Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2020;19(5):421-34
doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v19i5.4630
of myokines concentrations from exercise stimulus: a systematic review
Respostas das
concentrações de miocinas a partir do estímulo do
exercício físico: uma revisão sistemática
Leandro Paim da Cruz
Carvalho1, Matheus Borges da Cruz Gomes2, Ícaro Cerqueira
da Silva Oliveira¹, Pedro Henrique Silva Santos3, Ariel Custódio de
Oliveira II1, Lorena Mariel González Vitavar4, Heitor
Barbosa Alves2
1Universidade Federal do
Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina, PE, Brazil
2Universidade Estadual
de Feira de Santana, Feira de Santana, BA, Brazil
3Fundação Estatal de
Saúde da Família/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FESF/FioCruz),
Salvador, BA, Brazil
4Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud – Universidad Adventista del Plata, Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos,
on: September 10, 2020; Accepted on: September 16,
Corresponding author: Leandro Paim da Cruz
Carvalho, Rua Santo Amaro, 133 Chácara São Cosme, Feira de Santana BA
Leandro Paim da Cruz
Matheus Borges da Cruz
Ícaro Cerqueira da Silva
Pedro Henrique Silva
Ariel Custódio de
Oliveira II:
Lorena Mariel González Vitavar:
Heitor Barbosa Alves:
Introduction: The
skeletal muscle is the largest endocrine organ of human body and have this role
through peptides and proteins known as myokines. The myokines are cytokines
that are produced and secreted by the skeletal muscle in response to the
stimulus of contraction, acting locally and/or be released in the circulation
and influence other distant tissues. Physical exercise is a potent stimulus for
molecular adaptations in the organism, and when practiced with regularity,
promotes structural and functional adaptations in skeletal muscle. Therefore,
physical exercise has a direct action on the concentrations of myokines. Objective: Based
on this, this research investigated, through a systematic literature review,
the responses of myokines concentrations from the stimulus of physical
exercise. Methods: Searches were carried out by two researchers independently, in the Scielo, Pubmed and Virtual
Healthy Library databases, analyzing articles published between 2009 and 2020,
after a careful selection process in four stages, the works that reached the
third stage were read in full and submitted to quality analysis using a
critical review form. Results: At the end of the process, 12 articles were selected to
compose the discussion. Conclusion: The analyzed articles show that physical performance,
both acute and chronic, is capable of significantly modulating the
concentration of several myokines, promoting an increase in many such as IL-6,
IL-15, BDNF and apelin, in addition to a significant decrease in muscle
Keywords: exercise;
skeletal muscle fibers; cytokines.
Introdução: O músculo esquelético é
o maior órgão endócrino do corpo humano e possui esse papel a partir de
peptídeos e proteínas conhecidos como miocinas. As miocinas são citocinas produzidas e secretadas pelo músculo
em resposta ao estímulo das contrações, podendo agir localmente e/ou cair na
circulação e influenciar outros tecidos distantes. O exercício físico é um
potente estímulo para adaptações moleculares no organismo e, quando
regularmente executado, induz adaptações estruturais e funcionais no músculo
esquelético. Sendo assim, o exercício físico possui ação direta nas
concentrações dessas miocinas. Objetivo: Baseado nisso, esta
pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar, através de uma revisão sistemática de
literatura, as respostas das concentrações de miocinas
a partir do estímulo do exercício físico. Métodos: As buscas foram realizadas por dois
pesquisadores de forma independente, nos bancos de dados do Scielo,
Pubmed e BVS, analisando artigos publicados entre
2009 e 2020. Após processo de seleção criterioso em quatro etapas, os trabalhos
que chegaram até a terceira etapa foram lidos na integra e submetidos a uma
análise de qualidade por via formulário de revisão crítica. Resultados: Ao final do
processo, foram selecionados 12 artigos para compor a discussão. Conclusão: Os artigos
revisados demonstram que o exercício físico, tanto de forma aguda quanto de
forma crônica, é capaz de modular de forma significativa a concentração de
diversas miocinas promovendo o aumento da
concentração das mesmas, por exemplo da IL-6, IL-15, BDNF e apelina,
além de diminuição significativa de miostatina
Palavras-chave: exercício físico;
fibras musculares esqueléticas; citocinas.
Skeletal muscle (SM) has a great adaptative potential, being the
intracellular signaling promoted by muscle contraction a strong mechanism to
molecular and functional adaptation to muscle itself. Through stimulus caused
by regular exercise training is possible to increase protein synthesis into SM,
promoting higher functional capacity and performance [1].
Exercise is largely recommended both in prevention and as treatment to
metabolic diseases by its anti-inflammatory (AI) role and as a metabolism
regulator. In this scenario, the SM has an important role due the production
and release of many cytokines and another peptide, called myokines by Pedderson et al. [2] in 2003.
These myokines can, in several cases, have AI role not only inside the
muscle, but may be released into bloodstream and be transported to another
organs and tissues. It can stimulate immunological responses and contrast with
the deleterious effects of some cytokines produced by adipose tissue (AT), for
example the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) [3,4]
Beyond that, the scientific literature shows evidences indicating that
exercise training has the potential to directly alter the circulating levels of
myokines, increasing production and release of many myokines, as interleukins
(IL), IL-15 and IL-6 [4,5].
Although the importance of myokines be notable, considering that it allow communication between SM and other tissues, is still
unclear how is their responsiveness to different exercise stimulus, as type,
intensity and volume of exercise training. The knowledge of these responses can
help to build a better exercise prescription aiming specific benefits promoted
by higher myokines concentrations.
Besides that, there are some studies analyzing the effects of exercise
into myokines concentrations, leading us to consider this review relevant,
summarizing systematically the actual evidences in this field. Based in the
knowledge of myokines responses, the professional of exercise prescription can
be more specific to prescribe the exercise aiming to modulate properly one or
more myokines. Based in these rational, the aim of this systematic review was
to verify the responses of myokines concentration from exercise stimulus.
of databases, research strategy and combinations
A systematic review was carried out based on bibliographic research of studies
that analyzed the biological responses of myokines from the exercise stimulus.
The research of the articles was performed by two independents researchers in
December 2019, in the following electronic databases: Pubmed,
Scielo and Virtual Health Library (in portuguese Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde [BVS]).
The selection of the descriptors used was made based on health science
descriptors. In the searches for the articles the terms “myokines” and “effects
of exercise” were used in the following combinations in English and Portuguese
languages “skeletal muscle’’ AND “myokines”, “effects of exercise” AND
“production of myokines”.
Was performed the PICO strategy: P – Participants in studies with
exercise who dosed myokines; I - Interventions with systematic exercise of any
type; C – Comparisons of results with theirselfs pre
and posts results; O – Outcomes of exercise concentrations of circulating
To better organization of references, we organized than in an Excel
spreadsheet 2013.
plan steps
Search plan was divided in four steps (stages). In the first step was
identified 197 publications potentially eligible to review. Then, in second
step, the “2009 to current” and “human” filters were used to find studies
closer to the proposed theme, resulting in 45 studies.
In third stage, the titles, abstracts and conclusions were read in order
to verify their suitability for the purpose to this review. In addition, was
applied the inclusion criteria established for the paper’s selection. Were
included the papers that: a) original cross-sectional or longitudinal work; b)
with at least one physical exercise session; c) reporting the effects of
exercise on myokines concentrations. After analyzing the studies, 18
publications were selected and analyze in the next step.
In the fourth stage of article selection, the established exclusion
criteria were performed. To begin, the papers were fully read by two
independent researchers and were excluded papers that: were duplicated; b)
those that did not reached 10 points or more in the critical review of Law et
al. [6], and c) myokines that were not be analyzed at least in two different
At the end of the fourth stage, 12 papers were selected to compound this
review. It Is important to note that in all steps of search the papers and
analyzes were conducted by two independents researchers using the statistical
software SPSS 22.0 and the Kappa concordance test [7] to check the level of
agreement between the researchers. As a result, values were always above 0.80
and P < 0.001, indicating almost perfect concordance between researchers. In
this analysis, values up to 0.19 indicate poor agreement, between 0.20-0.39
mild agreement, 0.40-0.59 moderate agreement, 0.60-0.79 substantive agreement
and between 0.80-1.00 indicates almost perfect agreement [7]. For a better
understanding of the results, Figure 1 shows the number of studies during all
the pre-established stages.
1 - Flowchart of the steps of the systematic review
Table I shows the score obtained by the studies selected using the
instrument proposed by Law et al. [6]. It aims to classify the quality
of studies and has 15 items.
However, item 4 does not score, as it is only to distinguish the type of
study, so item 4 was removed from our analysis and item 5 became 4 and so on,
totaling 14 items that were scored below in the table. A quality cut-off point
of 10 points was defined, that is, the article that did not score at least 10
items would be eliminated from the review. The items that were scored were
marked with an “x” while those that were not scored were left blank.
I - Score of studies in the critical review form by
Law et al. (1998).
The profile of the 12 selected studies that met the inclusion and
exclusion criteria was described in Chart 1. The total number of participants
was 224 individuals, 74.2% (166) of whom were male and only 13.8% (31) women.
Two studies did not report the gender of the sample. The age range of study
participants ranged between 18 and 65 years.
Regarding study designs, 75% (9) were cross-sectional, while only 25%
(3) evaluated biological responses in a longitudinal way. The response of
myokines by stimulating resistance exercises (RE) was evaluated in 50% (6)
studies. In turn, 50% (6) studies analyzed aerobic exercises (AE). Finally, the
Elisa Kit was the most used enzymatic method of analysis in research.
1 - Profile of the selected studies. (see PDF)
Chart 2 shows the myokines response concentrations from the exercise
stimulus. It is observed that IL-6, IL-15 and myostatin were the target of 4
studies each one, standing out, as the myokines of greatest interest in
literature when it comes to response through exercise.
2 - Myokines responses after exercise. (see PDF)
The aim of the present study was to systematically review the response
of myokines after exercise training. To better understanding the data, we will
initially address the actions of the myokines that will be discussed, to later
describe the effects of exercise on them.
IL-6, the first myokine described, was showed by Steensberg
et al. [8] in 2000. In addition to being produced by SM as a result of
muscle contraction, is also produced in other tissues, as liver, for example.
There is evidence that IL-6 acts stimulating the proliferation of satellite
cells after acute damage in the SM, and, therefore, having a role in muscle
hypertrophy [9].
When in physical exercise, the release of IL-6 occurs independently of
release of TNF-α [10], possessing, thus, AI capacity. In this conditions,
IL-6 acts inhibiting the production and secretion of TNF-α and its soluble
receivers, as well, blocking IL-1 and IL-10 receivers [11]. Chronically, the
levels of IL-6 are lowed after an exercise program, however, is also reported a
better AI state in individuals that practiced exercise [12]. A possible
explanation to this paradox, may be the fact that exercise modulates the
release of IL-6 in other tissues, as in the immune system, consequently,
lowering the release of IL-6 associated to TNF-α. The scientific
literature shows that higher circulating levels of IL-6 are associated with
physical inactivity and higher risk of metabolic syndrome [3,11,13].
Another myokine that has been studied in recent years is the IL-15. This
myokine, similar with many other molecules produced in the body, promotes
several effects in different organs. These effects include signaling to muscle
hypertrophy, in additional to acting on lipidic metabolism [14], reducing the
deposition of lipids and reducing the mass of white adipocytes cells. In the
immune system, IL-15 acts mobilizing natural killer (NK) cells, that in its
turn, act reducing tumor growth [15]. In bone tissue, associated with
fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 21, IL-6 helps with bone mineralization,
consequently aiding bone formation and repair after fracture [3,16].
We know that not all substances produced by muscular secretome
assists in synthesis of other tissues, and myostatin is a good example of a
myokine that acts limiting the muscle hypertrophy. Myostatin belongs to the
family of transforming growth factor and with higher plasma levels of this
myokine being observed in obese and sedentary individuals [17,18]. In addition
to this limiting effect on muscle growth, myostatin has an important role in
bone tissue and adipose tissue. In bone tissue, myostatin has acts opposite to
IL-15, making mineralization and post-fracture repair difficult. In adipose
tissue, therefore, evidence shows that myostatin triggers the signaling to
hypertrophy of adipose tissue cells [16].
When performed acutely and chronically, the exercise downregulates
myostatin levels in the tissues previously mentioned [19]. Evidence points to a
large reduction of myostatin levels after one single session of exercise (56%),
and in a longitudinal way, exercise training can reduce 34% of myostatin
levels. In addition, a reduction of 48% was observed in elderly after an
exercise program of training [20].
Another important myokine modulated by exercise is the brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which in central nervous system, acts to maintain
or improve cognitive activity by regulating neuronal survival, facilitating
synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis and improving the memory process. BDNF also
has a role in neuroprotection against anxiety and depression [16,21].
Finally, apelin is a myokine that has receptors in various organs, as
the kidneys, lungs, adrenal gland, heart, pancreas and brain. It is important
to increase the cardiac inotropism and is associated with insulin metabolism.
Apelin also improves the mitochondrial capacity in SM and reduces muscle damage
and exercise
6 (IL-6)
The study conducted by Oliver et al. [14] evaluated myokines
acute late responses after traditional squat and in the cluster squat (with 30s
intra-series interval and 150s interval between sets), both at 70% of a maximum
repetition (1MR). This study demonstrated a significant increase in the IL-6
concentration after exercise, but there were no significant differences between
the kinds of squat. These findings can be partially explained by the fact that
IL-6 can both acts as an anti-inflammatory factor and as an energy sensor in the
cell [24]. Once having a bigger energy demand and increased gluconeogenesis,
IL-6 is released, and both, the intensity and volume of exercise, affect its
In a study conducted by Wahl et al. [25], when analyzed the
responses of three different situations 1) cycling with an effort at 70% of
peak power, over a period of 60 minutes, 2) cycling plus electrostimulation and
3) only electrostimulation. The authors observed that the concentration of IL-6
increased significantly during cycling both with, and without
electrostimulation, but not in isolated electrostimulation. These findings
corroborate with the idea that the production and release of IL-6 is related to
the mechanotransduction stimulus trigged by muscle
In a study conducted by Zembron-Lacny et
al. [26] related the late acute response of IL-6 in a normal running and
running with eccentric emphasis. They found higher Il-6 concentrations after
running with eccentric emphasis. These findings can be explained to complementary
factors. First, in eccentric contractions there a bigger tendency to muscle
damage. In second, IL-6 also acts in muscle repair, inducing the proliferation
of satellite cells [9]. In this way, exercise with eccentric emphasis can
increase the expression of IL-6 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in the
Bugera et al.
[27] evaluated bilateral knee extension with and without blood flux restriction
in low intensity and without blood flux restriction in high intensity in
strength training experienced individuals. The researchers did not find serum
detectible levels of IL-6. Since there is little time of exposure to exercise
and that the fact that IL-6 together with AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)
are the most powerful energy sensors in the cell. Increasing its expression
when there is a high metabolic demand compatible with cyclic training of
greater volume, in resistance training there is a greater activation of
Phosphoinositide 3-kinases-Protein Kinase B- mammalian target of rapamycin (PI3K-AKT-mTOR)
pathway, that, which, in addition to signaling for protein synthesis, inhibits
AMPK pathway [28].
The studies described above corroborate with the literature about the
fact that IL-6 acts as a metabolic sensor and its concentration increases while
the glycogen concentrations drop both in the muscle as in the liver. In another
hand, chronically, evidences point, to decrease in plasma concentration levels
of IL-6 decrease after physical exercise [12].
We found studies analyzing IL-15 myokine only acutely. In the study
conducted by Perez-Lopez et al. [29] was found a significance increase
in IL-15 levels after leg press and in bilateral knee extension. IL-15 was more
than 5 folds higher after exercise. This finding can be explained due to the
mediating role of IL-15 in the elevation of myofibrillar protein synthesis
observed in SM after a single session of a resistance training. This finding
corroborates the study by Oliver et al. [23] who also found a significant
post-EF increase for lower limbs.
On the other hand, Bugera et al. [27]
when evaluating the resistance training with and without blood flow
restriction, found no significant difference in IL-15 concentrations after
exercise. Contrary to the two researches previously mentioned, Bugera et al. [27] adopted a submaximal exercise
protocol and the total exercise volume was also lower. In our opinion, these
results point to the need for high volume application to stimulate the response
of this myokine. In addition, fatigue appears to play an important role in
IL-15 secretion, as in the studies by Oliver et al. [23] and Perez-Lopez
et al. [29], since this myokine plays a role in the response to muscle
Tamura et al. [30] evaluated the acute response of IL-15, 30 minutes
after an exercise performed on the treadmill at 70% of maximum heart rate,
finding a significance increase in IL-15 levels after 10 minutes of recovery.
The aforementioned studies indicate that regardless of
the type of exercise, whether aerobic or resistance training, the contractile
activity of the SM can trigger the production and release of IL-15, which may
influence the mediation of systemic and local benefits from the exercise. From
these studies, it seems to us that volume is a more important variable in
resistance training than in aerobic training for the release of IL-15.
In an interesting study conducted by Carvalho et al. [18] the
myostatin response was acutely evaluated after a maximal treadmill test and
isokinetic exercise for lower limbs in three distinct groups composed of
eutrophic individuals (EI), metabolically healthy obese individuals (MHOI) and
obese individuals metabolically unhealthy (OMUH). Being classified as OMUH
individuals who had insulin resistance and at least three of the five criteria
for Metabolic Syndrome according to Panel III of adult treatment of the
National Cholesterol Education Program [31].
The results showed that myostatin was elevated only in OMUH, because
unhealthy obesity was associated with events such as insulin resistance,
metabolic syndrome, TNF-α and low muscle mass. In addition, and perhaps
more importantly, the authors also determined in this study the ideal cutoff
point for myostatin concentration, which is> 505.1 pg
/ ml. These findings may prove to be useful in future studies and also in the monitoring of cardiometabolic disorders.
Myostatin response was evaluated in a longitudinally way by Hitel et al. [32] in a program of moderate exercise,
where after each exercise session was measured myostatin levels. The authors
analyzed myostatin levels after a 9 months exercise program in sedentary hyperinsulinemic individuals, using two different methods:
western blotting and ELISA. In the western blotting method was found 37%
reduction in myostatin levels, however, through the ELISA method, a 21%
reduction in these levels was found. In our view, this discrepancy in values
should be observed with caution, because most of the studies reviewed here
adopted the ELISA method as a way of quantifying myokine concentrations.
Hjorth et al. [33] evaluated the myostatin concentrations during
12 weeks of exercise, both resistance and aerobic training in healthy
individuals and in individuals with dysglycemia. The
authors found a significant drop of 7.5% in the group with dysglycemia
that was in the exercise training. However, acutely, the myostatin levels was
found increased, in addition, a moderate positive correlation was found with
glycolytic fiber, indicating that the greater the glucose consumption, more
myostatin is produced and released. This find is corroborated by the moderated
negative correlation for myostatin concentration and slow contraction oxidative
et al. [34] evaluated myostatin levels after 246 km marathon, the
authors found a 12% increase in myostatin levels in the post-race compared to
the pre-race. Despite this study finding higher levels of myostatin after
exercise, possibly due to the level of effort required in an ultramarathon, the
trend shown in the studies cited above is that myostatin appears reduced after
physical training performed chronically. Still, the scientific literature is
not clear when explaining the reason for this reduction, but it is known that
there is a crosstalk between the skeletal muscle and the liver, where, in this
case, the release of follistatin is increased by the
liver and this substance acts by inhibiting the production and release of
myostatin by the SM, which could chronically lead to these findings [3].
Brain Derived Neurotrofic Factor (BDNF)
In the study by Fortunato et al. [35], there was an increase in
BDNF expression only for the group trained in resistance training, compared to
the control group. In the study by Wahl et al. [25], the authors found
greater increases in BDNF concentration after 60 minutes on the isolated cycle
ergometer, followed by the cycle ergometer plus electrostimulation condition.
These findings contribute to the notion that muscle contraction is a potent
stimulator of BDNF release. Recently, the functioning of two pathways of
crosstalk between muscle-brain has been discussed.
In the first pathway, moderate to high intensity exercise stimulates the
secretion of cathepsin B, which manages to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and
stimulate the production of BDNF messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) [36]. In the
second pathway, exercise stimulates the release of irisin into the bloodstream
and irisin, in turn, would be able to cross the BBB and stimulate the production
of BDNF in the hippocampus region [37].
In the study by Fortunato et al. [35] it was shown that
resistance training was able to increase plasma levels of apelin in the group
with people not trained in resistance exercises, 2 hours and 24 hours after the
end of session. In the study by Sanchis-Gomar et
al. [38] apelin was evaluated longitudinally during a professional football
season, with a significant increase in its concentration in the first three
months of the season. However, although this myokine is related to the
improvement of mitochondrial capacity [39], this increase was not correlated
with the players' sports performance. Based on that, the authors consider that
this myokine should not be considered as a performance biomarker. In our
opinion, more studies need to be carried out with this theme, not only in
football, but in other sports.
Considering the acute results of the studies above. We consider
important to highlight the hypotensive effect of apelin already demonstrated in
the literature and how its secretion can benefit hypertensive individuals. This
is due to phosphorylation of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase endothelial,
consequently causing an increase in the production of nitric oxide [40]. In
hypertensive subjects, the levels of apelin are decreased, mainly due to
hemodynamic changes caused by the pathology [41]. Longitudinally, the study by
Izadi et al. [42] demonstrated that high-intensity interval training can
increase the secretion of apelin and nitric oxide in hypertensive individuals.
2 - Summary of myokine responses and actions.
and future directions
We highlight as limitations, the fact that of the selected articles, a
small number of studies (only three), evaluated the responses of myokines to
exercise in a chronic way and that different intervention methodologies
resulted in difficulty in comparing the findings. As future directions, we
suggest that a pattern in the intervention methodology, with respect to volume
and intensity, be replicated in different studies, with the aim of verifying
whether there is a difference between the results, and that studies
investigating the effect of different environmental temperatures are produced
and exercise conditions in the responses of myokines to increase the external
validity and application of the exercise prescription considering the
concentrations of myokines.
Based on the findings of this review, the ability of both aerobic
training and resistance training to stimulate changes in the concentrations of
different myokines is evidenced. It is also observed that the volume and
intensity of exercise play a regulatory role in the production and secretion of
In addition, it was possible to observe that, both acutely and
chronically, the practice of exercise provided significant changes in the
release of myokines and that not all respond in the same way, such as IL-6 and
BDNF, which increases after the exercise session, however, on the other hand,
myostatin tends to decrease.
It was also possible to verify that most studies analyzed IL-6, IL-15
and myostatin, which suggests a specific interest in the literature to
investigate the concentrations of these myokines. On the other hand, this
creates a gap in the study of other myokines that should be further
investigated, such as apelin and BDNF.
conflict of interest
Pernambuco State Science and Technology Support Foundation (FACEPE)
Authors' contributions
Conception and
design of the research, critical review of the manuscript:
Leandro Paim da Cruz Carvalho; Data collection:
Heitor Barbosa Alves, Matheus Borges da Cruz Gomes, Ícaro Cerqueira da Silva
Oliveira; Writing ofthe manuscript: Heitor Barbosa
Alves, Matheus Borges da Cruz Gomes, Leandro Paim da Cruz Carvalho, Ícaro
Cerqueira da Silva Oliveira, Pedro Henrique Silva Santos, Ariel Custódio de
Oliveira II, Lorena Mariel González Vitavar