Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2019;18(4):217-21
assessment of institutionalized elderly in the city of Praia Grande/SP
Avaliação nutricional
de idosos institucionalizados na cidade de Praia Grande/SP
Vinicius Lauria*, Gilmar Esteves**, Cauê Vazquez La Scala Teixeira***,
Bruna Renó****, Luiz Marono****,
Igor Conterato Gomes, D.Sc.*****, Paulo Eduardo
*Praia Grande College, Praia Grande/SP, Brazil,
Department of Health Surveillance, Praia Grande/ SP, **Praia Grande College, Praia Grande/ SP, Brazil,
***Praia Grande College, Praia Grande/SP, Obesity Study Group,
Federal University of São
Paulo, Santos/SP, Brazil, ****Praia Grande College, Praia Grande/SP, Department
of Health Surveillance,
Praia Grande/SP, *****Universidade Salvador, Salvador/BA, Brazil,
******Praia Grande College, Praia Grande, SP, Metropolitan University of Santos, Santos/SP, Brazil
October 22, 2019; accepted: December 12, 2019.
author: Vinicius Lauria, Praia
Grande College, Av. Pres.
Kennedy, 4000, 11702-480 Praia Grande SP, Brazil
Vinicius T. Lauria;
Gilmar Esteves:
Cauê Vazquez
La Scala Teixeira:
Bruna Renó:
Luiz Marono:
Igor Conterato Gomes:
Paulo Eduardo Pereira:
Introduction: The long stay institution for elderly people offer many advantages to
these people, but we can as well observe some problems, mainly caused by the
radical change in their routine, what can lead to alterations in their habits,
especially in the eating habits. Objective: To assess the nutritional
status of the institutionalized elderly population in the city of Praia
Grande/SP, Brazil. Methods: The sample was composed of 391 subjects: 109
men and 282 women. The nutritional assessment was performed through the Mini
Nutritional Assessment. The anthropometric assessment consisted of body mass
measures height, body mass index, arm circumference and calf circumference. Results:
The results revealed that 49.6% of the elderly present either risk of
malnutrition or malnutrition. Conclusion: The data reflects the need to
build new policies concerning the care-related issues in healthy aging,
including qualified assistance in long stay institutions.
Key-words: ageing; public
health; prevention; nutrition.
Introdução: As instituições de
longa permanência para idosos oferecem muitas vantagens para essas pessoas, mas
também podemos observar alguns problemas, causados principalmente pela mudança
radical em sua rotina, o que pode levar a alterações em seus hábitos,
principalmente nos hábitos alimentares. Objetivo: Avaliar o estado
nutricional da população idosa institucionalizada no município de Praia
Grande/SP. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 391 sujeitos: 109 homens e 282
mulheres. A avaliação nutricional foi realizada através da Mini
Avaliação Nutricional. A avaliação antropométrica consistiu em medidas
de massa corporal, estatura, índice de massa corporal, circunferência do braço
e circunferência da panturrilha. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram que
49,6% dos idosos avaliados apresentam risco de desnutrição ou desnutrição. Conclusão:
Os dados reunidos são preocupantes e refletem a necessidade de construir novas
políticas relativas às questões relacionadas ao cuidado no envelhecimento
saudável, incluindo assistência qualificada em instituições de longa
Palavras-chave: envelhecimento; saúde
pública; prevenção; nutrição.
In recent years, Brazilian elderly population has increased
progressively, and the projections indicate that, in 2025, the number of
elderly people will be 32 million, with life expectancy being 75 years of age
[1]. According to data provided by a foundation linked to the Planning and
Management Department of the State of São Paulo [2] the city of Praia Grande/SP
presented, in 2017, an aging index of 68,5% (lower than the State average) and
a mortality rate of elderly population of 14,65%.
This way, the provision of formal care aiming this public is growing,
among which are the long stay institution for elderly (LSIE), collective
residences with co-habitation rules and operations that vary according to their
public [3].
Although the long stay institution for elderly people offer many
advantages to these people, we can as well observe some problems, mainly caused
by the radical change in their routine, what can lead to alterations in their
habits, especially in the eating habits. The malnutrition and the risk of
malnutrition in the institutionalized elderly population is prevailing [4]. The
nutritional imbalance in the elderly is related to the increased mortality, the
vulnerability to infections, and the development of some diseases as stroke,
cancer, and hypertension. Thus, reducing the quality of life [5]. Appropriate
nutritional interventions should be individualized, considering the instable
state of health and the end-of-life stage of most residents in long stay institutions
for elderly (LSIE) [6].
In such context, there is the need of a nutritional assessment as part
of routine in long stay institutions for elderly, so that the malnutrition is
precociously diagnosed and adequate measures to change this situation are
adopted [7]. Thus, the aim of the present study was to assess the nutritional
status of the institutionalized elderly population in the city of Praia
A cross-sectional study was done involving all the residents of the
sixteen long stay institutions for elderly in Praia Grande/SP. Fifteen
institutions are under private administration and one is under public municipal
The initial sample was composed of 407 institutionalized elderly.
Sixteen out of 407 participants were excluded, either for being hospitalized or
for having their questionnaires incomplete, resulting in a final sample of 391
subjects: 109 men and 282 women (Table I). All evaluations were conducted in
the morning between September 2015 and March 2016. The present study has met
all the recommendations of ethical conduct for research involving human beings,
according to the Declaration of Helsinque standards,
and the volunteers read and signed a free informed consent form. The project
was approved by the institutional Research Ethics Committee (process No.
I - General sample characteristics
presented as average ± standard deviation; BMI = body mass index
and procedures
The nutritional assessment was done through the Mini Nutritional
Assessment (MNA), which is a non-invasive and effective tool to detect
malnutrition and risk of malnutrition [8]. The Mini Nutritional Assessment is
composed of simple measures and questions that can be answered in,
approximately, 10 minutes. Besides the screening, the Mini Nutritional
Assessment (MNA) is divided in four parts: anthropometric assessment, global
assessment, dietary assessment and self-assessment [9]. The sum of the scores
makes it possible to identify the nutritional status besides detecting risks
The anthropometric assessment consists of body mass (BM) measures,
height, body mass index (BMI), arm circumference and calf circumference. The BM
was obtained by using a calibrated digital scale (Digital Scale BC554 IronMan/InnerScan Tanita®),
weighing the elderly barefoot and wearing light clothes. The height was
measured barefoot, using a portable stadiometer (Sanny®).
The arm and the calf circumference were measured using a metallic tape measure
(Cescorf®). The arm circumference measure was
collected on the midpoint between the acromion and the olecranon. The calf
circumference was measured on the point of the biggest leg perimeter [11].
The elderly people who were not able to stay in the upright position had
their BM and height estimated by equations [12,13].The arm and calf
circumferences, subscapularis fold of skin and the distance between the knee
and the ankle were used to estimate the BM [12]. To estimate the height, the
distance between the knee and the ankle and the age were used [13].
Data were analyzed descriptively. The results are presented as
dispersion measures, measures of position, absolute frequency and relative
Table II shows the nutritional status of the elderly assessed by MNA.
II - Nutritional Status of the 391institutionalized
Taking into consideration the risk of malnutrition observed in
institutionalized elderly, mainly caused by the radical change in their
routine, the present study aims to check the malnutritional status of all
elderly residents in long stay institutions in the city of Praia Grande/SP. Our
results have revealed that half (49.6%) of the assessed elderly present either
risk of malnutrition or malnutrition (Table II).
The nutritional assessment was done using the MNA, which is a validated
method [8]. The use of MNA is recommended by the American Society of Parenteral
and Enteral Nutrition and by the European Society of Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition [7,14] and this version is validated for the elderly Brazilian
population [15]. Therefore, the reliability of the method reinforces the
results found here.
The aging condition improves the development of many different
pathologies, which become more serious in long stay institutions for elderly
[16]. There are some factors that may be related to this condition, such as
neurophysiological diseases (e.g. depression) [3], inappropriate nutritional
interventions [17], physical inactivity [18], and, yet, the isolation
environment itself, inherent to long stay institutions for elderly [3].
The malnutrition makes the elderly functional capacity decrease, what
harms their quality of life [19], besides being the strongest risk factor to
predict the short-term mortality [20]. Thus, obtaining an early diagnose is
essential for the elderly health. The results of the present study do not seem
to be exclusive of the region studied, once the studies in other areas of
Brazil have shown high risk of malnutrition in elderly [21]. Study observed
that 55,6% of the 344 institutionalized elderly in the city of Rio de Janeiro
presented risk of malnutrition and 8,3% suffered from malnutrition [21].
The nutritional deficiency is pointed out as one of the main causes of
frailty in the elderly, resulting from the progressive decline of multiple
physiological systems [22] and, therefore, malnutrition may play an important
role in the progression of cognitive loss, impairment of functional status and
increased mortality [23].
Some limitations must be highlighted in this study. Although the MNA is
widely used to assess nutrition status in the elderly [24], we do not use any
more reliable or complementary assessment tools as by biochemical parameters.
In addition, the body mass of some participants was estimated rather than
directly measured by the digital scale as the others, which would have greater
The nutritional assessment as part of the routine of elderly LSIE
residents has great importance, considering the large number of elderly at risk of malnutrition and those already suffering
from malnutrition, as found, in addition to the risks associated with these
conditions. It is necessary to adopt measures to revert this situation. Besides
that, the reformulation of public policies that guarantee a standardized
assessment system for residents of LSIE in Brazil is urgently needed to provide
better management and care for the elderly [25].
The assessment of the nutritional status of institutionalized elderly in
the city of Praia Grande/SP has shown that 49.6% of the elderly presented risk
of malnutrition or malnutrition. Considering the constant increase of the
municipal population in the last 10 years, the interest of the region for the
quality of life, data gathered is worrying and reflects the need to build new
policies concerning the care-related issues in healthy aging, including
qualified assistance in long stay institutions.
of interest: the authors declare no conflict
of interest.