Rev Bras Fiiol Exerc 2020;19(3):209-17
of postural balance in older adult practitioners and non-practitioners of
Análise do equilíbrio
postural em idosos praticantes e não praticantes de Pilates
Liliam Graziely
Rodrigues da Cruz1, Willian Bernard de Paula Effgen1,
Daniela Branco Liposcki2, Mabel Gonçalves Almeida3,
Janine Carvalho Valentino Camargos1, Natalia Madalena Rinaldi1
de Análise Biomecânica do Movimento, Centro de
Educação Física e Desportos, Universidade Federal
do Espírito Santo, Brazil
2Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
3Departamento de Fonoaudiologia,Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
on: December 16, 2019; Accepted on: May 25, 2020.
Corresponding author: Natalia Madalena
Rinaldi, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Educação Física e Desportos, Av. Fernando Ferrari 514, 29075-910
Vitória, ES, Brazil
Liliam Graziely
Rodrigues da Cruz:
Willian Bernard de Paula
Daniela Branco Liposcki:
Mabel Gonçalves Almeida:
Janine Carvalho Valentino
Natalia Madalena
Background: The aging process causes physiological changes on psychic and
functional aspects. In this sense, there is a decline in functional capacities
such as strength, balance, proprioception and flexibility, caused by
neuromuscular impairment. Aim: This study aimed to analyze the effect of
Pilates practice on postural balance in older adults. Methods: The study
included 34 elderly (25 female and 9 male) distributed into two groups:
Practitioners and Control (non-Pilates practitioners). At first, a
socio-demographic questionnaire was performed to characterize the sample.
Following, the variables analyzed were the items and scores obtained in the BESTest sections, and the scores of the Mini-Mental and Baecke questionnaires (adapted version for older adults). Results:
No statistical differences were found between Pilates and Non-Pilates groups
for the following items: age, falls, height, body mass, BMI, Mini-Mental and Baecke. However, there was a statistical difference for BESTest, the Pilates group presented a higher overall score
when compared to control group, representing a superior difference of 14.68%. Conclusion: The Pilates practice seems to promote benefits in dynamic balance
in the elderly and can be an important tool to minimize the risk of falls.
Keywords: balance; elderly; Pilates.
Introdução: O processo de
envelhecimento ocasiona uma série de mudanças fisiológicas, as quais estão
associadas aos aspectos psíquicos e funcionais do corpo humano. Neste sentido,
há o declínio das capacidades funcionais como força, equilíbrio, propriocepção
e flexibilidade, ocasionado pelo comprometimento neuromuscular. Objetivo:
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o efeito da prática de Pilates no
equilíbrio postural em idosos. Métodos: Participaram do estudo 34
idosos, dentre os quais 25 do sexo feminino e 9 do sexo masculino, os quais
foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Praticantes de Pilates e Não Praticantes de
Pilates. As variáveis relacionadas foram os itens e scores obtidos nas seções
do BESTest, bem como o score do Mini-Mental
e Baecke. Resultados: Não foram encontradas
diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos Praticantes de Pilates e Não
Praticantes de Pilates para os itens: idade t1,32 = 0,416, p =
0,680), quedas (t1,32 = 0,000, p = 1,000), estatura (t1,32
= 0,542, p = 0,592), massa corporal (t1,32 = 0,380, p = 0,705), IMC
(t1,32 = 1,143, p = 0,262), MiniMental (t1,32
= -1,791, p = 0,083) e Baecke (t1,32 =
-0,92, p = 0.928). Entretanto, o teste T apresentou diferença estatística para
o BESTest (t1,32 = -2,750, p= 0,010),
tendo o grupo Praticante de Pilates uma pontuação geral maior (Praticante de
Pilates = 91 (7,15) / Não Praticante de Pilates = 77,64 (19,52). Conclusão: A prática de Pilates promoveu benefícios
no equilíbrio dinâmico nos idosos e uma importante ferramenta para prevenção de
Palavras-chave: equilíbrio; idosos;
Aging is a fact of worldwide relevance, which results from factors such
as the drop in fertility rates and an increase in life
expectancy [1]. Nowadays, there are around 962 million individuals over the age
of 60 in the world, corresponding to 13% of the world's population [2]. In
Brazil, there was an increase of 4.8 million older adults
people from 2012 to 2017, surpassing 30.2 million older adults people in 2017
[3]. The aging process causes a series of physiological changes, which are
associated with the psychic and functional aspects of the human body. The
psychic aspects involve sensory stimuli and reactions (voluntary, involuntary
and reflexes), and the functional aspects involve the cognitive functions.
In this context, the regular practice of physical activities causes
several benefits to older individuals, among them increased aerobic capacity,
improved muscle strength and flexibility, improved balance and coordination. In
the perspective of the aspects involved in the aging process, the human balance
has been investigated in several studies in the literature [4]. The balance
depends on three perceptive systems: vestibular, proprioceptive and visual [5].
In addition to relying on the integrity of these three systems, balance is also
dependent on sensory integration in the central nervous system, which involves
spatial visual perception, muscle tone adaptation to abrupt changes, joint
strength and flexibility. Thus, the sensory organization is important for the
maintenance of balance and sensory information (visual, vestibular and
proprioceptive) is integrated by the central nervous system [5]. In function of
aging process, there is deficiency in the adjustments of the equilibrium
system, consequently, there is a decrease in the speed of information transmission
and in the processing of responses, generating situations of instability and
increasing predisposition to falls [6].
Moreover, given the specificities caused by the aging process, several
health promotion strategy has been widely used with the older adults public,
among them is the Pilates method, developed by Joseph H. Pilates, which
consists of a series of exercises that promote core stability, strength,
flexibility, attention to muscular control, posture and breathing, leading to
positive responses in body composition, functional capacity, and for balance of
the older adults [7]. The Pilates method has effects on the risk of falling due
to the reduction of the intrinsic factors (sarcopenia, decreased balance,
reduction of fast mechanical response and synergy) and extrinsic factors (fear
of falling, depression), which positively reflects on the risk of falls, since
there is a decrease in loss of muscle mass and consequent gain, improvement of
balance and mechanical responses. For example, Bird and Fell [8] investigated
the effect of the Pilates method on the risk of falls of 30 older subjects for
5 weeks and observed that there was improvement in balance and strength of the
lower limbs, as well as a decreased risk of falls. This study also evaluated
older adults patients after 12 months of initial
intervention, and verified that the older adults still had considerable values
in relation to balance, regardless of whether or not they continued the
practice of Pilates. The older adults who continued with the exercises obtained
strength gains. Thus, the regular participation of older adults in exercise
programs such as Pilates prevents the development and progression of chronic
diseases, prevents falls, promoting a consequent increase in quality and life
expectancy [7]. Pinheiro et al. [9] investigated the influence of Pilates
method on the strength and conductivity of the electrical stimulation of the
lumbar paravertebral muscles, as well as the contraction of the transverse
abdomen muscle in 13 older women before and after exercise. These authors found
improvement in strength and electrical conductivity of the lumbar stabilizing
muscles of the older adults was observed, therefore, Pilates training
positively influenced this musculature.
However, the effect of Pilates practice on postural balance in the older
adults has not been fully elucidated. Therefore, this analysis can investigate
in which component of balance the practice of Pilates may improve. To verify
this possibility of improvement, the BESTest is a
clinical balance assessment tool that investigate different balance systems
(biomechanical constraints, transitions/anticipatory, reactive, sensory
orientation and stability in gait) and it is possible to identify the type of
equilibrium problem to direct specific treatments to older adults. So, the aim
of this study was to investigate the Pilates method on balance in the older
adults and to show specifically the components of balance that could be
affected, or not, by Pilates training, through the BESTest.
Furthermore, we expected that older adults involved in Pilates training will
present a better performance in some subitens of BESTest such as sitting on floor and stand up, sitting
verticality and lateral lean, functional reach - forward, functional reach -
lateral, compensatory stepping correction – lateral, change in gait speed, walk
with head turns – horizontal, walk with pivot turns, timed “get up & go”
and timed “get up & go” with dual task than older adults that is not involved
in Pilates training.
Thirty-four older adults (25 females and 9 males) were distributed into
2 groups: Pilates (experimental group): 17 older adults who practiced Pilates
for at least 3 months (12 women and 5 men), Non Pilates (control group): 17
older adults people who did not practice any physical activity for at least 3
months (13 women and 4 men), or who had some level of daily physical activity.
The participation in the study was voluntary and was applied only for those who
signed the Consent Form. The invitation of the participants was with the
supervisor of the studios of Pilates (who applied the training program). It was
selected 27 studios and gyms that offer Pilates training, but 15 were included
(3 were closed and 9 decline to participated). The inclusion criterion to the
older adults was: to practice the activities proposed by the Pilates
methodology in the two categories: mat Pilates, include exercises on the ground
and with no specific equipment; and the Pilates apparatus, where exercises were
performed in some equipment developed by Pilates (reformer, cadillac,
wall unit, combo chair) [10]. The participants must have a weekly frequency of
two days, in one hour session for at least three
months. The exclusion criteria were absence of neurological, vestibular and
musculoskeletal diseases that could compromise the performance of motor tasks,
the use of orthoses or prostheses and medications with a postural balance. This
study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Espirito Santo, with number 2.455.865, on December 22,
Initially, an anamnesis questionnaire was applied to verify the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, as well as to investigate the clinical
condition and the number of falls of the older adults. In addition, the
questionnaire of the Mini Mental State Exam [11] was applied to evaluate the
cognitive functions of the older adults. The Baecke
questionnaire [12] was used to verify the level of physical activity (daily
activities, sports and leisure) of each group. For clinical evaluation of the
static and dynamic balance, the BESTest scale was
used with 36 items [13]. This protocol consists of the analysis of six
essential patterns for maintaining posture and balance, and are:
Biomechanical Restrictions: analyzes the base of support, center of mass
alignment, ankle strength and amplitude, hip / trunk lateral force, sit on the
floor and lift.
Stability limits: sitting vertical and lateral inclination, functional range
forward and lateral functional reach.
Transitions - Anticipatory posture adjustments: sitting upright, standing on
tiptoes, standing on one leg, tapping step alternately, standing up arm.
Reactive postural responses: response in place (forward), response in place
(backward), correction with compensatory step (forward), correction with
compensatory step (backward) and correction with compensatory step (lateral).
Sensory orientation: sensory integration for balance and inclination (eyes
Stability in gait: gait (flat surface), change in gait speed, walking with
head-turns (horizontal), walking and spinning on the shaft, passing over
obstacles, timed Get Up & Go and Get Up & Go "timed with dual
The dependent variables used in this study were the obtained scores in
each questionnaire (Baecke and Mini Mental) and in
The Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest).
To verify the normality and homogeneity of the data, the Shapiro Wilk
test and the Levene test were used, respectively. The
data presented normal distribution. Thus, the Student's t-Test with independent
measures (group: Pilates vs. Non Pilates) was performed
to verify possible differences between the groups for the following variables:
scores of clinical evaluations (height / body mass, Baecke,
Mini-Mental, BESTest and BESTest
items). For all analysis, the level of significance was set at p ≤ 0.05.
We did not find difference between Pilates and Non Pilates for age (t1,32
= 0.42, p = 0.68), history of falls (t1,32 = 0.00, p = 1,00), height
(t1,32 = 0.54, p = 0.59), body mass (t1,32 = 0.38, p=
0.70), IMC (t1,32 = 1.14, p = 0,26), Mini Mental (t1,32 =
-1.79, p = 0.08) and Baecke (t1,32 =
-0.92, p = 0.93) (Table I). However, we found difference between Pilates and
Non-Pilates groups for BESTest (t1,32 =
-2.75, p = 0.01). In relation to the total score of BESTest,
the Pilates Group presented a greater performance than the Non-Pilates group
(Pilates = 91 (±7.15) pts | Non-Pilates = 77.64 (± 19.52) pts).
In relation to the items of the BESTest, we
found difference for the following balance domains: Biomechanical constraints
(sit to stand, t1,32 = -2,46, p = 0.019); Stability limits (sitting
vertical and lateral lean, t1,32 = -4.91, p = 0.00, functional reach
forward, t1,32 = -2,38, p = 0.023 and functional reach lateral, t1,32
= -2.25, p = 0.031); Reactive postural responses (compensatory stepping correction
- lateral, t1,32 = -2,34, p = 0.026) and, finally, Stability in gait
(change in gait speed t1,32 = -2,47, p = 0.019); walking with head
turns - horizontal t1,32 =
-2.068, p = 0.047, walking with pivot turns, t1,32 = -2,805, p =
0.008, timed "Get up & Go", t1,32 = -2.949, p = 0.006
and timed "Get up & Go" with dual task, t1,32 =
-2.733, p = 0.01 (Figure 1).
I - Mean and standard deviation in parentheses of
age, body mass and height, clinical tests (Baecke,
Mini-Mental, BESTest) for Pilates and non-Pilates
groups and p-value (p ≤ 0.05)
1 - Mean and standard deviation of items A) sit and
stand up, B) sitting vertical and lateral slope, C) functional range forward,
D) lateral functional reach, E) correction with lateral compensatory step, F)
change in speed, G) Walk with head turns horizontal, H) Walk with pivot tunrs I) get up & go timed, J) get up & go timed
with dual task, for the older adults groups Pilates and Non-Pilates (*p ≤
The aim of this study was to compare the effect of the Pilates Method on
the components of the older adults balance, comparing
the balance through the subitems of the BESTest scale
[13]. This protocol consists of the analysis of six essential patterns for
maintaining posture and balance (Biomechanical Restrictions, Stability Limits,
Transitions - Anticipatory Postural Adjustments, Reactive Postural Responses,
Sensory Orientation and Stability in Gait) [13]. In relation to the clinical
variables, such as, cognitive aspects, which were evaluated by Mini-Mental test
[11], and anthropometric variables (BMI, body mass, stature), no statistical
differences was found between the groups (Pilates x Non-Pilates) that indicates
that the cognitive level and the anthropometric characteristics was paired.
For the 27 BESTest sub-items, only 10
sub-items showed statistical difference between groups, and were: sit on the
floor and stand up; seated verticality and lateral inclination; functional
forward range; lateral functional reach; correction with compensatory-lateral
step; change in walking speed; walking with horizontal-head turns; walking and
spinning on the shaft; get up & go timed and get up & go timed with
dual task. Thus, improvement of these sub-items of the BESTest
demonstrates that, training in the Pilates method may work on strengthening
lower limbs [14].
Flores et al. [14] investigated the effects of 30 sessions of
Pilates mat on the flexibility of the posterior chain, flexibility of the lower
and upper limbs, strength of the lower limbs and the quality of life in older
women. 45 older women, distributed into an experimental group and a control
group, participated in the study. There was significant improvement in the
experimental group of posterior chain flexibility, flexibility and strength of
the lower limbs, and quality of life. Moreover, older adults who practice
Pilates presented a higher overall score at BESTest
than non-practicing older adults (91 (7.15) and 77.64 (19.52), respectively),
confirming the hypothesis presented by this study. These results show that
Pilates method presents a positive effect on the components of balance systems,
as we showed in this study by the BESTest scale. The
Pilates method uses low-speed muscle work to promote body control through the
exercises performed. The principles used in this methodology (concentration,
control, accuracy, movement fluidity, breathing and center of force
contraction) combined with exercise result in the main benefits of the practice
(could increase flexibility and muscle strength) [15]. Thus, the principles of
the Pilates method can be analyzed together with the components of postural
balance (biomechanical restrictions, stability / verticality limits,
anticipatory postural adjustments, postural responses, sensory orientation and
gait stability), which were analyzed through the six balance systems in BESTest. In this context, BESTest
was the instrument that allowed the complete analysis of the balance components
present in the Pilates method practice, allowing us, for example, to observe
that the Pilates method training may strengthened the lower limbs, improving
the squat and lift performance, seen in the item sit on the floor and stand up.
It also acted in stabilizing the core by working the abdomen (internal oblique,
external, transverse), gluteus, biceps femoris, spine erectors, as seen in the
sitting upright and lateral inclination, forward functional range and lateral
functional range and, finally, Pilates method can increase the gait
stabilization and reactive actions, seen in the items compensation with lateral
compensatory step, change in gait speed, walking with horizontal head turns,
walking and turning on the axis, get up & go timed and get up & go
timed with dual task.
Another item analyzed was the level of daily physical activity (Baecke), which consists of a questionnaire adapted from Baecke, Burema and Frijters [12] for older adults. This questionnaire
addresses 10 questions about domestic activities as well as questions about
activities performed during leisure or sports. Baecke
test did not detected a difference between the groups, which indicates that the
older adults had similar levels of physical activity when starting the
intervention with the Pilates method. Although there was no statistical difference
on Baecke test, the score of the Pilates group was
higher than non-practicing group only on BESTest, so
it is important to mention that the Pilates practice was a differential for the
older adults that were involved in Pilates activity.
In function of the training protocol and the specificities of the aging
process (sarcopenia, loss of flexibility, decreased cognitive functions, loss
of muscle strength and impaired balance), the benefits of Pilates practice to
the older adults are remarkable. Therefore, the Pilates method influences
postural control, because it is composed of a series of exercises that promote
core stability, strength, flexibility, attention to muscular control, posture
and respiration, requiring adaptations and responses of the perceptive systems
(vestibular, proprioceptive and visual), and muscular, causing positive
responses in body composition, functional capacity, and in the balance of the
older adults [16].
Moreover, the flexibility could be improved, because exercises were performed
with greater joint amplitude, enabling the improvement of the force in
different joint angles that changes the movement control and can prevent
injuries, consequently promoting the improvement of the individual's functional
capacity [14]. Finally, Barker et al. [17] investigated the effect of
Pilates on balance and falls in older adults, and whether programs tested in
prior studies attend to recommendations for physical exercise to prevent falls.
They suggested that Pilates method can improve balance and it is an important
risk factor for falls in older adults. In this systematic review, authors found
some studies that showed an improvement in balance after Pilates sessions,
however, most of studies in this review only evaluated body balance using TUG,
force plate and POMA tests. In this present study, we used a balance test that
can evaluate different balance systems (biomechanical constraints,
transitions/anticipatory, reactive, sensory orientation and stability in gait)
and it is extremely important that this scale can help to detect different
types of equilibrium problems to prevent falls and to give a specific
rehabilitation to older adults.
One limitation found in this work was the non-control of Pilates
practice time. Some older adults practiced Pilates a few years ago, while other
older adults people practiced only a few months ago. This chronic practice time
of some of the participants may have overestimated the values of the BESTest total score. Therefore, it is suggested that new
studies work with a greater control of the participants practice time.
Although, it is suggested that a group of non-practitioners of Pilates be
trained by 12 weeks, with a pre and pos-training evaluation by BESTest, to really assure the benefits presents from the
Pilates method.
It is possible that regular practice of the Pilates method promotes
muscular strength gain, flexibility, hypertrophy, body control and improves
other components of postural balance (vestibular, visual and proprioceptive
system; biomechanical constraints, stability / verticality limits, transitions/anticipatory,
reactive, sensory orientation and gait stability). Moreover, it is concluded
that the practice of Pilates presented benefits in the dynamic balance of the
older adults, can reduce the risk of falls and, consequently, the improvement
of the quality of life.