Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2020;19(6):468-77
doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v19i6.3202
rate deflection point as a non-invasive method to determine the anaerobic
threshold in trained elderly women in the aquatic environment
Ponto de deflexão da frequência
cardíaca como método não invasivo para determinar o limiar anaeróbio no meio
aquático em idosas treinadas
1Universidade Federal de
Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil
2University of Alabama
at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
on: June 15, 2020; Accepted on: October 29, 2020.
Correspondence: Luana Siqueira
Andrade, Luís de Camões Street, 625, 96055-630 Pelotas RS, Brasil
Luana Siqueira Andrade:
Mariana Silva Häfele:
Gustavo Zaccaria Schaun:
Samara Nickel Rodrigues:
Mariana Borba Gomes:
Gabriela Barreto David:
Stephanie Santana Pinto:
Cristine Lima Alberton:
Introduction: The anaerobic threshold (AT) determination is important for
individualizing the aerobic training prescription. Objective: To compare
and verify the agreement between oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR),
and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) at the AT determined by the ventilatory
threshold (VT) and heart rate deflection point (HRDP) methods during an aquatic
incremental test in trained older women. Methods: Nine elderly women
(64.3 ± 4.4 years) engaged in a water-based training program in the last three
months performed a maximum incremental test using the water-based stationary
running exercise. The test started at a 70 b.min-1 cadence for 2
min, followed by 15 b.min-1 increments every 2 min until exhaustion.
VO2, HR and RPE were measured throughout the test and the AT was
identified for each method (i.e., VT and HRDP) by three experienced
physiologists. Paired t-test and Bland-Altman analysis were used for data
analysis (α=0.05). Results: There was no difference between the VT and HRDP
methods (p > 0.05) and the Bland-Altman analysis showed acceptable agreement
between them for all investigated outcomes (VO2: 22.9 ± 5.1 vs. 23.5
± 4.7, IC95%: -3-+4;
HR: 147 ± 11 vs. 147 ± 11 b.min-1, IC95%: -9-+8 b.min-1;
RPE: 16 ± 1 vs. 16 ± 1, IC95%: -2-+3). Conclusion: Based on these
findings, both HR and RPE determined by the HRDP can be used as valid
parameters and practical tools for field prescription of intensity during
water-based exercises in elderly trained women.
Keywords: exercise; aging; exercise test; hydrotherapy; oxygen consumption.
Introdução: A determinação do
limiar anaeróbio (LAn) é importante na individualização da prescrição do
treinamento aeróbio. Objetivo: Comparar e verificar a concordância das
respostas de consumo de oxigênio (VO2), frequência cardíaca (FC) e
índice de esforço percebido (IEP) correspondentes ao LAn determinado através
dos métodos ventilatório (LV) e ponto de deflexão da frequência cardíaca (PDFC)
durante um teste incremental no meio aquático realizado por idosas treinadas. Métodos:
Nove idosas (64,3 ± 4,4 anos), engajadas em um programa de hidroginástica nos
últimos três meses, realizaram um teste máximo incremental com o exercício de
corrida estacionária. O teste iniciou com uma cadência de 70 b.min-1
durante 2 min, seguida de aumentos de 15 b.min-1 a cada 2 min até a
exaustão. Dados de VO2, FC e IEP foram medidos ao longo do teste. O
LAn foi identificado para cada método por três fisiologistas experientes. Teste
T pareado e análise de Bland-Altman foram utilizados para a análise dos dados
(α=0,05). Resultados: Não houve diferença entre os métodos LV e
PDFC (p > 0,05) e a análise de Bland-Altman demonstrou concordância aceitável
entre eles para todas as variáveis analisadas (VO2: 22,9 ± 5,1 vs. 23,5 ± 4,7, IC95%: -3-+4;
FC: 147 ± 11 vs. 147 ± 11 b.min-1, IC95%: -9-+8 b.min-1;
IEP: 16 ± 1 vs. 16 ± 1, IC95%: -2-+3). Conclusão: Com base nesses
achados, sugere-se que a FC e o IEP determinados pelo PDFC podem ser utilizados
como parâmetros válidos e ferramentas práticas de campo para a prescrição de
intensidade de exercícios de hidroginástica em idosas treinadas.
Palavras-chave: exercício físico;
envelhecimento; teste de esforço; hidroterapia; consumo de oxigênio.
Immersion in the aquatic environment exposes the body to conditions that
are different from those on land, mostly due to water’s hydrostatic pressure
and thermal conductivity [1]. These differences lead to changes in
cardiovascular, neuroendocrine and metabolic responses [2,3], impacting maximal
and submaximal heart rate (HR) and oxygen consumption (VO2)
responses [4,5]. Therefore, the assessment and prescription of exercises in the
aquatic environment must consider these changes to ensure an adequate control
of training intensity in this environment. Hence, one of the most accurate,
individualized, and recommended forms of prescription for training in the
aquatic environment is the utilization of the HR or the rating of perceived
exertion (RPE) considering its association to the anaerobic threshold (AT)
determined in water [6–8]. The rationale behind this recommendation lies within
the fact that the AT is the transition point between the predominance of the
aerobic to anaerobic system and can be used as a more precise and
individualized way to prescribe the intensity of aerobic exercises [9].
However, the gold standard measures for AT determination (ventilatory or
lactate methods) require sophisticated equipment, are considered costly
procedures for large-scale use (gyms and sports clubs), and lactate
determination is also considered an invasive procedure. Therefore, the HR
deflection point (HRDP) can be considered as a more practical, less costly and
non-invasive method to determine the AT, as it is based on the curvilinear
relationship between HR and exercise workload [10]. This method has been
validated in land running [10] and was subsequently applied in several
protocols and populations on that environment [11-15]. More recently, the use
of the HRDP to determine the AT in aquatic exercises has received attention,
but so far, the protocols have only been developed and applied in young
individuals. Based on these studies, both physiological (HR and VO2)
and psychophysiological (RPE) parameters associated to the HRDP have been shown
to be similar and valid compared to those determined based on the second
ventilatory threshold (VT) [16-18] or lactate threshold (LT) [19]. These
parameters, however, have not been investigated in neither older adults or
individuals previously trained in water aerobics. It is known that aging may
have a negative impact on cardiorespiratory fitness [20], potentially reducing
both maximal and submaximal HR and VO2 (e.g., AT). Water-based
aerobic programs, on the other hand, have been shown as an important tool for
minimizing such losses, improving cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular, and
functional outcomes, as well as quality of life, in older individuals [7,21].
These exercises are also traditionally indicated to the older population
because they provide a lower impact on lower limb joints [22] and
cardiovascular overload [23] when compared to the land environment.
Thus, considering that HR and RPE have been widely used to control
intensity during water fitness training sessions in older individuals
[7,24-28], its determination associated with the AT becomes fundamental. In
addition, the intensity prescription based on the RPE is simple and easily
applicable during group classes. It is, therefore, important to investigate the
validity of using these variables determined based on the HRDP compared to the
gold standard method for aquatic exercise prescription in water-based programs
performed by older individuals in order to guarantee a safe and efficient
prescription for this population. This characteristic is even more important in
trained older women because the control of water fitness training load in these
individuals becomes even more necessary after the initial adaptations typically
observed during the first few weeks of training. An adequate prescription of
the exercise training loads throughout the training program is, therefore,
crucial to attend to the biological individuality so that this population
continues to obtain positive adaptations in their physical conditioning. Thus,
the purpose of present study was to compare and verify the agreement between VO2,
HR and RPE measures associated to the AT determined based on the VT and HRDP
methods during a maximum test in the aquatic environment in trained older
women. Our hypothesis was that both HR and RPE would be similar between the two
methods investigated, resulting in an acceptable agreement between the HRDP and
VT methods.
The sample consisted of nine physically active older women (64.3 ± 4.4
years; 69.7 ± 7.7 kg; 151.1 ± 4.6 cm; 30.6 ± 4.1 kg/m2). These
participants were recruited from the Effects of two water-based aerobic
training programs in elderly women study (WATER Study), in which all of them
completed a three-months aerobic training program in the aquatic environment
with two 45-min weekly sessions [7,21]. Exclusion criteria for participation in
the WATER study included history of cardiovascular disease (except for
controlled hypertension) and/or osteoarticular limitations for exercise
practice. Participants in the present study were also excluded based on use of
betablocker medication. Participants who completed the second training phase
were invited and those who volunteered participated in the present study. The
study was approved by the research ethics committee (CAAE:
69931817.5.0000.5313). All participants were informed about the study
procedures and signed a consent form.
Previous to the experimental session, body mass and height measurements
were obtained using a digital scale (WELMY, Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, Brazil) with
a stadiometer, which were used to calculate the body mass index (BMI) based on
the equation: BMI = body weight (kg)/height² (m). All participants were asked
to abstain from caffeine or any other stimulant, as well as to avoid intense
physical activity 24 h prior to the experimental session.
The experimental session included a water-based maximal incremental test
using the stationary running exercise, like those previously employed in young
women [4,8,16,17,29-31]. Participants already knew the exercise technique, as
it was included in all training sessions of the WATER Study. Initially, each
participant was familiarized with the test procedures, which also served as
warm-up. Specifically, the test included the performance of the stationary
running exercise in the water environment using an adequate range of motion
(90º hip and knee flexion), while maintaining a specified cadence reproduced on
the app Metronome. As the lower limb movements are performed in an alternated
fashion (i.e., one limb flexes while the contralateral limb extends), each
phase corresponded to a beat of the metronome. Participants also received
standardized instructions about the Borg’s 6-20 RPE scale [32], which they were
already familiarized as it was used for exercise intensity control during the
WATER Study. The protocol was performed with the participants barefoot and
immersed to the depth of the xiphoid process. Water temperature was maintained
at 32ºC and the test as monitored by three experienced instructors, one inside
and two outside the pool.
The test began at a cadence of 70 b.min-1 for 2 min, followed
by 15 b.min-1 increments every 2 min, a protocol that was adapted
for older women based on previous studies [16,31]. Tests were performed to
volitional exhaustion or when participants were not able to maintain cadence at
the intended level. Range of motion and technique of execution were visually
controlled by an experienced instructor, who gave constant feedback to the
subjects along the test. Gas exchange was measured at a 3-breath average using
a portable gas analyzer (VO2000, MedGraphics, Ann Arbor, USA), which was
previously calibrated according to the manufacturer's specifications. HR data
were obtained continuously using a HR monitor (FT1, Polar, Finland) and
registered at every 15 s. Finally, the RPE was measured immediately after each
stage of the maximal incremental test using Borg’s 6-20 scale [32]. The scale
(21 x 29,7 cm) was presented to the participants so that they could choose the
number corresponding to their RPE. Maximal incremental tests were considered as
valid when at least two of the following criteria were met: a) plateau in VO2
despite an increase in exercise intensity; b) respiratory exchange ratio
greater than 1.15; c) maximal respiratory frequency greater than 35 breaths per
minute [33]; e d) RPE equal or greater than 18.
Finally, the AT was identified for each participant using both the VT
and HRDP methods. The first was determined based on the ventilation by
intensity graph and confirmed by the ventilatory equivalent of carbon dioxide
(VE/VCO2) [34]. The HRDP, in turn, was determined based on the HR by
intensity curve, and was considered as the downward deflection point from the
linear HR-intensity relationship [10]. Both the VT and HRDP were determined by
visual inspection by three experienced physiologists in a blinded fashion. In
case of no agreement between them, the median value was used for analysis.
Following AT determination, the VO2, HR and RPE values associated to
the AT were identified based on both the VT (VO2VT, HRVT
methods and used for analysis.
Data are presented using descriptive statistics (mean ± SD). Normality
was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Paired samples t-tests were used to
compare VO2, HR and RPE between the VT and HRDP methods. To verify
the agreement between methods, the differences were plotted against the mean
value for each variable, as suggested by Bland and Altman [35,36]. This
analysis is based on the differences between measurements in the same
individual by the two methods. The mean difference in the Bland-Altman plot
corresponds to the estimated bias, the systematic difference between methods,
and the SD of the differences measures random fluctuations around this mean.
The 95% limits of agreement were estimated by mean difference plus or minus
1.96 SDs of the differences, which explain how far apart measurements by the
two methods were likely to be for most individuals. All statistical tests were
performed using the SPSS statistical package (version 20.0) and the
significance level adopted was α=0.05.
All participants were able to complete the maximal test and no adverse
events were observed. The descriptive data regarding the outcomes obtained
during the incremental test are summarized in Table I.
I - Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), heart
rate (HRmax), rating of perceived exertion (RPEmax) and
cadence responses corresponding to the maximal effort during a maximal test in
the aquatic environment
The HRDP was clearly identified in all the investigated participants
(100%; n = 9). The values of VO2, HR and RPE associated to the AT
showed similar values between the VT and HRDP methods and are shown in the
Table II. According to the Bland-Altman analysis, an acceptable agreement
between the VT and HRDP methods was verified for all variables, with
non-significant r values indicating that the bias is not proportional (VO2:
r = -0.18, IC95%: -3.07 to 4.25, p = 0.64;
FC: r = -0.12, IC95%: -8.93 to 8.27 b.min-1, p = 0.76; IEP: r =
0.21, IC95%: -1.86 to 2.52, p = 0.58). Therefore, it was estimated that for 95%
of the individuals, VO2HRDP was within 3.07
below VO2VT and 4.25 above it
(Figure 1A). Likewise, it was estimated that the HRHRDP was within
8.93 b.min-1below and 8.27 bpm above HRVT (Figure 1B). As
for RPE, it was estimated that, for 95% of individuals, the RPEHRDP
was within 1.86 below the RPEVT and 2.52 above it (Figure 1C).
= VO2 determined by the HRDP method; VO2VT = VO2 determined by the
VT method; HRHRDP = HR determined by the HRDP method; HRVT
= HR determined by the VT method; RPEHRDP = RPE determined by the
HRDP method; RPEVT = RPE determined by the VT method
1 - Bland-Altman plots with estimated mean bias and
95% limits of agreement for differences in oxygen uptake (VO2; panel
A), heart rate (HR; panel B) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE; panel C)
data between the heart rate deflection point (HRDP) and ventilatory threshold
(VT) methods, as plotted against the mean value, during the water-based
stationary running exercise
The main finding of the present study was that the VO2, HR
and RPE associated to the AT showed similar values and agreement between the VT
and HRDP methods during a maximal incremental test performed in the aquatic
environment by trained older women. These results suggest that the HRDP, as
proposed by Conconi et al. [10], is a valid method to determine the AT
and can assist in the prescription of intensity during water aerobics sessions
performed by older women.
Similar values of VO2 and HR were observed between VT (22.9 ±
5.1 e 147 ± 11 b.min-1) and HRDP
(23.5 ± 4.7 e 147 ± 11 b.min-1))
methods in the present investigation. These results are in accordance with
previous studies demonstrating similar VO2 and HR values associated to the AT
determined by these two methods in water-based exercises (stationary running,
frontal kick, and cross-country skiing) performed by young women [16,17].
However, such studies have not verified the agreement between the methods
through the Bland-Altman analysis, which is the currently indicated method for
determining whether the two measures are equivalent and whether one can replace
the other [36].
The study by Pinto et al. [18] also observed similar VO2
and HR values associated to the AT between the VT and HRDP methods determined
in a water cycling protocol in young men. In turn, this study also analyzed and
found the agreement between these methods using the Bland-Altman analysis.
Additionally, Alberton et al. [19] found similar values and agreement on the HR
value associated to the AT during a water-based stationary running maximal
incremental test performed by young men, but the comparison was between the
HRDP and LT methods. Therefore, the present study corroborates the previous
literature related to the use of HRHRDP in maximal tests performed
in the aquatic environment by young individuals as a valid indicator of AT
determination, expanding these results to trained older women.
Incremental maximal tests involving specific water-based exercises have
been investigated in the literature, with the determination of HR and VO2
values at maximum and associated to the first and second ventilatory thresholds
in young [4,16,17,30,31] and postmenopausal women [5]. In addition, the
significant relationship between these parameters have been verified throughout
the test [29]. Within this context, the present results are important because
they add to the literature the possibility of determining the HRDP during the
maximal incremental aquatic test with the stationary running exercise as an
efficient strategy also for the evaluation of trained older women. It should
also be noted that after the initial adaptations arising from the first few
weeks of water aerobics training, workload readjustment is fundamental so that
individuals can keep improving with training. Therefore, in trained older women
the possibility to determine the AT and use HRHRDP as a parameter to
prescribe intensity in water fitness classes is an important alternative to
attend the principle of biological individuality in a practical and accessible
way. Thereby, the HRHRDP can be determined from a simple,
inexpensive and non-invasive test, using only a HR monitor and a metronome
during a structured maximal incremental test for the aquatic environment, as
performed in the present study. Based on the HRHRDP, it is possible to
calculate percentages below or above the AT to prescribe the intensity of the
desired training zone [9] in water fitness sessions performed by older women.
As for the RPE, the present study demonstrated similar values between
the VT (16 ± 1) and HRDP (16 ± 1) methods, as well as agreement in the RPE
associated to the AT results determined by the two methods. The study by
Alberton et al. [19] seems to have been the first study to investigate
the agreement between RPE determined by the HRDP and the LT, the gold standard
method of determining the AT. Contrary to the findings of the present study
however, Alberton et al. [19] did not observe an agreement in the RPE
associated to the AT determined by the LT and HRDP methods in a water-based
stationary running maximal incremental test performed by young men. Two aspects
can be highlighted to possibly explain the disagreement of the results between
these studies. First, the different gold standard measures used (VT vs. LT,
respectively) require the application of different stage lengths during the
incremental test (2 min vs. 3 min stages) and were sampled at different
sampling rates (3-breath average for gas exchange vs. one measure at the end of
each stage for lactate). In addition, the difference between the participants
included in both studies should be highlighted, as those included in the
present investigation were trained older women that had been previously
enrolled in a 3-month water-based training program prescribed based on Borg’s
RPE scale. Alberton et al. [19], on the other hand, included young men,
but there is no report on the use of the scale in the participants' training
routine (only familiarization before the test). As such, familiarization with
the Borg’s scale, as well as the standardization of the instruction that will
be given prior to using it, is important.
Considering the significant association between RPE and physiological
parameters such as HR and VO2 when determined during a water-based
incremental test, there is a strong body of evidence supporting the use of RPE
to control training intensity during water aerobics exercises [8,29]. Moreover,
it has been previously shown that values close to 16 on the Borg 6-20 Scale
correspond to the intensity at the AT in young women performing the stationary
running in the aquatic environment [8,31]. Thereby, the RPEHRDP values observed
by us (i.e., 16) confirm and expand these findings to trained older women as
well. It is noteworthy to mention that prescribing exercise intensity based on
the RPE has the advantage of possessing greater external validity, as it allows
one to prescribe the training intensity in clinical populations like those
using drugs that affect HR. In addition, using RPE facilitates prescribing
intensity during water fitness classes with a large number of individuals, such
as those in gyms and sports clubs, where performing a maximal incremental test
is not always feasible.
Some limitations of the present study should be highlighted. First, we
only investigated the water-based stationary running exercise. Although it
currently is the most frequently used exercise in water fitness classes, it is
possible that other exercises may present slightly different responses. Thus,
caution is needed when extrapolating our results to other water-based
exercises. In addition, the results of the present study are also limited to
trained older women, which were familiarized with water-based training programs
and familiar with such classes using RPE. We also recognize the sample size as
a possible limitation, even though our results seemed to agree with the current
available literature. Thus, further investigations about the determination of
AT by HRDP should be carried out with other exercises and in other populations
to expand and support our findings.
Based on the results of the present study, VO2, HR and RPE
variables showed similar values and agreement when determined based on both the
VT and HRDP method. Accordingly, the use of HRDP can be considered a valid
parameter to determine the AT during a water-based stationary running maximal
incremental test in trained older women. Therefore, the HR determined by the
HRDP can improve the prescription of intensity parameters in the aquatic
environment through a simple, inexpensive and non-invasive test. Likewise, the
observed RPE values associated to the AT can be adopted as reference for the
prescription of water aerobics classes, since this is a simple method and
easily applicable during group classes in the aquatic environment.
The authors are grateful for the participation of older women who made
this research possible.
conflict of interest
No conflicts of interest have been reported for this article.
Financing source
This work was supported
by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brazil (CAPES,
Finance Code 001) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico—Brazil (CNPq, 307496/2017-1).
Conception and design of the research: Andrade LS and Alberton CL. Data
collection: Häfele MS, Schaun GZ, Rodrigues SN and Gomes MB. Analysis and
interpretation of data: Andrade LS, Häfele MS, Schaun GZ, David GB, Pinto SS
and Alberton CL. Statistical analysis: Andrade LS and Alberton CL. Obtaining
financing: Alberton CL. Writing of the manuscript: Andrade LS and Alberton CL.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Häfele
MS, Schaun GZ, Rodrigues SN, Gomes MB, David GB and Pinto SS.