Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2020;19(3);192-201
activity level, climacteric symptoms and health-related quality of life in
postmenopausal women
Nível de atividade
física, sintomas climatéricos e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em
mulheres na pós-menopausa
Patrícia Uchôa Leitão
Cabral1, Betrine Emanuelle de Carvalho1,
Maria Siqueira Silva1, Priscilla Soares Spíndola1, Maria
da Conceição Barbosa da Silva3, Nathanael
Ibsen da Silva Soares2, Yúla Pires da
Silveira Fontenele de Meneses1, Francilene
Batista Madeira1
Estadual do Piauí (UESPI), PI, Brasil
2Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), PI, Brasil
3Centro Universitário Uninovafapi, PI, Brasil
2019 October 30th; Accepted: 2020 May 20th.
Corresponding author: Patrícia Uchôa Leitão
Cabral, Universidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI), Departamento de Educação
Física, Campus Poeta Torquato Neto, Rua João Cabral, 2231 Pirajá 64002-150
Teresina PI
Patrícia Uchôa Leitão
Betrine Emanuelle de Carvalho:
Maria Siqueira Silva:
Priscilla Soares Spíndola:
Maria da Conceição
Barbosa da Silva:
Nathanael Ibsen da Silva Soares:
Yúla Pires da Silveira
Fontenele de Meneses:
Francilene Batista Madeira:
Aim: To assess the relationship between the level of physical
activity, climacteric symptoms and health-related quality of life in
postmenopausal women. Methods: The cross-sectional study included 100 postmenopausal
women using a public leisure park. A questionnaire regarding the
sociodemographic and clinical characteristics was applied. The Menopause Rating
Scale (MRS) was used to assess climacteric symptoms and health-related quality
of life, and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (short
version) to estimate the level of physical activity. Results: The average age of women
was 56.8 years. Insufficiently active women had higher overall score and MRS
domains than physically active ones, indicating higher intensity of climacteric
symptoms (< 0.001). Most (83.3%) of physically active women had a higher
level of health-related quality of life, while in the insufficiently active
group, only 10% had this condition (< 0.001). Active women were 10.6 times
more likely to have better health-related quality of life than insufficiently
active women. Conclusion: Regular physical activity seems to contribute positively to the
reduction of climacteric symptoms and better health-related quality of life in
postmenopausal women.
Keywords: menopause; physical activity; quality of life.
Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre o nível de atividade física, a sintomatologia
climatérica e a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em mulheres na
pós-menopausa. Métodos: O estudo transversal compreendeu 100 mulheres pós-menopáusicas
que frequentavam um parque público de lazer. Aplicou-se um questionário
referente às características sociodemográficas e clínicas. Utilizou-se o Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) para
avaliar a sintomatologia climatérica e a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde,
e o International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)
(versão curta), para estimar o nível de atividade física. Resultados: A média de idade das
mulheres foi de 56,8 anos. As mulheres insuficientemente ativas apresentaram
escore geral mais elevado e por domínios do MRS que as fisicamente ativas,
indicando maior intensidade de sintomas climatéricos (< 0,001). A maioria
(83,3%) das mulheres fisicamente ativas apresentou maior nível de qualidade de
vida relacionada à saúde, enquanto no grupo das insuficientemente ativas,
apenas 10% obteve essa condição (< 0,001). As mulheres ativas tiveram 10,6
vezes mais chances de ter melhor qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde do que
as insuficientemente ativas. Conclusão: A prática de atividades físicas regulares parece
contribuir positivamente para a redução dos sintomas climatéricos e para melhor
qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em mulheres na pós-menopausa.
Palavras-chave: menopausa; atividade
física; qualidade de vida.
Population aging is a phenomenon that has been observed recently in the
world. If the current trend of increasing human life expectancy persists, women
will soon spend half their life in post-menopause [1]. Menopause is related to
the last period confirmed after 12 months of amenorrhea due to ovarian failure
[2]. The physical aspects of general health, emotional well-being, and
health-related quality of life decline during the menopause transition [1,3].
The incidence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and mortality
from all causes is higher in menopausal women compared to women of reproductive
age [4]. Besides, with the decrease in estrogen levels, most women refer to the
increased incidence of psychological, somatic, vasomotor and urogenital
symptoms, in which they tend to negatively influence the quality of life [5-7].
Climacteric symptoms affect between 60 and 80% of women and are
recognized as inducing physical and emotional discomfort that increases with
the severity of symptoms [1,7]. Some of the most common symptoms are hot
flashes, hot palpitations, dizziness, tiredness, headache, poor memory,
insomnia, joint pain, anxiety, irritability, depression, dry skin, increased
abdominal fat, vaginal dryness and urinary urgency [7,8].
Middle-aged women may experience less well-being, lower levels of
health, and quality of life due to menopause [9]. Currently, the hypothesis is
that health-related quality of life in this period would be influenced both by
the severity of symptoms resulting from estrogenic decline and by psychosocial
and cultural factors linked to the aging process itself [2].
Studies show that one of the most effective non-pharmacological
alternatives for reducing climacteric symptoms and for the primary and secondary
prevention of numerous chronic diseases is the practice of regular physical
exercises [10-12].
Elevated levels of physical activity are associated with lower risks of
cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, and mortality from all things
[4]. The climacteric symptoms are less intense among physically active women
when compared to less active and/or sedentary women [6,10,13]. Kim et al.
[7] showed in their studies that a moderate level of physical activity was
associated with a reduction in psychosocial and physical symptoms in Korean
women in perimenopause.
et al. [14] state that physical exercises are quite effective in
reducing vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats. Zanesco et al. [15] add that a single session of aerobic
exercise (such as half an hour of walking, for example) provides significant
improvements in some symptoms of climacteric, among them, anxiety and
Regular physical exercise seems to be an effective therapeutic option to
decrease the symptoms of menopause and improve the quality of life of women
during the climacteric period [5,9,10,13]. Physically active women tend to have
natural endogenous benefits, as physical exercise increases the release of
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), and consequently, adrenaline and
corticosteroids, testosterone, prolactin, GH and endorphins, at the same time,
which decreases luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),
increasing ovarian steroids, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) [16].
Women in the climacteric period become a public that requires greater
attention and care, therefore, there is a need for better performance by the
professionals involved with women's health. Given the above, this study aims to
assess the relationship between the level of physical activity, climacteric
symptoms, and health-related quality of life in postmenopausal women.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, involving 100
postmenopausal women who frequented a public leisure park with adequate
infrastructure for physical and sports activities in the city of Teresina/PI.
Postmenopausal women, who did not use hormone replacement and were
literate, were included in the study. The participants were randomly approached
by the researchers during visits to the park and those who met the inclusion
criteria were invited to participate in the study, by clarifying the research
objectives and signing the Free and Informed Consent Form. For data collection,
three questionnaires were used, dealing with sociodemographic, clinical, and
behavioral aspects; assessment of climacteric symptoms and health-related
quality of life, and assessment of the level of physical activity.
For the assessment of climacteric symptoms and health-related quality of
life, the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) was used. It was elaborated with a
multidimensional character, allowing to assess, in addition to climacteric
symptoms, the general perception of the quality of life in health [17]. This
instrument is specific, validated, and recognized for use in Brazil.
The MRS consists of 11 questions, divided into three domains: somato-vegetative symptoms (hot flashes, heart discomfort,
problems with sleep and muscle and joint problems), urogenital (bladder and
sexual problems and vaginal dryness) and psychological (depressive mood,
irritability, anxiety, physical and mental exhaustion). Each symptom can be
classified by its absence and/or intensity in this way: 0 = absence, 1 = mild,
2 = moderate, 3 = severe and 4 = very severe. Scoring by domains is performed
by adding the afore mentioned symptoms and the severity of symptoms in each
domain is as follows: absent or occasional (0 to 4 points); light (5 to 8
points); moderate (9 to 15 points); or severe (16 points). The higher the score
obtained, the more severe the symptoms and the worse the woman's quality of
life [17].
The level of physical activity was assessed using the domains of the
short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The
instrument assesses the total reported time of weekly physical activity in
minutes, which is represented by the sum of the time spent on insufficient,
moderate, and vigorous activities [18]. The categorization of women (active or
insufficiently active) was based on the criteria established by the World
Health Organization (WHO), which recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate
physical activity per week, or 75 minutes or more of vigorous physical activity
for the improvement of health [19]. Thus, women who met this recommendation
were considered physically active.
Data processing and statistical analysis were performed using the SPSS®
program, version 18.0. Quantitative variables were presented using descriptive
statistics, such as mean and standard deviation, and qualitative variables
using proportion. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to assess the
normality of quantitative variables. Student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney test was
used when analyzing the difference between groups. To check the association
between variables, a chi-square test (χ²) was applied. Prevalence Ratio
(PR) was also used as an effect measure, with a 95% confidence interval (95%
CI), to analyze the association between quality of life and level of physical
activity. The criterion of statistical significance established for all tests
in the study was 5%.
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the State University
of Piauí under opinion number 785.261 and CAAE:
28787114.2.0000.5209, and all women who agreed to participate in the research
signed the Free and Informed Consent Term, according to ethical standards
contained in the rules of Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council for
research with human beings of the Ministry of Health.
Table I presents the sample characterization. It is observed that 60
women were considered physically active and 40 insufficiently active. Their
average age was 56.8 ± 8.2 years old, with an average menopause time of 11.2 ±
6.9 years old. The results showed that there were no significant differences
(p<0.05) between active and insufficiently active in the questions
I – Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of
the women
aχ2test. b Student’s t-test; BMI = body mass index
Table II shows that insufficiently active women have higher scores on
all symptoms of MRS when compared to active women, thus indicating a greater
intensity of symptoms in these women and lower quality of life. The results
showed that there was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) for
each symptom between groups of women.
II – Climacteric symptoms according to the MRS of the
aMann-Whitney test; SD
= Standard deviation
Table III shows that insufficiently active women have the highest scores
in all domains of the MRS when compared to physically active women. The general
MRS score was much higher (26.1 ± 7.3) in the insufficiently active, than in
the physically more active (8.2 ± 6.3), thus meaning that the insufficiently
active had greater climacteric symptoms and less quality of life. All domains
showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.001) between groups.
III – MRS domains of the women evaluated, according to
the level of physical activity
aMann-Whitney test.
SD: Standard deviation
In Table IV, the majority (83.3%) of physically active women was
classified as having a higher/better level of quality of life, while only 10%
of insufficiently active women had this condition. Active women were 10.6 times
more likely to have higher levels of quality of life when compared to
insufficiently active women. The results showed a significant difference
(p < 0.001) between the groups.
IV – Quality of life assessment by the MRS of the
women assessed, according to the level of physical activity
a χ2 test; PR = Prevalence Ratio; CI = Confidence
Studies addressing the relationship between climacteric symptoms,
quality of life, and level of physical activity in postmenopausal women are
still scarce in the literature. This study showed that all 11 menopause
symptoms assessed using MRS had lower scores (lesser intensity of symptoms) in
physically active women than in insufficiently active women. Several studies
have shown similar results, in which the climacteric symptoms were
significantly less intense in the group of more active women [6,8,20].
In this study, it is also observed that the most active women have, in
addition to fewer climacteric symptoms in all areas, better health-related
quality of life. Gonçalves et al. [10], in a population-based survey,
showed that physically active middle-aged women had fewer menopausal symptoms
and a better quality of life than sedentary women.
and Lorenzi [14] observed that 63.6% of sedentary
women reported climacteric symptoms of moderate to severe intensity, the same
was reported by only 33.4% of the physically active group, and yet, physically
active middle-aged women, showed the higher quality of life in the somato-vegetative, urogenital and psychological domains,
when compared to sedentary ones, results that corroborate our findings.
The total MRS score, which involves all domains (Psychological, somato-vegetative, urogenital) was much higher (26.1 ± 7.3)
in insufficiently active women than inactive women (8.2 ± 6.3), indicating a
greater intensity of climacteric symptoms in insufficiently active (p
<0.05). A population-based study carried out in Natal/RN with 370 women aged
40 to 65 years old, also showed that active women reported lower intensity and
lower prevalence of climacteric symptoms when compared to sedentary ones [13].
The impact of a sedentary lifestyle on the increase in complaints
related to climacteric symptoms and the incidence of chronic non-communicable
diseases is negatively reflected in the quality of life of menopausal women
[10,12,21]. In our study, when the MRS score was used as an indicator of the
health-related quality of life of menopausal women, it was observed that the
more active women had a better health-related quality of life than the
insufficiently active women.
Studies have shown that aerobic exercises alone or combined with muscle
resistance exercises can be an effective strategy in reducing vasomotor
symptoms and improving the quality of life of women in menopause [20]. Kim et
al. [7] state that physical exercises are quite effective in reducing
vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats.
Our results showed that the most active women had lower scores in the somato-vegetative domain, which involve several symptoms,
hot flashes, and problems with sleep, than the insufficiently active ones.
According to Boecker et al. [22], physical
exercise can increase the production of beta-endorphins and stimulate central
opioid activity, thus reducing hot flashes. Moudi et
al. [8], when analyzing the relationship between lifestyle and sleep
quality in postmenopausal women, observed that more than half of the women
evaluated in their study (56.6%) reported poor sleep quality and low level of
physical activity showed the strongest risk factor related to this condition.
Still in this regard, a study evaluating women in climacteric using the
Women’s Health Questionnaire found that women who practice physical exercises
had less intensity of vasomotor symptoms and fewer problems with sleep than
women who do not exercise [21].
Through a systematic review, Shepherd-Banigan
et al. [23] observed that the practice of Yoga seems to cause improvements in
vasomotor and psychological symptoms, and this fact can contribute to the
improvement of the quality of life of menopausal women. Zanesco
et al. [15] suggest that a single session of aerobic exercise (such as
half an hour of walking, for example) provides significant improvements in some
symptoms of the climacteric, including anxiety and depression.
A study that compared 2,204 less active women with more active women,
observed that the practice of physical activities was related to the
improvement of climacteric symptoms, among them those of a psychological nature
[7]. Bener et al. [24] evaluated 1101 Arab
women in menopause and post-menopause and found that only 26.8% practiced
physical exercises. In this study, depression, anxiety, and stress were more
prevalent in women who reported not exercising.
Our study showed that active women had a much lower score in the
psychological domain, as well as in all symptoms that involve the same
(depressive mood, irritability, anxiety, physical and mental exhaustion),
meaning fewer climacteric symptoms in active women when compared to
insufficiently active women. Other studies claim that physical exercise,
especially aerobic exercise, can be as effective as sertraline or
cognitive-behavioral therapy for the relief of depression, and can be an
effective means of intervention in mild or moderate depression [20,24].
This study also showed that insufficiently active women had higher
scores on the MRS requirements that involved sexual problems and vaginal
dryness, as well as in the urogenital domain than women considered active. A
study by Cabral et al. [25] revealed that sedentary women had a high prevalence
(78.9%) of sexual dysfunction, while very active women had a lower prevalence
(57.6%) of this condition (p = 0.002).
et al. [26] found a significant association between high levels of
physical activity and the best sexual function of Polish women in
perimenopause. However, it is important to note that investigations suggest
that there is a significant and inversely proportional relationship between
climacteric symptoms and sexual function, in which women with higher levels of
climacteric symptomatology presented low levels of sexual function [27,28].
Thus, for Bailey [29] an active lifestyle and regular physical exercise
should be provided as a means of inserting women into the active universe,
improving their lifestyle by introducing regular physical exercises, such as
promoting quality of life and improving physical, social and physiological
conditions, demystifying the physical decline associated with this menopausal
Considering the findings of the research in question, the results of
this study should be interpreted according to its limitations. Climacteric
symptoms were assessed by self-report, without having been considered clinical
diagnoses. However, studies state that self-administered questionnaires with a
high degree of reliability, validity, and reliability may be the most
appropriate instruments, as they can evaluate subjective aspects involved with
climacteric symptoms [5,30].
Other alternative research representations are needed, preferably
population-based, with assessments before and after physical activity
interventions, to offer new horizons on the relationship between the practice
of physical activities and climacteric symptoms.
Physically active women had a lower intensity of climacteric symptoms
and better health-related quality of life when compared to insufficiently
active women. The practice of regular physical activities seems to contribute
to the reduction of climacteric symptoms, positively influencing the health and
quality of life of postmenopausal women.