Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2020;19(6):478-88
doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v19i6.4041ORIGINAL
physical training increases strength, agility and dynamic balance in
middle-aged women
Treinamento físico
multicomponente aumenta a força, agilidade e equilíbrio dinâmico em mulheres de
meia idade
Lucas Rogério dos Reis
Caldas1, Maicon Rodrigues Albuquerque2, Eliane Lopes3,
Adriele Campos Moreira3, Andréia Queiroz
Ribeiro4, Miguel Araújo Carneiro-Júnior5
1Professor of the Physical
Education Course at Faculdade Santa Rita (FASAR), Conselheiro Lafaiete, MG, Brazil
2Professor at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Physical Education
School, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
3Graduated in Physical
Education, Resident in Family Health, Sergio Arouca
National School of Public Health, Fundação Oswaldo
Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
4Professor at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa -
Department of Nutrition and Health, Viçosa, MG,
5Professor at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa -
Department of Physical Education, Viçosa, MG, Brazil
on: April 20, 2020; Accepted on: November 7, 2020.
Correspondence: Prof. Dr. Miguel Araujo Carneiro-Júnior, Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em
Atividade Física e Envelhecimento (GEPAFE), Department
of Physical Education, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Peter Henry
Rolfs avenue, s/n University
Campus 36570-900 Viçosa MG, Brazil
Lucas Rogério dos Reis
Maicon Rodrigues
Eliane Lopes:
Adriele Campos Moreira:
Andréia Queiroz Ribeiro:
Miguel Araujo Carneiro-Júnior:
present study aimed to verify the effects of a multicomponent physical training
program on the functional capacity of middle-aged women. Thirty-five women
(51.8 ± 5.4 years) underwent a multicomponent physical training program for 16
weeks. The volunteers were submitted to anthropometric measurements and a
battery of tests adapted to assess their functional capacity. To verify the
normality of the data, the Shapiro Wilk test was used and to compare the values
before and after the intervention, a paired t test was used. The effect size
was also calculated, using α = 0.05 for all analyzes. The results showed
an increase in upper limb strength (pre: 18.9 ± 4.3 vs post: 22.8 ± 7.9
repetitions) with medium effect size, in lower limbs strength (pre: 14.9 ± 2.8
vs post: 17.3 ± 2.6 repetitions) with large effect size, as well as improved
agility and dynamic balance (pre: 5.4 ± 0.8 vs post: 4.6 ± 0.5 seconds) with
large effect size. We concluded that the multicomponent physical training
program increased the strength, agility and dynamic balance of middle-aged
women, improving their functional capacity.
Keywords: physical exercise; aging; functional capacity; menopause.
O presente estudo
objetivou verificar os efeitos de um programa de treinamento físico
multicomponente sobre a capacidade funcional de mulheres de meia idade. Trinta
e cinco mulheres (51,8 ± 5,4 anos) foram submetidas a um programa de
treinamento físico multicomponente durante 16 semanas. As voluntárias foram
submetidas a medidas antropométricas e a uma bateria de testes adaptada para
avaliar a capacidade funcional delas. Para verificar a normalidade dos dados
adotou-se o teste Shapiro Wilk e para comparar os valores antes e após
intervenção adotou-se teste t pareado. Calculou-se também o tamanho do efeito,
sendo adotado α = 0,05 para todas as análises. Os resultados do estudo
mostraram aumento na força de membros superiores (pré:
18,9 ± 4,3 vs pós: 22,8 ± 7,9 repetições) com tamanho
do efeito médio, na força de membros inferiores (pré:
14,9 ± 2,8 vs pós: 17,3 ± 2,6 repetições) com tamanho
do efeito grande, assim como melhora na agilidade e equilíbrio dinâmico (pré: 5,4 ± 0,8 vs pós: 4,6 ± 0,5
segundos) com tamanho do efeito grande. Concluiu-se que o programa de
treinamento físico multicomponente aumentou a força, agilidade e equilíbrio
dinâmico de mulheres de meia idade, melhorando a capacidade funcional.
Palavras-chave: exercício físico;
envelhecimento; capacidade funcional; menopausa.
Aging is a dynamic, progressive, and irreversible process that causes a
series of changes at the molecular and systemic levels related to biological,
psychological, and social factors [1,2]. These modifications can lead to a
reduction in the individual's functional capacity, making it
difficult/impossible to perform activities of daily living such as getting up
from a chair, moving from place to place, carrying groceries, among others
Many of the declines inherent in aging are known to begin in adulthood.
The best levels of aerobic fitness and strength are reached around the third
decade of life. From then on, there is a gradual reduction in the strength
levels, increasing mainly from the fifth decade onwards [5,6]. Many studies
have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the systematic and guided
practice of physical exercises on the functional capacity of older women, but
not of middle-aged women [7-11]. Entities like the American College of Sports
Medicine, the American Heart Association, and the World Health Organization
recommend that health-focused exercise programs should address aerobic
exercise, strength, balance, and flexibility [12,13]. These components are
considered essential for maintaining health-related physical fitness at
adequate levels, especially considering the losses related to aging.
Multicomponent training (MCT) covers aerobic exercise, strength, balance, and
flexibility. MCT improves the functional capacity of older women, positively
affecting the performance of basic, instrumental, and advanced activities of
daily life [14,15].
Although the literature shows that the declines in several functions are
accentuated from the third decade onwards, most intervention studies with MCT
are carried out with the aging people [7-11]. Selbac et
al. [16] point to the climacteric as the period in which the ovarian
follicles are depleted, leading to estrogen deficiency, causing biological
changes that reflect in all dimensions of women's lives. Menopause, the stage
in which ovarian failure occurs, causing a reduction in estrogen levels,
implies morphophysiological and cellular changes that cause a decline in muscle
strength and bone mass, in addition to changes in the repair of damage to
neural cells and activity enzyme related to neural synthesis [16]. All these
changes due to climacteric and menopause can cause a reduction in the
functional capacity of women in menopause.
Thus, it is important to verify the effects of supervised MCT on the
functional capacity of middle-aged women, which will allow a better
understanding of how possible physical/functional changes may influence the
health and behavioral variations of individuals. The adoption of active habits
in earlier stages of life can be crucial for maintaining an autonomous and
independent old age [17,18]. The study hypothesizes that 16 weeks of MCT may
improve the functional capacity of middle-aged women.
The present study aimed to verify the effects of a 16-week supervised
MCT program on the functional capacity of middle-aged women.
The present research is a quasi-experimental study that assessed the
effect of a 16-week MCT program on the functional capacity of middle-aged
women. The Ethics Committee on Research Involving Human of the Federal
University of Viçosa approved the study (CAAE:
60303716.1.0000.5153). All volunteers signed a free and informed consent form
and were informed that they could leave the research at any time without
charge. Anthropometric and functional capacity measurements were obtained
through a battery of tests that assessed aerobic fitness, strength, agility,
dynamic balance, and flexibility. These measures were collected before and
after a 16-week MCT program, to which the volunteers were submitted (Figure 1).
The volunteers went through familiarization with the battery of tests before
data collection.
1 – Study design
Participated in the present study 35 healthy middle-aged women, selected
for convenience, aged 51.8 ± 5.4 years, who attend an extension project
developed at the Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa/MG, which offers physical exercises for middle and
third age individuals from the Viçosa community.
Inclusion criteria were: women aged 40-59 years, presenting a medical
certificate clearing to practice physical exercises, accepting to participate
in the study by signing the free and informed consent form, participating in
interventions frequently (minimum 75% participation of the total sessions) and
perform the battery of tests in both moments, pre and post-intervention.
Body mass (kg) and height (m) were collected using a mechanical scale
with a precision of 0.1 kg and a stadiometer with an accuracy of 1 mm (Filizola, São Paulo, Brazil). From these measurements, the
values of the body mass index (BMI = weight/height²) were obtained. The
anthropometric assessment in both moments was performed by the same Physical
Education professional, properly trained.
of functional capacity
Table I shows the components of the functional capacity evaluated and
the tests used. The battery was developed by the extension project team based
on the choice of tests consolidated in the literature [3,19-21]. The test
battery was applied 48 hours before starting training and repeated 48 hours
after the intervention period. The functional capacity assessment battery was
applied, at both times, by the same trained Physical Education professionals.
During the tests, there was verbal encouragement from the evaluators to the
volunteers. The expressions “It's going well!”, “Keep it up!”, “Don't let the
pace drop!”, and “Come on, you can do it!” were used during the evaluations.
I - Battery of tests to assess functional capacity
Prepared by the authors
training program
The MCT program consisted of 3 weekly interventions lasting 50 minutes
each, structured as follows: 5 minutes of warm-up (all together), 40 minutes of
a circuit with 4 multicomponent stations (4 subgroups): 1) aerobic fitness, 2)
muscle strength and endurance, 3) agility and balance and 4) flexibility,
lasting 10 minutes each season, and finally 5 minutes of relaxation (all
together). The volunteers were divided equally into subgroups in the 4
stations, and every 10 minutes they changed, until training all the programmed
physical skills. They performed as many repetitions of the physical exercises
as possible in each season, according to the determined time and the individual
perception of the effort. The volunteers were explained and asked to maintain a
perception of effort between 3 and 7, which corresponds, respectively, to a
moderate and very strong effort on Borg's CR10 subjective perception of effort
(SPE) scale [22]. The training was applied to all volunteers at the same place
and time of day, in joint sessions, in which they performed the exercises
respecting the biological individuality and physical fitness of each
participant, seeking to maintain the intensity within the requested effort
zone. The training sessions were accompanied by duly trained teachers, who
supervised the performance of physical exercises in each station.
During the training program, the progression of the exercises occurred
according to the principle of biological individuality. There was an increase
in the complexity of the activities, always respecting the perception of the
volunteers involved. The volume was regularly 50 minutes per session with a
weekly frequency of 3 times and an interval of at least 24 hours between
sessions. The exercises were performed without the use of machines, with
bodyweight and implements such as mattresses, dumbbells, shin pads, and 1-3 kg
sticks, Pilates ball, Swedish gymnastic bench, trampoline, and stepper.
The progression of MCT occurred in the same way for practiced physical
capacities. In weeks 1 to 5, exercises with an initial degree of complexity
were applied, with a duration of 30 seconds and a rest interval of 30 seconds.
In weeks 6 to 11, exercises with an intermediate degree of complexity, with a
duration of 40 seconds and a rest interval of 20 seconds. In the weeks from 12
to 16, exercises with an advanced degree of complexity, lasting 60 seconds,
with a pause of 20 seconds. All exercises were applied to respect the
capabilities and limitations of each volunteer.
The elaboration of this MCT program was based on the position of the
American College of Sports Medicine for older adults [23]. The exercises were
chosen considering the participants' functional demands to perform basic,
instrumental, and advanced activities of daily living.
Table II shows the physical exercises performed during the MCT.
II – Exercises performed in the MCT program
Prepared by the authors
Initially, the normality of the data was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk
test, as well as graphical methods and asymmetry coefficient. Then the paired
t-test was applied. The level of significance adopted was 5%. Data analysis was
performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 21.0
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, United States).
The adopted formula to estimate the size effect of the intervention was:
r = Öt²/t²+df, where t - t-score and df - degrees of freedom.
The values of r = 0.10, 0.30 and 0.50 were considered, respectively,
small, medium and large effect [24].
Table III shows the anthropometric characteristics of the volunteers
before and after the 16 weeks of MCT. The results showed no differences found
between the two assessment moments for anthropometric characteristics.
III - Anthropometric characteristics of the sample,
before and after 16 weeks of MCT.
= 1st evaluation; T2 = 2nd evaluation; p = p-value for paired t-test; r =
effect size; BMI = Body Mass Index; Data are mean ± standard deviation; Source:
Prepared by the authors.
Table IV shows the results of tests for assessing functional capacity
before and after the intervention. A percentage increase of 20.6% in upper limb
strength was observed, with medium effect size, and 16.1% in lower limb
strength, with large effect size, assessed using the elbow flexion test and the
sit-to-stand test, respectively. There was a 14.8% improvement in agility and
dynamic balance, assessed using the stand-up and move test, with a large effect
size. No differences were found in the abdominal resistance test, in the
stand-up test, in the sock test, and the sit and reach test.
IV – Results of functional tests.
= 1st evaluation; T2 = 2nd evaluation; p = p-value for paired t-test; r =
effect size; min = minutes; kg = kilograms; ml = milliliters; reps =
repetitions; sec = seconds; cm = centimeters; Data are mean ± standard
deviation; Source: Prepared by the authors.
The present study aimed to verify whether an MCT program could influence
the functional capacity of middle-aged women. The main findings indicated that
there was an improvement in the strength of the lower and upper limbs, as
assessed by the elbow flexion and the sitting and standing tests, improvement
in agility and dynamic balance evaluated by the standing and moving test. The
findings of this study show MCT as a relevant strategy for improving the
functional capacity of middle-aged women during the aging process.
From the third decade of life, declines in the functional capacity of
individuals begin, such as decreased aerobic fitness, muscle strength and
endurance, flexibility and balance, which over time begins to limit the
individual in carrying out the activities of the daily life and contributes to
a sedentary lifestyle [1,2,6]. Among the factors that explain this reduction in
functional capacity with aging are structural and functional changes in the
cardiac system, such as thickening and dilation of large arteries, which can
result in hypertrophy and altered left ventricular function [25,26]. There is a
reduction in muscle mass and function, in the cross-sectional area and the
number and activity of motor units [27,28], as well as changes in the
vestibular system [29], lower levels of joint amplitude, and changes in
connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joint capsules [30].
The practice of exercises throughout life, on a regular and permanent
basis, can contribute to a more active and healthy old age [31]. MCT has been
identified in the literature as an efficient approach to improve functional
capacity, mitigating the declines inherent to aging [8,10,14,15]. However,
there is a gap in the literature of studies that evaluated the effects of MCT
on the functional capacity of middle-aged women.
The results of the present study show an improvement, with medium and
large effect size, in the strength of the upper and lower limbs, assessed by
the elbow flexion and sitting and standing tests, respectively (Table IV). The
results of the study by Kang et al. [32] corroborate these findings. The
authors found that 4 weeks of MCT were effective in improving the strength of
upper limbs (pre: 15.1 ± 5.4 vs. post: 18.5 ± 5.1 repetitions) and lower (pre:
12.3 ± 3.8 vs. post: 18.8 ± 4.3 repetitions) in older women. In the study by Heubel et al. [33], improvements were also found in
upper limb strength (pre: 16.6 ± 3.4 repetitions vs. post: 19.4 ± 4.2
repetitions), but not in lower limbs (pre: 12.8 ± 2.8 repetitions vs. post:
13.7 ± 2.8 repetitions) of the aging people, after 16 weeks of MCT.
The increase in upper and lower limb strength found in this study
highlights the role of MCT in improving the functional capacity of middle-aged
women. These changes can be explained by morphological and metabolic
adaptations that occur in skeletal muscle tissue in response to physical
exercise (increased cross-sectional area, improved recruitment of motor units,
reduced activation of antagonistic muscles, changes in muscle architecture, etc) [34]. They can generate benefits to the individual,
facilitating the performance of activities of daily living, such as walking,
crouching to pick up objects, carrying supplies, among others. Besides, these
changes can contribute to the prevention of diseases such as sarcopenia,
osteoporosis, and obesity, in addition to improving the movement pattern and
reducing the risk of falls [9,15,26].
The results of the present study showed improvement in agility and dynamic
balance, with a large effect size (pre: 5.4 ± 0.8 seconds vs. post: 4.6 ± 0.5
seconds), assessed by the stand-up and move test. The results of the study by
Kang et al. [32] corroborate these findings since the research showed
that 4 weeks of MCT were efficient for improving the agility and dynamic
balance of older women (pre: 7.2 ± 1.9 seconds vs. post: 6.1 ± 1.2 seconds). In
the study by Resende-Neto et al. [35],
improvements in agility and dynamic balance (pre: 5.3 ± 0.6 seconds vs. post:
4.4 ± 0.3 seconds) were also found after 12 weeks of MCT.
The result found in the stand-up and move test indicates an improvement
in the levels of agility and dynamic balance, and this finding should be
considered positive since, with advancing age, there is a reduction in these
physical capacities [2,29]. Better levels of balance and agility can contribute
to the maintenance of functional capacity, allowing that even with advancing
age, it is possible to perform basic tasks such as walking, dodging objects, or
climbing the stairs when getting on the bus, for example. Plus, better balance
levels are essential to reduce the risk of falls, which can have serious
consequences, such as bone fractures that limit the performance of activities
of daily living, end up reducing the individual's functional capacity, as well
as increasing the risk of diseases such as sarcopenia and obesity [36,37].
These findings together could be positive from the point of view of
public health since aging declines in strength and balance are evidenced by the
literature [1,2,26,29].
There were no changes in the 1600-meter walk test, abdominal resistance
in 1 minute, standing up from the ground and putting on socks, and sitting and
reaching. Such findings indicate that 16 weeks of MCT helped to maintain these
parameters of functional capacity, which can be considered positive since, with
aging, there is a tendency to reduce these capacities [1,2,26,29,38,39]. From
the third decade of life, it is possible to notice biofunctional
changes in the body, such as reduced locomotor function and flexibility, the
decline in aerobic fitness, changes in the vestibular system, reduced postural
stability, and decreased strength levels, even in healthy subjects
The findings of our study demonstrated that this protocol was effective
in improving the strength of upper and lower limbs and in agility and dynamic
balance. As practical applicability, we highlight the effectiveness of a
sixteen-week MCT program, with three weekly sessions of 50 minutes each,
divided into a warm-up, four multi-component stations, and relaxation, with
exercises aimed at improving everyday movements, without using machines, using
simple implements and body weight, of low cost, with moderate intensity and
that meets the global recommendations on physical exercise and aging for
Although this study has some limitations (the absence of a control
group, relatively small sample size, evaluation by the same professionals who
applied the intervention, lack of control of the level of physical activity
outside the training period, and absence of restriction of eating habits), the
hypothesis was confirmed, since the MCT program was effective in improving the
functional capacity of middle-aged women. In this research, we adopted MCT with
moderate intensity. It may be that in new studies that carry out MCT with
greater intensities, other capacities can also be improved. Such findings must
be considered preliminary, and future studies that meet the above limitations
are essential to contribute to the understanding of this type of training for
middle-aged women.
The results of this study revealed that 16 weeks of MCT increased the
strength, agility, and dynamic balance of middle-aged women. Therefore, the
practice of MCT by middle-aged women is fundamental to promote improvements in
their functional capacity, enabling them to become physically active aging
people and capable of carrying out their daily life activities with autonomy and
We thank
Fundação Arthur Bernardes (FUNARBE), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
de Nível Superior (CAPES), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas
Gerais (FAPEMIG), Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Atividade Física e
Envelhecimento (GEPAFE), Department of Physical Education
– Universidade Federal de Viçosa, and the volunteers who participated of the study.
of interest
We declare that we have no conflict of interest concerning this study.
This article represents part of the Master's
thesis in Physical Education by Lucas Rogério dos
Reis Caldas, developed at the Federal University of Viçosa.
Conception and design of the research:
Caldas LRR, Carneiro-Júnior, MA. Obtaining data and conducting the
intervention: Caldas LRR, Lopes E, Moreira AC. Analysis and
interpretation of data: Caldas LRR, Albuquerque MR, Ribeiro AQ,
Carneiro-Júnior MA. Statistical analysis: Caldas LRR, Albuquerque MR,
Ribeiro AQ, Carneiro-Júnior MA. Obtaining financing: Caldas LRR,
Carneiro-Júnior MA. Writing of the paper: Caldas LRR, Albuquerque MR, Ribeiro
AQ, Carneiro-Júnior MA. Critical review of the paper for important
intellectual content: Caldas LRR, Albuquerque MR, Ribeiro AQ, Carneiro-Júnior
This work was carried out with the support of the Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
de Nível Superior (CAPES) – Brazil, and the
support of the Fundação Arthur Bernardes (FUNARBE) - Funarpeq