Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2020;19(2):134-40
among anthropometric and hemodynamic variables in public servants of Sergipe
Relação entre variáveis
antropométricas e hemodinâmicas em servidores públicos de Sergipe
Patrícia Morgana
Ferreira Santos1, Lúcio Marques Vieira Souza1,2, Jymmys Lopes dos Santos2, Matheus Amarante do
Nascimento3, Clésio Andrade Lima2, Ricardo Aurélio
Carvalho Sampaio4
1Secretaria de Estado da Educação, do Esporte e da Cultura de Sergipe (SEDUC), Aracaju, SE, Brazil
2Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS, São Cristóvão, SE, Brazil
3Departamento de
Educação Física, Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR), Campus Paranavaí,
Paranavaí, PR, Brazil
4Departamento de
Educação Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), São Cristóvão/SE,
on: February 5, 2020; accepted on April 9, 2020.
Corresponding author: Lúcio Marques Vieira
Souza, Cidade Universitária “Prof. José Aloísio de Campos”, Av. Marechal
Rondon, s/n. Jardim Rosa Elze, 49100-000 São
Patrícia Morgana
Ferreira Santos:
Lúcio Marques Vieira
Jymmys Lopes dos Santos:
Matheus Amarante do
Clésio Andrade Lima:
Ricardo Aurélio Carvalho
activities have an important prophylactic effect against cardiovascular
diseases, as they promote reduction in body weight and blood pressure levels,
for example. Individuals working on administrative functions tend to be
sedentary, with consequent risk of obesity. However, the relationship among
anthropometric and hemodynamic variables is still inconsistent. Thus, the aim of
this study was to analyze the correlation among anthropometric and hemodynamic
parameters of public servants. This is an observational and cross-sectional
study with a sample of 147 individuals. It was verified that normotensive men
had higher body mass index than hypertensive men. In contrast, these
individuals showed higher resting heart rate values. It was noted that none of
the anthropometric variables were associated with systolic and diastolic blood
pressure; the associations verified were among anthropometric variables (r =
0.738 - body weight and hip; and r = 0.936 - abdomen and waist circumference).
Also, no associations among anthropometric variables, blood pressure indices
and resting heart rate were observed. In conclusion, although anthropometric
variables are good predictors of body adiposity, they are not necessarily
related to hemodynamic variables. The practice of physical activities should be
encouraged within work routines, at appropriate times, aiming to improve
healthy habits and anthropometric indicators.
Keywords: anthropometry; hemodynamics; public servants; cardiovascular risk;
Atividades físicas têm
importante efeito profilático contra doenças cardiovasculares, pois promovem
redução do peso corporal e níveis pressóricos, por exemplo. Indivíduos que
desenvolvem trabalhos administrativos têm tendência ao sedentarismo, com
consequente risco de obesidade. No entanto, a relação entre medidas
antropométricas e hemodinâmicas ainda é inconsistente. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho
foi analisar a correlação entre parâmetros antropométricos e hemodinâmicos de
servidores públicos. É um estudo observacional e transversal com uma amostra de
147 indivíduos. Verificou-se que homens normotensos apresentaram maiores médias
de índice de massa corporal em relação aos hipertensos. Em contrapartida, esses
indivíduos demonstraram maiores valores de frequência cardíaca em repouso.
Notou-se que nenhuma das variáveis antropométricas foi associada à pressão
arterial sistólica e diastólica, observando-se apenas associações das variáveis
antropométricas entre si (r = 0,738 - peso corporal e quadril; e r = 0,936 -
abdômen e circunferência de cintura). Portanto, não se observou associações
entre variáveis antropométricas, índices pressóricos e frequência cardíaca de
repouso. Conclui-se que, apesar das variáveis antropométricas serem boas
preditoras de adiposidade corporal, não necessariamente são relacionadas com
variáveis hemodinâmicas. A prática de atividade física deve ser estimulada
dentro das rotinas laborais, em momentos oportunos, buscando incentivo a
hábitos saudáveis e melhoria dos indicadores antropométricos.
Palavras-chave: antropometria;
hemodinâmica; servidores públicos; risco cardiovascular; adiposidade.
It is well known the positive effects of regular physical exercise on
reducing the risk of chronic degenerative diseases, such as hypertension and
diabetes [1,2]. Part of these effects are related to the decrease in blood
pressure levels of obese individuals [3], including overweight young women [4],
thus exercising beneficial prophylactic effects on hyperinsulinemic
profiles [5].
Studies associated high rates of cardiovascular diseases to arterial
hypertension [6-8] and overweight [9], which corroborate the high incidence in
several countries around the world. It is also necessary to consider that large
portion of the population spends part of their lives in the work environment
and many of these jobs are potential triggers for sedentary behavior [10,11].
In the study by Parry and Straker [12], results showed that a part of
individuals with productive lives, including those that involve office work
activities, presented sedentary behavior in 82% of the hours; while those who
were not at work had 62%. This leads to the need of formulating proposals that
involve changes in habits, focusing on reducing sedentary behaviors, aiming at
improving the cardiometabolic health of these people, with a consequent
increase in quality of life [13].
In this context, there is still inconsistency in the relationship
between overweight and obesity, verified through anthropometric measurements,
and the risks of hypertension in men and women in different segments of
workplace [14-16]. Evidence points out that there is a strict relationship
between anthropometric variables and long-term cardiometabolic health [17],
however, in Brazil, there is a scarcity of studies involving working
environment, especially in the Northeastern part of the country.
Only few studies analyzed the associations among anthropometric
variables related to parameters of cardiovascular health of individuals in the
workplace. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the relationship
among anthropometric variables and blood pressure in public servants of an
executive branch of the state of Sergipe.
and subjects
This study had a cross-sectional observational design. The sample
consisted of 147 individuals of both sexes, categorized according to blood
pressure values (mean age: normotensive men 38.87 ± 10.49 years, hypertensive
41.64 ± 10.35 years; mean age: normotensive women 44.57 ± 9.98, hypertensive
39.81 ± 15.47 years). Participants were chosen at random from among various
sectors of an executive branch of the State of Sergipe. As inclusion criterion,
age range proposed for the study was from 19 to 61 years, aiming to cover the
largest number possible of participants; however, the mean age found indicates
subjects close to 40 years old. Data were collected by trained evaluators using
previously calibrated equipment. Data collection occurred during office hours
between 8 am and 11 am. Analyzed variables involved personal information (age
and sex); anthropometric measures (body mass index [BMI], hip circumference
[HC], waist circumference [WC] and waist to hip ratio [WHR]; hemodynamic
conditions (systolic blood pressure [SBP], diastolic blood pressure [DBP] and
resting heart rate [RHR]).
All volunteers were informed about the objectives of the study and
research criteria involving human beings, following the guidelines of
Resolution no 196/1996, updated in Resolution no 510/2016 of the National
Health Council and gave their signed consent prior enrollment. The research was
approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Sergipe
(UFS), through process #41225414.4.0000.5546.
Age and sex were recorded using a questionnaire. Age was arranged in
years, considering a decimal scale from the date of birth to the date of
Body mass was measured on a scale with a maximum capacity of 150 kg and
precision of 0.1 kg (G-Tech, Glass Pro), while height was measured with a
standard stadiometer (Wiso®, Brazil), with an
accuracy of 0.1 cm. WC was obtained using a non-extensible measuring tape,
positioned immediately above the umbilical scar and the reading made at the
time of expiration, according to recommended standards [18].
HC was measured in the region with the largest perimeter between the
waist and the thigh [19]. The WHR was calculated using the ratio between WC and
HC and classified according to the cutoff points previously described in the
literature [20]. Nutritional status was established from the BMI, defined as
the division of body mass (kg) by the square of height (m).
Regarding hemodynamic variables, SBP, DBP and RHR were measured. To
measure the blood pressure, an automatic oscillometer blood pressure measuring
equipment (Omron, HEM-7200, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil) was used.
Thereafter, three consecutive blood pressure measurements were performed in
which the difference in SBP and DBP values was a maximum of four millimeters of
mercury (4 mmHg). For this, a minimum of one minute was respected between each
measure. An optimum blood pressure value <120/80 mmHg and an altered value ≥
140/90 mmHg were considered. The procedures followed the recommendations of the
Brazilian Society of Hypertension [21].
In statistical analysis, descriptive statistical methods of frequencies
were used. Initially, data were analyzed based on the comparison between normotensive
and hypertensive individuals, according to sex. Thus, the independent t test
for parametric variables and the Mann-Whitney U test for non-parametric
variables were adopted.
Lastly, Pearson and Spearman's binary correlations, when appropriate,
were also performed, aiming to verify the correlation between the sample's
anthropometric and hemodynamic variables. The statistical difference was
established as p <0.05. For all analyzes SPSS version 22 was used.
Table I shows the comparison between participants stratified into
normotensive and hypertensive individuals, by sex. No significant differences
were found for almost all variables except, clearly, for SBP and DBP. In
addition, normotensive men had higher means related to BMI in relation to
hypertensive individuals, whose, in contrast, showed higher values for RHR.
I - Anthropometric and hemodynamic characteristics
Authors (2020); *p ≤ 0.05
Table II shows the correlation analyzes between anthropometric and hemodynamic
variables. It was noted that despite the relationship among anthropometric
variables, no association was found among anthropometry, SBP, DBP and RHR.
II - Bivariate correlation of anthropometric and
hemodynamic variables of hypertensive workers
Authors (2020); *p ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01
In the present study, although strong correlations were found among
anthropometric variables, there was no relationship among anthropometric and
hemodynamic variables (i.e., SBP, DBP and RHR). However, other findings showed
a higher prevalence of overweight in normotensive men compared to the
hypertensive group, which presented higher levels of RHR.
Overweight and obesity are classified as serious public health issues of
multifactorial origin, characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat,
which has shown increased prevalence at international levels [20]. The unwanted
increase in adipose tissue is often due to hypokinesia and high caloric intake,
consequently resulting in negative health outcomes, such as increased risk of
chronic degenerative diseases [22].
Nutritional status in this investigation was verified by the BMI. Lower
values of overweight were identified in the hypertensive group; however, it is
plausibly highlighted that the accumulation of adipose tissue over time is
related to the risks of hypertension in men and women, as reported in clinical
trials that analyzed individuals from different work sectors [14-16].
Regarding RHR, hypertensive men showed higher rates at rest. In this
context, a prospective study analyzed and described gender differences among
other hemodynamic reference variables such as SBP and DBP and observed the
occurrence of higher values for males compared to the opposite sex [18]. It
then indicates that adequate management, new formulations and more effective
strategies must be implemented in this population when addressing these issues,
especially regarding sex differences.
Another study, however, with a sample involving 290 hypertensive
patients (62.1% women), found that hypertensive women had greater control of
these disorders compared to men, despite the existence of negative biopsychosocial
variables that could influence treatment adherence [23].
Blood pressure indicators are essential for the prevention and
monitoring of future cardiovascular events. The tracking of these variables
obtained through basic and applied research, results in the development of
public health strategies for primary and secondary preventions in combating the
harmful effects on health status [24].
In this study, strong correlations were found between anthropometric
indicators (r=0.738 - for weight and hips; and r=0.936 - for abdomen and waist
circumference), but it was not possible to observe these associations with the
outcome variables (SBP and DBP), a possible explanation was the low sample size
that did not allow to verify inferences.
The workplace is a susceptible scenario for interventions to reduce and
interrupt sedentary behaviors aiming to improving cardiometabolic health and,
consequently, the quality of life of these individuals [15,16].
There is great importance in monitoring and screening anthropometric and
cardiovascular parameters in the national scenario, of studies with
epidemiological samples that better represent cultural conditions of workers involved
in different functions of organs of the executive branch.
To date, no study was conducted in the workplace with public servants in
the State of Sergipe involving variables such as overweight/obesity obtained
through different anthropometric measurements in cardiovascular health, thus
reflecting on possible quality of life parameters.
Encouraging people to be physically active with implementations of
physical activity programs in the workplace are pertinent approaches to deal
with poor health habits. Especially in view of the associated risks between
obesity, cardiovascular health and mortality. It is recommended the practice of
physical activities at opportune times, within working routines and to
encourage practices also outside of it, aiming to improve anthropometric