados Esperados: Espera-se que os
resultados desta revisão apresentem uma síntese crítica e atualizada do assunto
e facilitem a tomada de decisão de fisioterapeutas de forma mais segura quanto
a melhor recomendação de suporte ventilatório em UTIN, baseadas na melhor
evidência científica disponível atualmente.
Palavras–chave: nascimento prematuro; recém-nascido
prematuro; ventilação não
ventilação de alta frequência.
Prematurity has consistently
emerged as the primary contributor to neonatal mortality on a global scale for
at least the past decade [1]. Annually, a staggering 15 million infants are
born prematurely, accounting for an estimated 11% of all births worldwide [1].
This elevated incidence of preterm birth can be attributed to a multitude of
risk factors associated with this condition, encompassing infections, cervical
abnormalities, uterine hyperdistension, insufficient
progesterone levels, vascular irregularities (including uteroplacental ischemia
and decidual hemorrhage), maternal and fetal stress, graft-related responses,
allergic phenomena, and conceivably, several other unidentified factors [2].
Consequently, preterm birth often precipitates challenges in sustaining
spontaneous respiration without assistance among preterm neonates [2]. This
complication can arise from various factors, including underdeveloped lung
functionality, instability in the chest wall, obstruction of the upper airway,
and compromised central respiratory control, collectively augmenting the
likelihood of necessitating invasive ventilatory interventions and admission to
Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) to reestablish optimal lung function
Non-invasive ventilation techniques
have gained traction as prospective avenues for mitigating the unfavorable
repercussions associated with invasive ventilatory measures, specifically
endotracheal intubation, such as the onset of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
[5]. Despite notable advancements in neonatal intensive care, BPD continues to
engender elevated risks of morbidity and mortality in certain cases [6].
Infants who survive BPD face an increased susceptibility to respiratory infections,
wheezy infant syndrome, pulmonary hypertension, heightened hospitalization
rates within the initial two years of life, as well as heightened
vulnerabilities pertaining to growth and neurodevelopmental deficits [7].
Several non-invasive ventilation
modalities can be harnessed, including continuous positive nasal airway
pressure (nCPAP) [8], nasal intermittent positive
pressure ventilation (nIPPV) [9], high-flow nasal
cannula (HFNC) [10], and high-frequency ventilation (HFV). Within this
spectrum, high-frequency ventilation (HFV) represents a safeguarding mode of
ventilation that can be executed through three distinct methods: jet HFV,
oscillatory HFV, and percussive HFV. Among the array of protective ventilation
strategies pertinent to pediatric and neonatal care, HFV has surfaced as a
promising non-invasive approach aimed at furnishing optimal ventilation and
oxygenation. A defining feature of this modality involves employing an
exceptionally low tidal volume (ranging from 1 to 3 mL/kg, which is notably
smaller than the anatomical dead space volume of the respiratory system),
concurrently with inducing minimal pressure fluctuations within the airways. To
achieve this, HFV leverages a frequency surpassing
physiological norms (ranging from 3 to 50 Hz). Recent investigations
indicate the potential of HFV in diminishing the imperative for mechanical
ventilation, alongside a reduction in associated complications [11].
An earlier systematic assessment
conducted by Li [12] corroborated the utility of oscillatory HFV as a
ventilatory support mechanism in preterm infants, noting enhanced carbon
dioxide elimination and a lowered intubation risk relative to monophasic or
biphasic nasal CPAP. However, it is noteworthy that the study conducted by Li
[12] encompassed publications up to four years ago, rendering it outdated.
Furthermore, no extant systematic review has, to date, comprehensively
evaluated the impact of jet HAV and percussive HAV.
To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of
noninvasive oscillatory, jet, and percussive HFV in premature newborns.
Type of study
This systematic review protocol
will be conducted in accordance with the methodological recommendations of the
Cochrane Handbook [13] and will be reported following the recommendations of
PRISMA [14].
Types of studies included
Parallel randomized controlled
clinical trials (RCTs) published in full text or in abstract only will be
Types of participants
Premature neonates (defined as
those born at less than 37 weeks of gestational age) who used non-invasive HFV
requiring ventilation as initial support, after extubation
or as a rescue mode (after failure of non-invasive therapy) initial invasive)
will be eligible.
Types of interventions
Studies that evaluated the effects
of non-invasive oscillatory, jet or percussive HF in premature infants in the
hospital environment will be considered.
Types of comparisons
The following comparison groups
will be considered: nCPAP, NIPPV, HFNC, other
therapies or other comparisons in which the effect of non-invasive HFV can be
evaluated exclusively.
Primary outcomes
For assessing the effectiveness of
the intervention, the following will be assessed:
- Mortality from all causes (in- and out-of-hospital).
- Length of stay in the ICU.
To assess safety, the following will be taken into
- Serious adverse events (example: pneumothorax,
emphysema or any other events related to the intervention that lead to
prolonged hospitalization time or death).
Secondary outcomes
For evaluating the effectiveness of
the intervention, the following will be assessed:
- Need for invasive mechanical ventilation.
- Incidence of chronic respiratory disease.
- Incidence of non-respiratory comorbidities (example:
peri-intraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia, necrotizing
enterocolitis, retinopathy of prematurity).
- Neuropsychomotor
To evaluate the safety, the following will be
- Non-serious adverse events (nasal or facial injury,
hyperemia or local edema, or any event related to the intervention that does not
lead to prolonged hospitalization time or death).
We will assess the outcomes
separately considering the following time points:
- Short term: up to three incomplete months.
- Medium term: three months to one year.
- Long term: more than one year after the
Literature search strategy
Structured searches will be carried
out, with pre-specified relevant descriptors and terms, without limitation of
year of publication or language, in the following databases: Medical Literature
Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline) via Pubmed,
Excerpta Medica dataBASE (Embase) via Elsevier,
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) via the Cochrane
Library, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs)
via the Virtual Health Library Portal and Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro).
Selection of studies
The selection of studies will be
performed by two totally independent authors (E.T.S.) and (L.L.O.), who, after
excluding duplicates, will carry out the initial analysis of titles and
abstracts, based on pre-specified eligibility criteria. Then, the full texts of
references considered potentially eligible will be read for further analysis.
Disagreements between authors regarding the inclusion of studies will be
resolved by a third reviewer (A.C.P.N.P). The selection process will be carried
out using the Rayyan application ( [15]. A flowchart
will be used, as recommended by PRISMA, to present the results related to the
study selection process.
Data extraction and management
Microsoft Excel 365 software will
be used independently by two authors (E.T.S.) and (L.L.O.) to extract data from
the included studies. The following data will be extracted: 1) General
characteristics of the study (title, authors, date and place of study), methods
(study design, study setting (eg hospital), total
duration of the study; 2) Participants: inclusion criteria and exclusion
criteria, number of participants who were randomized, age, sex, period of
ventilation, comorbidities; 3) Interventions: type of intervention
(non-invasive HFV), ventilation details (equipment, parameters, duration,
intensity and frequency), details of the comparator group intervention and
concomitant interventions; 4) Outcomes: primary and secondary outcomes
specified, collected, and actually reported, time points collected and reported,
number of participants missed/not assessed for each outcome, and number of
participants analyzed; 5) Notes: occurrence of funding for the study and
potential conflicts of interest of the study authors. In case there are
divergences or disagreements between the first two authors, a third reviewer
(A.C.P.N.P.) will be consulted. In the absence of information or incomplete
information, the authors of the studies will be contacted.
Evaluation of methodological rigor and certainty in
the body of evidence
The risk of bias of the included
studies will be assessed by two independent authors (E.T.S.) and (L.L.O.),
using the tool developed by Cochrane, called risk of bias (ROB 2.0) [13]. The
risk of the following biases will be assessed:
a) bias resulting from the randomization process. In
this domain, it will be evaluated whether the method used to generate the
sequence of allocation of participants was random, if the method used to
allocate participants to the study groups was hidden and if there were imbalances
between the characteristics of the participants that suggest a problem with the
process of randomization.
b) bias due to deviations from intended interventions.
For this evaluation, it will be taken into account whether the study team is
unaware (it was “blind”) to which group the patient was allocated and whether
there were deviations from the proposed intervention that could affect the
outcome (for example: changing groups or the presence of co-interventions).
c) bias due to lack of outcome data. Losses to
follow-up of study participants will be evaluated and, in the case of losses,
the reason for their occurrence.
d) bias in measuring the outcome. It will be verified
whether the outcome evaluators are unaware of which group the participants were
allocated to and whether the possible lack of blinding could affect the effect
e) bias in the selection of the reported result. For
this judgment, the possibility of the authors having evaluated the outcomes
through multiple evaluations, but reporting only the most convenient one, by
checking the study protocol record and reporting the methodology used will be
f) overall bias. It will be considered that the risk
of general bias of the result corresponds to the most unfavorable evaluation
carried out in at least one of the domains (for example: if in at least one of
the domains it is judged that there is a high risk of bias, it will be
considered that the result of the study has high risk of bias).
The Cochrane Collaboration
algorithm will be used, which suggests judgments of high, some concerns and low
risk of bias for each domain from the establishment of different degrees of
importance given to each methodological limitation found in the evaluated
domains and how much each limitation can influence the specific estimate of
each outcome (e.g. lack of blinding of outcome assessors), to judge whether
outcomes are of high, some concerns, or low risk of bias. If additional
information is needed to judge the risk of bias, we will contact the authors of
the studies. Disagreements regarding the assessment of bias will be resolved by
consensus or, if necessary, by consulting a third reviewer (A.C.P.N.P).
To classify the certainty of the
evidence, two independent authors (E.T.S) and (L.L.O) will use the GRADE
profiler software (, using the GRADE approach, to
evaluate the following criteria that may decrease confidence in the evidence
for each outcome: (i) overall risk of bias; (ii)
inconsistency (iii) indirectness (iv) precision; and (v) risk of publication
bias. Possible disagreements in these assessments will be resolved by a third
reviewer (A.C.P.N.P.). A summary of main results table with the primary
outcomes will be presented.
Statistical analysis
If at least two studies are
homogeneous in terms of PICO (P – population = premature babies; I –
intervention = HFV; C – comparison = other forms of non-invasive ventilation; O
– outcome = death, intubation, morbidity, adverse effects - safety), the
results will be pooled in meta-analyses. In the absence of homogeneity, the
results of the study will be summarized only in a narrative synthesis.
We will evaluate in meta-analyses
studies that included non-invasive oscillatory, jet and percussive HFV,
separately. For each of the three types of HFV, we will also perform separate
meta-analyses according to the objectives: (1) initial respiratory support; (2)
for respiratory support after extubation; (3) after
initial non-invasive therapy failure, totaling nine separate comparisons/meta-analyses.
Meta-analyses will be performed using the inverse of variance method and random
effects model in Review Manager 5.4 software. When possible, continuous
variables will be summarized through the difference in means (post and
pre-intervention) with a 95% confidence interval (CI). If results are not
reported as differences in means, we will use data reported after the
intervention. If the studies use different measurement instruments to assess
continuous outcomes, we will pool the data reporting them as differences in
standardized means. Dichotomous variables will be summarized using relative
risk (RR) with 95% CI. For dichotomous outcomes, the number of participants
with one or more adverse events will be used, rather than the number of adverse
events per participant. If the studies report adjusted data (ANCOVA or ANOVA),
the use of these data will be prioritized. Wherever intention-to-treat data are
available, these data will also be prioritized over data from per-protocol
To estimate the heterogeneity
between the studies in each meta-analysis, the statistic 2 will be used and it
will be considered that there is significant heterogeneity when the I2 is
greater than 50%. We plan to perform subgroup analyzes to investigate possible
causes of heterogeneity by performing additional meta-analyses, evaluating the
effect estimates made with all studies, and then pulling out studies with the
following characteristics: (1) with or without associated comorbidities ; (2)
less than 28 weeks gestation versus 28 to 32 weeks gestation versus 32 weeks
gestation or more; (3) ventilated with pressures lower or higher than 10cmH2O;
(4) type of interface used to provide ventilation (prong or mask). Sensitivity
analyzes will be performed as recommended by the Cochrane Manual for Systematic
Reviews of Interventions, presenting results with and without studies at high
risk of general bias. If there are at least 10 studies in a meta-analysis, we
will assess the risks of publication bias through funnel plot analysis and
Egger's test in R software (
Expected results
The present study proposes to carry
out a systematic review investigating the effectiveness and safety of HFV in
preterm infants, and if possible, to pool data in meta-analyses to reduce the
probability of type 2 error in comparisons. The results of this review will
help provide a synthesis of the currently available evidence, clarifying the
amount of published RCTs on the subject, in addition to showing whether HFV is
indeed an effective and safe ventilatory mode for use in preterm infants.
It is possible that the synthesis
of studies has limitations, such as the presence of studies with heterogeneous
samples, with newborns with different comorbidities and with small samples or
with biased analyses. In these cases, it is intended to perform additional
sensitivity analyses, excluding studies with a high risk of bias and exploring
their potential for bias in the final analysis. Some strengths of this review
are the pre-planned, transparent analyzes and the conduct following the rigor
proposed by the Cochrane methodology. In addition, the use of extensive
searches and contact with authors aims to reduce the risk of publication bias
and reliably expose what are the real gaps in knowledge currently existing on
the subject, supporting the planning of high-quality RCTs on the subject. The
use of the GRADE approach, with the assessments of the certainty of the
evidence for each outcome, may facilitate the interpretation of confidence in
the data and the decision making of physiotherapists in a safer way regarding
the best recommendation for ventilatory support in the NICU, based on the best
currently available scientific evidence
de interesse
de financiamento
dos autores
e desenho da pesquisa:
Pinto ACPN, Nogueira FGSB, Santos ET, Oliveira LL; Coleta de dados:
Pinto ACPN, Santos ET, Oliveira LL, Fagury SVR; Análise
e interpretação dos dados: Pinto ACPN, Santos ET, Oliveira LL; Análise
estatística: Pinto ACPN, Santos ET, Oliveira LL; Redação do manuscrito:
Pinto ACPN, Nogueira FGSB, Santos ET, Oliveira LL; Revisão crítica do
manuscrito quanto ao conteúdo intelectual importante: Pinto ACPN, Nogueira
FGSB, Monteiro RL, Amaral JAR.