Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2020;19(6):499-506
doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v19i6.4474
body mass index: what is the influence on ventilatory muscular strength?
Índice de massa
corporal aumentado: qual a influência sobre a força muscular ventilatória?
Wasly Santana Silva1,
William Santos Mestre1, Edvan Santos Silva1,
Jailson de Souza Santos Junior2, David
Eduardo Santos Viana2, Djeyne Silveira
1Faculdade Adventista da
Bahia, Cachoeira, BA, Brasil
2Faculdade do Centro
Oeste Paulista, Bauru, SP, Brasil
on: November 26, 2020; Accepted on: December 15, 2020.
Correspondence: Wasly
Santana Silva, Rua Santa Maria, Centro, 48880-000 Santaluz BA
Wasly Santana Silva:
William Santos Mestre:
Edvan Santos Silva:
Jailson de Souza Santos Junior:
David Eduardo Santos
Djeyne Silveira Wagmacker:
Introduction: Ventilatory muscle strength (VMS) and anatomical/biological factors
are important in the functioning and maintenance of body homeostasis. Thus, the
study of respiratory mechanics and conditions that can alter them is
fundamental. Studies indicate that obesity decreases the Maximum Inspiratory
Pressure (MIP) and Maximum Expiratory Pressure (MEP), however, these studies
are contradictory in their results. Objective: To verify if there is a
difference between the VMS of obese and eutrophic individuals. Methods:
Comparative observational study, in which 40 individuals of both sexes were evaluated,
divided into two groups: 20 individuals with grade I obesity and 20 eutrophic
individuals. Abdominal circumference was considered to be
> 102 cm for men and 88 cm for women. Two-way unpaired Student's t-test
was applied to compare the Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (MIP) and Maximum
Expiratory Pressure (MEP) of the evaluated groups. The BioEstat
5.0 program was used and a p < 0.05 was adopted as significant. Results: The
mean MIP for obese and eutrophic individuals was 147 ± 73 vs 145 ± 70 cmH2O,
respectively (p = 0.91). For MEP, the mean for the obese and eutrophic group
was 133 ± 28 vs 135 ± 27 cmH2O, respectively (p = 0.93). Conclusion:
Sedentary individuals with grade I obesity associated with increased waist
circumference do not differ in MIP and MEP when compared to eutrophic
Keywords: obesity; work capacity assessment; functional physical performance.
Introdução: A força muscular
ventilatória (FMV) e fatores anatômico/biológicos são importantes no
funcionamento e manutenção da homeostasia corporal. Dessa maneira, é
fundamental o estudo da mecânica respiratória e condições que podem alterá-las.
Estudos apontam que a obesidade diminui a Pressão Inspiratória Máxima (PImáx) e Expiratória Máxima (PEmáx),
no entanto, esses estudos são contraditórios em seus resultados. Objetivo:
Verificar se existe diferença entre a FMV de indivíduos obesos e eutróficos. Métodos: Estudo observacional
comparativo, no qual foram avaliados 40 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, divididos
em dois grupos: 20 indivíduos com obesidade grau I e 20 indivíduos eutróficos. Foi considerada aumentada a circunferência
abdominal (CA) >102 cm para homens e 88
cm para mulheres. Aplicado o teste t de Student não
pareado bidirecional para comparação entre a Pressão Inspiratória Máxima (PImáx) e Pressão Expiratória Máxima (PEmáx)
dos grupos avaliados. Utilizado o programa BioEstat
5.0 e adotado como significativo um p < 0,05. Resultados: A média da PImáx para obesos e eutróficos
foi respectivamente de 147 ± 73 vs 145 ± 70 cmH2O (p
= 0,91). Para a PEmáx, a média do grupo obeso e eutrófico foram respectivamente de 133 ± 28 vs 135 ± 27 cmH2O (p = 0,93). Conclusão: Indivíduos
sedentários com obesidade grau I associado ao aumento da circunferência
abdominal não apresentam diferença na PImáx e PEmáx quando comparados a indivíduos eutróficos.
Palavras-chave: obesidade; avaliação
da capacidade de trabalho; desempenho físico funcional.
Obesity can bring changes in ventilatory muscle strength (VMS), caused
by the accumulation of fat in the ribs, diaphragm, and abdomen, reducing the
compliance of the rib cage and decreasing the diaphragmatic excursion [1].
The most used method to measure VMS is manovacuometry,
which is frequently performed in clinical practice. In this test, two are the
main determinants of VMS: the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the
maximum expiratory pressure (MEP). MIP evaluates the strength of inspiratory
muscles, while MEP evaluates the strength of expiratory muscles [2].
There are divergences in the scientific literature between studies on
the reduction of VMS in obese individuals [3]. Carvalho et al. [4], a
study with obese people and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome found that lung
function, MIP, and capacity physical activity were reduced in obese individuals
compared to eutrophic individuals. In the study conducted by Magnani and Cataneo [5], they found that obesity did not decrease VMS
(MIP and MEP). Eli et al. [3], in a study comparing the VMS of morbidly
obese with eutrophic women, obtained a surprising result: the studied morbidly
obese women had a higher MIP than eutrophic women.
The discrepancies found in the literature point to the need for further
studies to better clarify the VMS / body fat mass ratio. These counterpoints
can be explained by biases such as the unmatched groups and the non-isolation
of the buccinator muscle when measuring MIP and MEP. Therefore, given the
above, the present study aimed to test the hypothesis that VMS is different
between obese and eutrophic individuals and to verify whether there is a
correlation between BMI and abdominal circumference (AC) with MIP and MEP.
Analytical cross-sectional study, in which 40 individuals of both sexes
were evaluated, divided into two groups (14 men in each): 20 individuals with
grade I obesity and 20 eutrophic individuals. To compose the groups, it was
adopted as inclusion criterion AC greater than 102 cm for men and greater than
88 cm for women in the type I obesity group, and, necessarily in the eutrophic
group, the abdominal circumference was within the limits considered normal.
Only sedentary or irregularly active individuals are included, according to the
international physical activity questionnaire - long version [6].
Height was measured with the aid of a professional Sanny®
stadiometer (Brazil) with an accuracy of 0.1 cm, performed with the subjects
barefoot and with the buttocks and shoulders supported on a vertical back.
Total body mass measured with a Filizola® digital
scale (Brazil) maximum capacity of 150kg, as measured by Inmetro,
with its certificate specifying an error margin of approximately 100g. The body
mass index (BMI) was calculated with the measures of mass and height, according
to the Quetelet equation: mass (kg) / height2
(cm). The cut-off points for BMI adopted were those recommended by the IV
Brazilian Guideline on Dyslipidemias and Atherosclerosis Prevention of the
Department of Atherosclerosis of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC) [7],
that is, low weight (BMI <18.5); eutrophic (BMI 18.5-24.9); overweight (BMI
25-29.9) and obesity (BMI ≥30). AC was obtained with a tape measure type
Incoterm® brand (Brazil), with a measurement definition of 0.1 cm. It was
measured in the smallest curvature located between the last rib and the iliac
crest without compressing the tissues [8]. The groups were paired by sex and
later by height, BMI, and AC so that there was no sample bias.
Adopted as exclusion criteria individuals with lung diseases, smokers or
ex-smokers, with ongoing or last week infection, pregnancy, cognitive deficits,
and presence of anatomical changes in the thoracic region. To analyze these
variables, an individualized anamnesis was carried out, followed by subsequent
palpation and visual inspection in each volunteer. Anthropometric data for the
sample are shown in Table I.
I - Anthropometric parameters of the type I obesity
and eutrophic groups
= Body Mass Index
This study was submitted and approved by the Ethics and Research
Committee of Faculdade Adventista
da Bahia with CAAE: 1691019.4.0000.0042. All volunteers received information
about the research, at which time the risks and benefits that the work could
generate according to the resolution of the National Health Council 466/12 were
made explicit.
For the measurement of Maximum Respiratory Pressures (MRP), an analog manovacuometer (CriticalMed, USA,
2002) was used, with an operational range of 0 ± 300 cmH2O, properly equipped
with a rigid plastic nozzle adapter, containing a small hole of 2 mm of
internal diameter, serving as a relief valve, to prevent the increase of
pressure in the oral cavity, generated exclusively by contraction of the
buccinator muscle [9]. A disposable circular cardboard nozzle (De Marchi) was used.
Before starting data collection, participants were informed about the
purpose of the study and the procedures that would be performed for the
collection. Also, the volunteers were shown the correct way to perform the
breathing maneuvers, that is, use the diaphragm for inspiration and keep the
lips firmly attached around the mouthpiece so that there was no air leakage
The volunteer was placed in sedation, with the spine erect, then
instructed to perform a slow expiration maneuver followed by a quick and forced
inspiration with a nose occluded by a nose clip. The maneuver was repeated
until the highest value found was identified, and the last maneuver could not
have the highest MIP and MEP value, when this occurred a new maneuver was
requested, avoiding the learning effect of the test, as shown in Figure 1.
1 - Procedures were performed to collect inspiratory
pressures and maximum expiratory pressures (manovacuometry)
sufficiency calculation and statistical analysis
Initially, the sample size was calculated using the WinPep
program version 11.65, based on pre-existing results in the literature. Using a
difference of 13cmH2O between the means of MIP and MEP and a
standard deviation of 15 for both groups, with a statistical power of 80%,
totaling 40 individuals. All were selected for convenience and divided equally
into two groups (obese and eutrophic).
For descriptive analysis, the mean and standard deviation were used
because it is a linear sample, confirmed after the Shapiro-Wilk normality test,
with a p = 0.39. To compare the values of MIP and MEP between the groups
evaluated, the two-way unpaired Student's t-test was used. The correlations
between quantitative variables (BMI and MIP, BMI and MIP, AC and MIP, AC and
MEP), were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient, with a
significance level of 5%. The BioEstat 5.0 program
was used and a p <0.05 was adopted as significant.
Table II expresses the VMS values of the individuals studied. It is
observed that there was no significant difference between the groups, both for
MIP and for MEP (p > 0.05). Also, MIP and MEP remained homogeneous when
assessed by sex subgroup (p > 0.05).
II - Ventilatory muscle strength in obese and
eutrophic individuals
= Maximum Expiratory Pressure in cmH2O; MIP = Maximum Inspiratory
Pressure in cmH2O
The analysis of Table III showed that there is no correlation between
anthropometric variables and MIP and MEP at the crossings between BMI and MIP,
BMI and MEP, and AC with MIP. However, there was a moderate correlation in the
AC crossing with MEP of the eutrophic group.
III - Correlation between body mass index (BMI) and
abdominal circumference (AC) with the ventilatory muscle strength (VMS)
= Body Mass Index; AC = Abdominal Circumference; *Pearson's correlation test
The data in this study show that obese individuals did not have VMS
other than eutrophic individuals. Also, we see that there is a positive
correlation between AC of eutrophic individuals and MEP. The strength of the
result is given by the criteria used to ascertain this situation, such as the
presence of a hole in the monovacuometer, including
only sedentary people, of both sexes and without any disease resulting from
obesity. Some reasons help to explain the results of our study, of which the
mutation of skeletal muscle fibers, somatotropic profile, and type of obesity
Although hypertrophy of adipose tissue imposes a mechanical disadvantage
in the axial and appendicular skeleton, studies have been showing
muscle-skeletal adaptations that potentially compensate for such disadvantages.
Rolland et al. [11], measured 1,454 women and found that the obese women
studied presented greater muscular trophism than the eutrophic ones and, except
hand grip strength, the measures of global muscle strength were significantly
higher in obese women than in eutrophic women. Thus, the probable muscular
adaptations are reinforced, allowing obese individuals to maintain the strength
of the skeletal muscles, which correlates with the results of our study.
Reasons, why the obese individuals studied, did not present a lower VMS
may be directly linked to adaptations in the respiratory musculature. Type I
skeletal muscle fibers have higher amounts of mitochondria, which in turn make
them predominantly aerobic and resistant to fatigue; type II fibers are more
powerful and less resistant, subdivided into two classes: IIa
and IIx respectively. Type IIa
fibers are intermediate, contain a small amount of myoglobin, and use the
combination of oxidative and glycolytic metabolism to produce ATP; type IIx fibers have the largest diameter, produce the most
strength and depend primarily on anaerobic (glycolytic) metabolism [12].
Studies on the skeletal musculature of individuals with obesity have
pointed out important markers of mutation of striated skeletal fibers [13-16];
these findings demonstrate a reduction in oxidative capacity, in addition to
fewer mitochondria and a reduction in oxidative fatty acid metabolism. Tanner et
al. [17] performed biopsies of the rectus abdominis expiratory muscle of
women undergoing bariatric abdominal surgery; these women had an increased
percentage of type IIx muscle fibers and a reduced
percentage of type I fibers about eutrophic ones. These findings converge with
the idea raised in this study, since we measure only strength and not
resistance as assessed in other studies [18], therefore, we suggest the
hypothesis that the obese individuals studied have increased amounts of type II
muscle fibers, which helps to overcome the disadvantage mechanics generated by
adipose tissue hypertrophy.
Studies [19-21] have shown a relationship between body somatotype and
physical performance. To understand this, it is important to highlight the
physical characteristics of each biotype: the ectomorph has a thin body
composition, characterized by the development of the ectoderm; the mesomorph,
developed from the embryonic mesoderm, has a muscular or robust body
complexion, with a consequent increase in AC but maintaining normal BMI
standards; endomorphic individuals come from the development of the endoderm
and have a heavy or fat body build. Chaouachi et
al. [21] studied the association between the somatotropic profile and the
physical fitness of police officers and found that the mesomorphic somatotype
was positively associated with increased maximum and explosive strength.
Reasons why the increase in AC correlates positively with MEP of the eutrophic
group, may be linked to the heterogeneity of the somatotropic profile of these
individuals. Therefore, it is suggested that eutrophic individuals with
mesomorphic biotypes have a mechanical advantage over ectomorphs. However, the
fact that eutrophic people were not evaluated for body biotype, made it
impossible to make a more specific comparison in the group for better
Although some studies [5,22] point to a decrease in VMS due to
hypertrophy of adipose tissue, especially in the upper body, it is important to
note that most of them measure individuals with morbid obesity or overweight
[6] (BMI ≥ 50kg/m²). Also, most studies that report a decrease in VMS in
obese individuals measure patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,
alveolar hyperventilation syndrome, among other lung diseases. In our study, we
included only sedentary individuals without any illness due to obesity.
Costa et al. [22] correlated the anthropometric data of obese and
eutrophic women with VMS. In this study, obese women had a higher VMS and there
was no correlation between AC and waist-to-hip ratio with the monovacuometry of the two groups. The comparison of AC with
the VMS variables is like that of our study, however, that author's sample was
not differentiated as to the types of obesity, which may explain the
discrepancies in the results of the VMS comparison.
Magnani and Cataneo [6] found that obese
individuals grade II and III did not show restriction in MIP and MEP compared
to values predicted in the literature. Also, in your sample, it is noted that
there was no correlation between an increase in the abdominal waist and a
decrease in VMS. These results corroborate with our research,
however, it is noteworthy that Magnani and Cataneo
measured only obese individuals, not correlating AC with the VMS variables of
eutrophic individuals, a factor evaluated in our study.
Although obese individuals have no difference in VMS, this does not mean
that this population is healthier, since pre-existing studies in the literature
show losses caused by the increase in fat mass [23]. Also, the benefits of a
good quality of life and the practice of physical activities for maintaining
human health are already proven [24,25].
Inferring the application of the results of this sample, it is suggested
that, despite the mechanical disadvantage offered by obesity, mechanisms of
physiological adjustments compensate for this problem in the degree I obese
individuals studied, and not all obese patients present respiratory muscle
impairment. Also, it is suggested that further studies be carried out,
evaluating the somatotropic profile of the sample, in addition to muscle
endurance tests and not just strength.
The statistical data obtained from maximal inspiratory expiratory
pressure, in both sexes, demonstrated the similarity of the behavior of the
inspiratory and expiratory muscles of obese grades I and eutrophic. Therefore,
in this sample of individuals, we concluded that grade I obesity does not
promote changes in ventilatory muscle strength.
To the administrative director of the Immunopathology Laboratory of
Faculdade Adventista da Bahia (FADBA), Cachoeira BA - Brazil, where all data
collections were carried out.
of interest
We declare no conflict of interest.
This article represents the conclusion work of Jailson
de Souza Santos Junior and David Eduardo Santos Viana, supervised by Professor
Drª Djeyne Silveira Wagmacker
in the Specialization Program in Exercise Physiology, at Faculdade
do Centro Oeste Paulista, Bauru, SP, Brazil.
Research design: Silva WS, Wagmacker DS. Statistical analysis: Wagmacker
DS. Data collection and database review: Silva WS, Mestre ES, Silva ES. Writing
of the scientific text: All authors contributed to the writing and review
of the work. Intellectually importante content: Wagmacker DS.