Enferm Bras 2021;20(3):283-92
doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v20i3.3969
Futsal as a therapeutic strategy for individuals with
chemical dependence
como estratégia terapêutica para indivíduos com dependência química
Tadeu da Silva Junior1, Rubens Venditti
Junior2, Julio Wilson dos Santos2
1Centro Universitário Católico Salesiano Auxilium de Lins, Lins, SP, Brasil
2Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP),
Laboratório de Atividade Motora Adaptada, Psicologia Aplicada e Pedagogia do
Esporte, Bauru, SP, Brasil
12 de março de 2020; Accepted: 31 de março de 2021
Correspondence: Osvaldo Tadeu da Silva Junior, Av. Eng. Luís Edmundo Carrijo Coube, 14-01 Vargem Limpa 17033-360 Bauru SP
Osvaldo Tadeu da Silva Junior: osvaldo.tadeu@gmail.com
Rubens Venditti Junior:
Julio Wilson dos Santos:
Introduction: Studies show
that chronic use of psychoactive substances is associated with reduced
cognitive function, in addition to negatively affecting emotional regulation,
reinforcing drug use behavior. Objective: Analyze the acute effect of a
futsal match on the state of humor and cognitive function in volunteers with
alcohol and drug use disorders attended at CAPS-ad. Methods:
Participants were divided into two groups: control group (n = 10) and futsal
group (n = 10). application of the Brunel mood scale questionnaire and the Corsi cube test at the beginning and end of the match for
both groups. Results: In the inter-group analysis in the
post-intervention stage, rabies (p = 0.008), depression (p = 0.005) and tension
(p = 0.009) were observed, and in the intragroup analysis the group playing
futsal presented a reduction in factors anger (p = 0.03), depression (p =
0.007) and tension (p = 0.01) evidencing a change in mood. Regarding
operational memory, there was an increase in the number of blocks recalled (p =
0.0002) in the inter-group analysis and (p = 0.01) in the futsal group after
the intra-group analysis. Conclusion: The realization of a futsal match
used as a non-pharmacological strategy in the treatment of chemical dependents was
able to positively modulate mood and cognitive function. However, the futsal
game still needs to be further studied as a content option in a regular
physical activity program for the treatment of dependents.
Keywords: exercise; affection; cognition; mental
Introdução: Estudos mostram que o uso crônico de
substâncias psicoativas está associado com redução na função cognitiva, além de
afetar de forma negativa a regulação emocional reforçando o comportamento para
o uso de drogas. Objetivo: analisar o efeito agudo de uma partida de
futsal sobre o estado de humor e na função cognitiva em indivíduos
toxicodependentes, atendidos no CAPS-ad. Métodos: Os participantes foram
divididos em dois grupos, Grupo controle (n = 10) e Grupo futsal (n = 10). Para
a avaliação do estado de humor foi utilizado à escala de humor de Brunel e o teste de cubos de Corsi para a memória de
trabalho visuespacial. Resultados: Na análise
intergrupos pós-intervenção, verificou-se redução dos fatores raiva (p =
0,008), depressão (p = 0,005) e tensão (p = 0,009). Já na análise intragrupos,
o grupo futsal apresentou redução dos fatores raiva (p = 0,03), depressão (p =
0,007) e tensão (p = 0,01) evidenciando mudança no estado de humor. Em relação
à memória operacional, houve um aumento na quantidade de blocos recordados (p =
0,0002) na análise intergrupos e intragrupo (p = 0,01) no grupo futsal. Conclusão:
A realização de uma partida de futsal utilizada como uma estratégia não
farmacológica no tratamento de dependentes químicos foi capaz de modular de
forma positiva o estado de humor e a função cognitiva destes sujeitos. No
entanto, o jogo de futsal ainda precisa ser mais estudado como opção de
conteúdo em um programa de atividade física regular para o tratamento de
dependentes químicos.
Palavras-chave: exercício; afeto; cognição; saúde
Drug addiction
has become a serious global health problem [1]. In Brazil, the Unified Health
System (SUS) aims to promote the health of the population by providing free care
to anyone [2]. Patients with mental disorders, under the SUS, receive care in
the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS) at the points of attendance in
Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) and its different modalities.
CAPS are free
community services, designed to treat people with mental illnesses and chemical
dependency who need intensive care. The CAPS-ad (ad refers to alcohol and
drugs) guarantees specialized care by a multidisciplinary team for people with
alcohol and drug use disorders through psychotherapy, pharmacological therapy,
biological and social models [3,4].
According to the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American
Psychiatric Association (DSM-V), drug addiction is classified as a substance
use disorder and other associated disorders [5]. According to the International
Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), drug addiction is characterized by the
presence of a set of behavioral, physiological, and cognitive symptoms,
evidencing the continuous use of a substance, despite significant problems
related to the physical and mental health of the use [6].
studies show that the chronic use of psychoactive substances can promote
functional and structural changes in the brain [7]. Changes such as reduced
metabolic activity in the prefrontal cortex [8] decreased oxygenation [9] and
reduced amount of gray matter in the anterior and prefrontal cingulate cortex
have already been reported [10]. Physical exercise has been recommended as a
treatment alternative capable of promoting positive effects on cognitive
performance, cerebral oxygenation level [13], reduced desire for drugs,
improved self-esteem and mood [14]. These results reinforce the role of
exercise as an adjunct in the treatment of impaired frontal cortex activity and
cognitive function in individuals with drug use disorder. However, as far as we
are aware, no study has investigated the effect of sports as a form of non-drug
treatment on cognitive function and mood in addicted people.
Thus, the aim of
this study was to verify the acute effect of a futsal match on mood and
cognitive function in drug addict patients treated at the CAPS-ad in the city
of Lins/SP.
Twenty men under
treatment for alcohol and drug dependency, attended at CAPS-ad in the city of Lins/SP, voluntarily participated in the study. All the
participants in the research sample had practiced futsal for 3 months with a
frequency of once a week, unanimously chosen from the options presented as
forms of non-pharmacological treatment in CAPS-ad. The inclusion criteria were: aged between 18 and 45 years; diagnosis of drug
dependence, guided by the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)
regardless of the time of treatment and dependence; no health restrictions and
limitations identified by the PAR-Q questionnaire; and no impairment in mental
state identified by the mini-mental state examination.
diagnosis, 15% of participants presented cocaine dependence (erythroxylum coca), 10% crack (erythroxylum
coca), 60% marijuana (tetrahydrocarbinol), and 80%
alcohol. Regarding the use of prescription drugs, 5% used olanzapine, depakote, nortriptyline, amitriptyline, and topiramate, 10%
carbomazepine, biperiden, levomepromazine,
sertraline, quetiapine, haldol decanoate, and biperdene, 15% respite, and 20% clonazepam.
The project was
approved by the research committee under the protocol CAAE:
98155118.2.0000.5379 opinion no. 2,991,593.
After approval
by the ethics committee and signing of the TCLE, the subjects participated in
two moments of the study. At first, after recruiting the participants, a
meeting was held to present the methodology used in the research. At this
meeting, the anamnesis, physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q) [15]
and mini-mental status examination [16] were applied. In the second moment, the
participants were randomly divided into two groups: (a) "Control
group" (GC, n = 10) and (b) "Futsal group" (GF, n = 10). The
control group remained at rest in the location, while the futsal group played a
futsal match with two 20-minute periods. These periods were separated by a
05-minute interval. The "Brunel Humor Scale Questionnaire" and "Corsi Cube Test" were applied to both groups at the
beginning and end of the match.
activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q): Participants responded to the
physical activity readiness questionnaire to identify the need for assessment
by a physician before beginning or increasing the level of physical activity.
mental examination (MEM): The subjects answered the questionnaire, composed of
11 items that evaluate five areas of cognitive function: orientation,
attention, calculation, memory, and language. The maximum possible score is 30
points. All individuals with scores below 29 points were considered to present
cognitive impairment.
Brums' mood
scale (Brunel) - instrument for detecting the mood state: For the evaluation of
mood state, the subjects answered the Brunel questionnaire, which is sensitive
and reliable in the evaluation of emotional states [17]. The mood assessment
instrument contains 24 items and measures six mood factors: anger, mental
confusion, depression, fatigue, tension, and vigor. The items in each subscale
are: Anger: annoyed, bitter, angry, bad-tempered; (items 7, 11, 19, 22);
Confusion: confused, muddled, mixed-up, uncertain (items 3, 9, 17, 24);
Depression: depressed, downhearted, unhappy, miserable; (items 5, 6, 12, 16);
Fatigue: worn out, exhausted, sleepy, tired (items 4, 8, 10, 21); Tension:
panicky, anxious, worried, nervous; (items 1, 13, 14, 18); Vigor: lively,
energetic, active, alert (items 2, 15, 20, 23). The respondents answered
regarding how they feel about these sensations by means of a 5-point scale
(from 0 = none to 4 = extremely).
blocks test - instrument for assessing visuospatial working memory: The test
consisted of the random arrangement of nine blocks in a panel. The evaluator
pointed out an increasing sequence of two to nine blocks and the participant
was required to repeat the sequence. The test was terminated when the subject
reached the maximum sequence, or in the case of two consecutive errors within
the same sequence. The score was determined by the maximum sequence of
remembered blocks [18].
For analysis of
the results, we used descriptive statistics with mean and standard deviation
and the data are presented in graphs as median and inter quartile interval. The
memory and mood test data were assessed for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk
test. The Wilcoxon test was used for the intragroup analysis and the
Mann-Whitney test for the intergroup analysis pre- and post-match for the mood
scale and memory tests. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism
6 software. Significance values (p ≤ 0.05) were considered significant.
The descriptive
data (mean and standard deviation) of the participants characterization
variables are shown in table I. There was no difference between the groups.
Table I - Morphofunctional characteristics and treatment
time of CAPS-ad volunteers in the city of Lins/SP
Values expressed as
mean ± standard deviation (SD), BMI (body mass index)
Figure 1
presents the intergroup analysis. During the first stage of the study (pre),
none of the mood state factors presented differences (anger, p = 0.84, mental
confusion p = 0.79, depression p = 0.69, fatigue, p = 0.91, tension p = 0.95,
and vigor p = 0.28). On the other hand, during the second stage (post), the
intergroup analysis showed a significant difference in the factors of anger (A,
p = 0.008), depression (C, p = 0.005), and tension (E, p = 0.009).
The data correspond to
the median and inter quartile difference of n = 10 participants per group; *p ≤ 0.05 significant difference in the pre and
post futsal intragroup analysis. # p ≤ 0.05 significant difference
intergroup of the control group and intervention after futsal match
Figure 1 - Presentation
of the results on mood (A), confusion (B), depression (C), fatigue (D), tension
(E), and vigor (F) levels; from the division of groups in table I
In the
intra-group analysis between the pre and post stages, the control group did not
present significant differences in any of the factors of the mood scale (rage p
= 0.17, confusion p = 0.79, depression p = 0.75, fatigue p = 0.71, tension p =
0.37, and force p = 0.15), whereas the intervention group with futsal presented
significant differences in the factors of anger (A, p = 0.03), depression (C, p
= 0.007), and tension (E, p = 0.01).
The results of
the inter-group analysis of the operational memory test (Corsi
blocks) at the pre-futsal moment presented no significant difference (p =
0.59), on the other hand there was a significant difference post-intervention
(p = 0.001), with the futsal group recalling a larger number of blocks when
compared to the control group. In the intra-group analysis, no significant difference
was found in the control group (p = 0.99), but a significant difference was
observed in the number of blocks remembered in the intervention group with
futsal (p = 0.01).
presented as median and inter quartile range. * P ≤ 0.05 significant
difference in the pre and post futsal intragroup analysis. # p ≤ 0.05
significant difference intergroup of the control group and intervention after
futsal match
Figure 2 - Corsi
memory test, n = 10 participants per group
In the context
of the treatment of chemical dependence, the search for intervention strategies
that aid in treatment and recovery continues to challenge researchers [19]. In
this study, the results suggest that the acute effect of exercise in a futsal
match can produce beneficial changes in the state of mood and cognitive
function, corroborating with the growth of information in the literature that
evidence the beneficial effects of exercise as a non-pharmaceutical form of
treatment in people affected by disorders resulting from the use of alcohol and
drugs, such as attention deficit and changes in mood state [20,21]. Analyzing
the data collected by the BRUMS mood scale in the present study, it is possible
to observe significant changes suggested as positive [22] in the variables "anger", "depression" and
"tension" of the participants, after the futsal match. In relation to
the mood state, a previous study with soccer for drug addicts, showed that the
sports practice was able to improve the mood state for up to four hours after
the activity [14]. Another relevant factor is the preference for the type of
exercise in a playful way [24,25]. According to the authors, there was an
improvement in well-being after the exercise sessions in which the participants
chose their favorite exercise, when compared to the session of less desirable
exercise. In the present study, the futsal match was the favorite exercise
chosen by the participants with a ludic objective and self-selected intensity
as a form of treatment in the CAPS-ad in Lins/SP.
Regarding the
tension factor, a positive effect was observed in the post-futsal moment in
relation to the control group. This effect can be considered a relevant
response to the exercise carried out through the futsal match, helping to
combat the mechanisms of positive reinforcement (impulsiveness) and negative
reinforcement (compulsion) in chemical dependency [27].
These results
corroborate another study [34] that verified the mood state before and after an
exercise session of approximately 60 minutes composed of stretching exercise
(15 minutes), strength, balance, motor coordination (30 minutes), and a walk
(12 minutes).
Another study
[28], conducted with a focus on the withdrawal phase in crack users, found a
significant improvement in tension after an intermittent workout of non-aerobic
exercise with an active interval. These results can be explained by
psychophysiological, physiological, and biochemical mechanisms that are
involved in the relationship between mood state and physical exercise [21,29].
The confusion,
fatigue and vigor variables did not present significant differences between the
groups, possibly they were less sensitive to the acute exercise after the
futsal match of the studied sample. These results may be associated with low
intensity of the match, made possible by the self-selection of the intensity by
the participants in the playful context of the game, reducing the
psychophysiological stress that affects the state of mood [30], Data from the
literature point out that high-intensity acute physical exercise leads to a
temporary hypoxia condition responsible for altering the mood state [31].
Analyzing the
data on the operational memory of the visuospatial loop, through the Corsi block test, it was possible to observe a
significantly better performance in the extension of the memorized number
sequence, after the futsal match (Figure 2).
relationship between memory of the spatial position of the researcher's finger
touching the blocks captured by the eyes of the evaluated individual suggests
optimization of the information storage process mediated by the acute effect of
the exercise. These results agree with another study that found a significant
improvement in the operational memory test in volunteers with chemical
dependence after an exercise session [32]. The authors emphasized the
importance of exercise and its beneficial effects on mental health in the daily
life of people in the process of treatment for chemical dependence under the
guidance of the physical education professional. Attention, memory, and
planning are fundamental actions in daily life, helping to recover abilities
lost using drugs, besides helping to avoid relapses in people with chemical
dependence [4,10].
According to
recent data in the literature, exercise has a positive influence on modulation
of brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF), insulin-like growth factor-1
(IGF-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), suggested as the main
elements involved in mechanisms related to cognition [33]. Studies show that
exercise at moderate intensities is capable to improve oxygenation levels,
especially in the region of the prefrontal cortex in chemical dependents,
contributing to the modulation of epigenetic factors such as the improvement in
DNA methylation, and modifications in histone proteins and microRNA expression
involved in cognitive performance [13,34].
Together with
information in the literature, our data corroborate the hypothesis that the
acute effect of exercise can modulate beneficial mood state and cognitive
function. The cross-sectional design of the present study can be considered a
limitation, since it is not possible to affirm that the results verified here
present significant chronic alterations.
Other limiting
factors of the study still need to be further studied, such as control to
characterize the intensity of the exercise-game, the amount and type of
medication administered, as well as classification of the level of dependence
and the time of illness/hospitalization. Thus, it was possible to observe that
the acute effect of exercise in a futsal match proved to be an effective
non-pharmacological strategy in the improvement of mood and cognitive function.
The performance
of a futsal match used as a non-pharmacological strategy in the treatment of
chemical dependency was able to positively modulate the mood state and
cognitive function of the studied population. In view of these findings, it is
suggested that the futsal modality may be a viable treatment strategy for this
population. However, the futsal game still needs to be further studied to
verify the chronic effects on the rehabilitation and treatment of chemical
Conflict of interest
No conflict of interest
with relevant potential.
Financing source
There were no external
sources of funding for this study
Author’s contributions
Conception and design
of the research: Silva Junior OT, Venditti JR, Santos
JW. Data collection, statistical analysis and writing of the manuscript:
Silva Junior OT. Critical review of the manuscript: Silva Junior OT, Venditti JR, Santos JW. Publication of the document:
Silva Junior OT, Venditti JR, Santos JW.