Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2020;19(6):450-58
doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v19i6.4502
influence on the magnitude of heart rate recovery in trained athletes
A influência da idade
sobre a magnitude de recuperação da frequência cardíaca em indivíduos treinados
Victor Tavares de
Santana1, Herón Rached2, Iago
Nunes Aguillar1, Giulliano Gardenghi3,
Débora Dias Ferraretto Moura Rocco1,
Alexandre Galvão da Silva1,2
1Laboratório de
Fisiologia do Exercício e Saúde da Faculdade de Educação Física e Esporte da
Universidade Santa Cecília, Santos, SP, Brazil
2Hospital Leforte, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
3Hospital ENCORE, Goiânia, GO, Brazil
on: November 3, 2020; Accepted on: November 13, 2020.
Correspondence: Débora Dias Ferraretto Moura Rocco, Rua República do Equador, 31/31,
11030-150 Santos SP
Victor Tavares de
Herón Rached:
Iago Nunes Aguillar:
Giulliano Gardenghi:
Débora Dias Ferraretto Moura Rocco:
Alexandre Galvão da
Introduction: Heart rate recovery (HRR), defined as a decline in heart rate (HR)
after exercise, is controlled by neurohumoral factors. There are two observed
phases of HRR, the fast (vagal reactivation), which comprises the initial
period between 60 and 120 seconds and the slow (sympathetic withdrawal), which
goes until the return to rest values. Several factors may influence HRR, such
as fitness level, gender, age and others. Objective: To test the
hypothesis that there is a difference in the decline in HRR between trained
adults and teenagers. Methods: 58 male soccer players were evaluated,
divided into two groups: Teenagers (TG) and Adults (AG) aged 16.4 ± 0.5 and
27.9 ± 0.9 years, respectively. Anthropometric, HR and blood pressure analyzes
were performed. Results: Both groups reached and exceeded the maximum
heart rate (HRmax) predicted by age. The observed
values were similar at the end of the HRR fast phase, while at the end of the
slow phase the TG group obtained significantly higher values. Values of
P<0.05 were considered significant. Conclusion: The results of the
fast phase show that high levels of physical conditioning seem to attenuate the
deleterious effect of age on vagal reactivation. The same effect was not
observed on the sympathetic withdrawal during the slow phase; therefore, the TG
group obtained higher HRR values during this period.
Keywords: autonomic nervous system; stress test; heart rate; adult; teenagers.
Introdução: A recuperação da
frequência cardíaca (RecFC), definida como declínio da
frequência cardíaca (FC) após o exercício, é controlada por fatores
neuro-humorais. Há duas fases observadas da RecFC, a
rápida (reativação vagal), que compreende o período inicial entre 60 e 120
segundos e a lenta (retirada simpática), que vai até o retorno aos valores de
repouso. Diversos fatores podem influenciar a RecFC,
como o nível de condicionamento físico, o gênero, a idade e outros. Objetivo:
Testar a hipótese de que existe diferença no declínio da RecFC
entre adultos e adolescentes treinados. Métodos: Foram avaliados 58
jogadores de futebol, sexo masculino, divididos em dois grupos: Adolescentes
(GJ) e Adultos (GA), com idade de 16,4 ± 0,5 e 27,9 ± 0,9 anos,
respectivamente. Análises antropométricas, de FC e pressão arterial foram
realizadas. Resultados: Ambos os grupos atingiram e ultrapassaram a
frequência cardíaca máxima (FCmax) prevista pela
idade. Os valores observados foram similares ao final da fase rápida da RecFC, enquanto ao final da fase lenta o grupo GJ obteve
valores significativamente maiores. Valores de P< 0,05 foram considerados
significantes. Conclusão: Os resultados da fase rápida apontam que altos
níveis de condicionamento físico parecem atenuar o efeito deletério da idade
sobre a reativação vagal. O mesmo efeito não foi observado sobre a retirada
simpática durante a fase lenta, sendo assim, o grupo GJ obteve maiores valores
de RecFC durante este período.
Palavras-chave: sistema nervoso
autônomo; teste de esforço; frequência cardíaca; adulto; adolescente.
Physical exercise is a stimulus that causes important adjustments in the
functioning of the cardiovascular system and its modulation by the autonomic
nervous system [1]. When starting physical activity, one of the earliest
effects on the cardiovascular system is the increase in heart rate (HR). This
increase is due to changes in the balance of the sympathetic and
parasympathetic components that control the cardiovascular system, acting with
the release of neurotransmitters that may increase or decrease the heart rate.
The initial increase in HR occurs due to the decrease in the vagal component,
followed by a progressive intensification of the activity of the sympathetic
component, proportional to the intensity of the exercise [2,3,4,5]. At the end of
physical activity, cardiac autonomic function gradually returns to resting
conditions and HR reduces [6].
Heart rate recovery (HRR) may be defined as the decline in HR after
stopping exercise. Its behavior has been investigated by several research
groups and may be divided into two phases: fast and slow. The rapid phase
comprises the initial period of HRR, lasting between 60 and 120 seconds, with
an abrupt decrease in HR, largely determined by vagal reactivation. The slow
phase comprises the entire period after the fast phase until the return of HR
to its resting values, caused by the sympathetic withdrawal and a progressive
increase in vagal activity [6,7].
In a cohort study conducted by Cole et al. [8] with 2428 patients
followed for six years, it was observed that a value equal to or less than 12
beats per minute of HRR in the first minute after physical effort was
considered abnormal and strongly predictive of mortality, with a relative risk
4 times higher for individuals who had abnormal HRR values (≤12 beats per
minute) when compared to the group with normal values.
The relationship between good physical fitness and improved HRR in
different populations is already well established. Physical training promotes
changes in the neural components that act on the heart, which influences the
acceleration of HRR after exercise [9,10,11]. Another relevant factor is that
changes in acute training loads may promote changes in this measure [12]. Thus,
HRR may be used as an important tool for training prescription and monitoring
Although important, the level of training is not the only determinant of
HRR. Factors such as age, gender and race may potentially interfere in both the
fast and the slow phase of HRR [6,16]. The effect of age was demonstrated by Buchheit et al. [17], who obtained a faster HRR in
the group of children; no differences were observed between the groups of
teenagers and adults. Buchheit et al. [18]
observed a difference between the HRR of teenager soccer athletes in the sub-15
category and in the sub-17 category, with a better index for younger
The scientific literature on differences in HRR in athletes of different
ages is still scarce, so the objective of the study was to test the hypothesis
that there is a difference in the decline in HRR between trained adults and
The sample of this study was composed of 58 well-trained male soccer
athletes, without pre-existing diseases. The individuals were divided into two
groups: teenagers (TG), with 30 individuals and age of 16.4 ± 0.5 years and
adults (AG), with 28 individuals and age of 27.9 ± 0.9 years. The study
included individuals who practice soccer at least 6 times a week for at least 3
years. The athletes could not present injuries at the time of the evaluations.
Participants were assessed at two different times. All assessments took place
at the Laboratory for Integrative Analysis of Physical Exercise at Leforte Hospital.
All participants gave their consent to participate in the study by
signing the Terms of Free and Informed Consent (ICF), under 18 years old, the
ICF was signed by the parents. The procedures used respect the international
human experimentation standards of resolution 466/12 [19]. The ethics committee
of Santa Cecília University approved the study
(opinion number: 2,916,298 and CAAE: 90992618.6.0000.5513).
Participants were assessed at two different times. All assessments took
place at the Laboratory for Integrative Analysis of Physical Exercise at Leforte Hospital. Weight measurements were made on both
days, using a digital scale (Filizola®), with a
maximum capacity of 150 kg with graduations of 100 g; height in stadiometer,
graduated in centimeters. The body mass index was calculated using weight and
height data.
The athletes underwent an incremental ergometric test, performed on a
treadmill (Centurion, model 200, Micromed, Brazil),
speed from 0 to 24 km/h, elevation from 0 to 26% and weight capacity of 200 kg.
The same ramp protocol was used for all study participants, calculating speed
and inclination based on the age of the athletes. The protocol called Soccer 1
is adopted and recommended for soccer players and consists of an increase in
speed every minute and a fixed inclination of 1%.
The examination room is large enough to accommodate the necessary
equipment. The temperature of the room varied between 20°C and 24°C and
relative humidity between 60 and 70% to allow an adequate exchange of heat with
the medium. A cardiologist performed the evaluation.
The athletes were encouraged to perform the test until the maximum
fatigue supported, trying to reach the HRmax
estimated by the age, when the athletes could no longer support the effort and
the test was interrupted; and the recovery period began, lasting five minutes
at rest while standing on the treadmill. At the end of the protocol, we
evaluated the total test time performed by the athletes, not counting the five
minutes of recovery. The test was considered maximum when individuals reached
the HRmax predicted by age (220 – age) and maximum
voluntary fatigue. Both criteria should be met.
of blood pressure and heart rate
The analyzes of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood
pressure (DBP) were performed using an arm sphygmomanometer and stethoscope
auscultation with individuals standing on the treadmill during rest, every
three minutes of test execution and after its completion, during minutes one,
two, four and six of recovery. HR was analyzed through an electrocardiogram
with the recording of the 12 standard leads (ErgoPC
Elite 13) with an individual at rest, standing upright on the treadmill, every
minute during test execution and during recovery, in minutes one, two, three,
four and five. HRR was calculated as the difference between the HRmax achieved during the test and the HR recorded after 60
(DHRR 1), 120 (DHRR 2), 180 (DHRR 3), 240 (DHRR 4) and 300 (DHRR 5) seconds, representing the
decline in HR during that time interval. During the active recovery period, the
subjects walked on the treadmill with a standardized load of 4.0 km/h during
the first and second minutes and 3.0 km/h in the third and fourth, the last
minute of recovery was performed while standing on the mat, all minutes of
recovery were performed without inclination.
The data for the present study were presented as mean ± and standard
deviation. Statistical tests were performed using the Statistica
software (v10.0 StalSoft, USA). The variables
analyzed in this study were subjected to the Shapiro-Wilk test to assess the
normality of data distribution, resulting in normal distribution.
Anthropometric characteristics data were subjected to statistical analysis
Student's t test for non-repeated measurements. To compare the HRR indexes,
ANOVA 2-way analysis of variance was used for non-repeated measures in TG and
AG. When necessary, the Newman-Keuls test was used as
a post-hoc test. For all tests, the level of significance adopted was 5%.
The physiological and hemodynamic variables recorded at rest, before the
test is performed, are in Table I. The data were expressed as means and
standard deviations. The average age of the groups was 16.4 ± 0.3 years for TG
and 27.9 ± 0.2 years for AG and was the only one to present a significant
difference between the variables in this table (p < 0.05).
I - Characterization of participants
expressed as mean ± and standard deviation; *p<0.05; BMI = body mass index;
SBP = systolic blood pressure; DBP = diastolic blood pressure
The data obtained during and after the exercise stress test are in Table
II. After the test was interrupted, it was observed that the rapid phase of HRR
(1st and 2nd minutes after the test ceased) showed a similar behavior between
the two groups. During the slow phase, the HRR presented higher values for the
TG group in minutes three, four and five, showing a significant difference
between the two groups evaluated (p < 0.05).
II - Heart rate behavior
expressed as mean ± standard deviation; *p < 0.05; HR = heart rate; HRmax = maximum heart rate; DHRR
= HR decline in the time interval between HRmax and
the analyzed minute
The present study verified the possible relationship between HRR
behavior in groups of adult and teenager athletes. Our results did not show
differences in the decline in HR in the first minutes (fast phase) after a
maximum effort test with active recovery, when compared to their teenager
peers. During the slow phase, the decline in HR was significantly greater in
the group of teenagers and exceeded the group of adults in absolute values, a
behavior that remained until the last minute analyzed.
The adaptations in cardiac autonomic function resulting from good
training levels are known and are mainly due to the increase in the sympathovagal balance and, consequently, lower HRR values
after exercise. This training effect is observed in different populations, both
in the elderly after eight weeks of aerobic training [10] and in adults with a
higher level of aerobic fitness, there is an increase in autonomic control of
post-exercise heart rate, demonstrated by a decrease in HRR, which reflects the
preservation of the speed of vagal reentry [20]. Corroborating the importance
of physical exercise as an activity that seems to postpone the deleterious
effect of age on HRR, a study conducted with trained and untrained subjects of
similar ages shows, after maximum effort test, higher HRR values in the group
that practices physical exercise [21].
Having the knowledge that high levels of conditioning lead to better HRR
rates, several studies were conducted with athletes of different ages and
sports, observing the values for this index of measurement of autonomic
function [9,17,18,22,23,24].
Although there is a considerable amount of data with athletes, few
sought to observe differences between athletes of the same sport and different
ages. An elegant study was conducted comparing the HRR between young and adult
athletes after a maximum ramp test. Lazic et al.
[25] observed better rates of HRR during the first minute in adults, when
compared to their teenager peers; however, in the third minute the teenagers
already had a significantly higher HRR. These data show some similarities with
the findings of our study, mainly with the inversion of HRR values from the
third minute, when teenagers seem to have an advantage in relation to their
adult peers.
Most of the energy provided during a soccer game is provided by aerobic
metabolism, but the result is often decided in anaerobic sprints; therefore,
football may be considered an intermittent modality, where both physical
capacities are important and must be improved [26].
importance of aerobic fitness has already been demonstrated in adult
individuals for better HRR values [20]. Boullosa et
al. [27] evaluated the autonomic cardiac adaptations in soccer players
after an eight-week training period and found better values for heart rate
variability (HRV) and HRR measures, concluding that a pre-season of training
has a positive influence on both indexes.
Studies differ in relation to the exercise and recovery protocol used,
which may directly influence HR behavior during and after exercise. Maeder et al. [28] showed a difference in the first
minute of HRR during two different exercise protocols, in healthy subjects and
with heart failure. The type of recovery also appears to be a determining
variable, since Barak et al. [29] found that different recovery protocols
influenced the first minute of HRR, both in athletes and non-athletes.
The effects of physical exercise on several control indexes of autonomic
functions are widely demonstrated [30,31,32]. However, as we have shown, these
effects also occur in HRR [9,10,20,21,22,25]. It is worth mentioning that the drop
in HRR is a potent prognostic factor that predicts mortality from
cardiovascular diseases, even in asymptomatic individuals [33].
Based on data from the current literature, we believe that our findings
have great relevance for a better understanding of autonomic responses in
athletes of different ages. Our hypothesis is that the training preserves
parasympathetic autonomic function, so that in the fast phase, both groups (TG
and AG) have similar HRR values. During the slow phase, largely determined by
the reactivation of the sympathetic component, the training did not seem to
have enough effect for the groups to continue with close values, so, from the
third minute onwards, the TG group had a higher HRR.
The present study has limitations, since some measures that may
influence the autonomic response after physical exercise, such as maximum
oxygen consumption and metabolic thresholds for determining the aerobic fitness
of the groups, as well as the time of practice of the evaluated athletes, were
not stratified. Future studies are necessary with the evaluation of the
mentioned indexes and explaining what the possible reasons for the effects of
physical exercise to act are preserving the vagal reentry.
Based on the results, we conclude that high levels of physical training,
observed in athletes, act preserving parasympathetic autonomic control after
physical effort, attenuating the effects of age in the studied population,
which was demonstrated by similar values in the rapid phase of HRR. From this
moment on, that is, in the slow phase, the effect of exercise acting on the
sympathetic withdrawal was not observed; therefore, it is expected that young
athletes recover faster than their adult peers do in this period.
To the coordinator Nicolau Teixeira, from the
Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the Santa Cecília
University for the support and to our Laboratory of Exercise Physiology and
Health (LAFES).
This article represents a scientific initiation by Victor Tavares de
Santana, supervised by Professor Doctor Alexandre Galvão
da Silva and Professor Doctor Débora Dias Ferraretto Moura Rocco.
of interest
No potential conflict of interest.
of authors
Conception and design of the research:
Santana VT, Rocco DDFM, Silva AG. Data collection: Aguillar
IN, Santana VT, Rocco DDFM, Silva AG, Rached H. Analysis
and interpretation of data: Santana VT, Rocco DDFM, Silva AG. Statistical
analysis: Silva AG. Obtaining financing: not applicable. Writing
of the manuscript: Santana VT, Rocco DDFM, Silva AG. Critical review of
the manuscript for important intellectual content: Gardenghi