Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2021;20(5):592-603
doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v20i5.4770
Determination and control of resistance training
intensity and volume in exercise science research and its application
e controle da intensidade e volume do treinamento de força na pesquisa nas
ciências do exercício e sua aplicação
Determinación y control de la intensidad y volumen del
entrenamiento de la fuerza en la investigación en ciencias del ejercicio y su
Juan Ramón Heredia-Elvar1,2, Guillermo Peña
García-Orea2, José Luis Mate Muñoz1, Juan Hernández
Lougedo1, Levy Anthony de-Oliveira3, Marzo Edir Da Silva-
1Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid, Spain
2Instituto Internacional Ciencias Ejercicio Físico y Salud, Alicante, Spain
3Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristóvão,
May 22, 2021; Accepted: July 20, 2021.
Correspondence: Marzo Edir Da Silva-Grigoletto,
Prof. Arício Guimarães Fortes 321/902, 49037-060
Aracaju SE
Juan Ramón Heredia-Elvar:
Guillermo Peña García-Orea:
José Luis Mate Muñoz:
Juan Hernández Lougedo:
Levy Anthony de-Oliveira:
Marzo Edir Da Silva-Grigoletto:
In early studies, where the positive effects of
resistance training and repeated muscular efforts were documented, the purpose
of science to know the best way to define, control, and dose strength training
has been one of the issues that have concentrated the greatest interest and
effort. This issue is extremely important since the results that originate from
the highest quality scientific works should make it possible to continue
generating the body of knowledge that helps to improve the training methodology
and, therefore, the participation in the practice of the professionals. For
this to be accomplished, scientific studies must have, among other attributes,
a precise method for determining and controlling the variables that define the
proposed training stimulus to verify the relationship between it and the
effects produced. However, if this does not happen, the researchers and
training professionals themselves run the risk of making decisions about the
configuration of the stimuli (manipulating the variables of the load) based on
“false” scientific conclusions, or in the best of cases, uncertain.
Keywords: variables; dosage; quantification; load; intensity; volume.
estudos iniciais, que documentaram os efeitos positivos do treinamento com pesos
e a execução de esforços musculares repetidos, o propósito da ciência de
conhecer a melhor maneira de definir, controlar e dosar o treinamento de força
tem sido uma das questões que concentraram o maior interesse e esforço.
Trata-se de uma questão extremamente importante, pois os resultados originários
dos trabalhos científicos de maior qualidade devem possibilitar a continuação
da geração do corpo de conhecimento que ajuda a melhorar a metodologia do
treinamento e, portanto, as participações na prática dos profissionais. Para
que isso seja cumprido, os estudos científicos devem ter, entre outros
atributos, um método preciso de determinação e controle das variáveis que
definem o estímulo do treinamento proposto, a fim de verificar a relação entre
ele e os efeitos produzidos. No entanto, se isso não acontecer, pesquisadores e
profissionais do treinamento correm o risco de tomar decisões sobre a
configuração dos estímulos (manipulação das variáveis da carga) com base em
conclusões científicas "falsas" ou incertas, na melhor das hipóteses.
Palavras-chave: variáveis, dosagem, quantificação,
carga, intensidade, volume.
los estudios iniciales, donde se documentaban los efectos positivos del entrenamiento con cargas y la ejecución de esfuerzos musculares
repetidos, el propósito de la
ciencia por conocer la mejor forma de definir,
controlar y dosificar el entrenamiento
de la fuerza ha constituido
una de las cuestiones que mayor interés y esfuerzo han concentrado. Esto es una cuestión sumamente
importante, ya que los
resultados que se originan de los
trabajos científicos de mayor
calidad deberían posibilitar el seguir generando el cuerpo
de conocimiento que ayude a
mejorar la metodología del entrenamiento y, por tanto, las participaciones en la práctica de los profesionales. Para que esto se cumpla, los estudios científicos deben gozar, entre otros
atributos, de un método preciso de determinación y control de las variables que definen el estímulo de entrenamiento propuesto, para
poder comprobar la relación entre éste y los efectos producidos.
Sin embargo, si esto no ocurre, los propios
investigadores y profesionales del
entrenamiento corren el riesgo de tomar decisiones sobre la configuración de los estímulos
(manipulando las variables
de la carga) basadas en conclusiones científicas
“falsas”, o en el mejor de los casos, inciertas.
Palabras-clave: variables; dosificación; cuantificación;
carga; intensidad; volumen.
training has been used for decades to improve practitioners' athletic
performance, health, and quality of life. However, designing a strength
training program is not an easy task. Many factors interfere with the training
stimulus. It is necessary to know the training principles, such as adaptation,
progressive overload, and biological individuality, since they govern training
safety and effectiveness [1,2].
strength training stimulus configuration depends on manipulating several
variables that interact with each other, such as the type and order of the
exercises, the load magnitude, the number of repetitions and sets, the rest
duration between reps, sets, and exercises [1,4]. These variables or indicators
manipulation will have different repercussions on the type and magnitude of the
physiological response and, consequently, the adaptive response elicited by
resistance training [1,2].
this article, we proposed a critical review of how scientific research and
sports practice have traditionally determined, controlled, and programmed
intensity and volume, two fundamental and constituent intervention variables
(or independent variables) of the "training load". We will also
present alternatives that seem to enjoy a higher degree of precision and
validity for this objective in the light of new evidence.
The definition, control, and determination of
intensity in strength training
The scientific
literature identifies the intensity of strength training concerning specific
indicators. We will analyze next those considered "gold standards",
analyzing their validity, usefulness, and applicability.
Training intensity as a percentage of one-repetition
maximum (%1RM)
the value of the maximum repetition (1RM), individually valued directly or
indirectly estimated, is usually expressed in kilograms (kg), and the definition
of intensity, taking the RM as a reference, is carried out based on the
percentages of said MR previously obtained [1,4].
this sense, this way of determining and dosing the relative intensity has
certain disadvantages that limit its applicability to the daily practice of
training, such as [5,6]: 1) direct assessment of 1RM is time-consuming and may
be associated with injury when performed incorrectly or by novice subjects, as
well as being impractical for large groups of athletes; 2) the 1RM value is
complex to measure, and the value obtained is usually imprecise, that is, it is
not real. This situation implies that each absolute load used as a reference RM
considered non-real will always represent a different percentage from the
programmed one. Only if the 1RM velocity is measured could one be sure that the
value obtained could be more accurate [7]; 3) the high variability or
oscillation of the current 1RM value over time. This variability would imply
the need to constantly carry out evaluations in each exercise to readjust the
absolute load calculation corresponding to the relative load programmed
according to the capacity of the subject's current performance [8].
Training intensity as the maximum number of possible
repetitions (Nº RM or XRM)
maximum number of repetitions possible to perform in a set with a submaximal
absolute load (for example, 6RM, 10RM) has been suggested as a procedure to
define, program, and dose the intensity and even estimate the value of the 1RM
through validated regression equations for specific exercises [9,10,11]. These
procedures are proposed assuming an approximate average number of maximum
repetitions per set that can be performed with each 1RM percentage according to
the exercise type and the training level of the subject [9,10,12], and,
therefore, a certain number of maximum repetitions is representative of a
specific relative intensity (%1RM). While this approach eliminates the need for
a direct 1RM test, it is not without its drawbacks:
1. Performing repetitions to muscle failure (XRM) is
unnecessary for training, which could be counterproductive for improving
actions performed at high velocity [13,14,15,16,17].
2. Performing an equal number of maximum repetitions
with a given absolute load does not represent, in all cases, the same relative
intensity between different subjects since not all of them can perform the same
XRM at the same relative intensity [18]. Therefore, if a unique XRM is
programmed for a group of subjects, many of them could be training with a
different relative intensity, given the high interindividual variability of the
XRM performed at the same %1RM [19]. Thus, several studies have reported
coefficients of variation from ~ 20 to ~ 50% for the maximum number of
repetitions possible to perform under different relative loads (50-90% 1RM)
3. In addition to the above, after performing the
first set until muscle failure with a specific absolute load, the repetitions
number in the following set will inevitably be reduced regardless of the
recovery time [23]. However, in numerous studies and scientific documents
[1,4,24], the real possibility of performing several consecutive sets with
relative intensities, the same absolute load, several repetitions per set, and
inter-set recovery times is practically impossible to comply with in practice,
for example, 3 x 8-12 (70-85% 1RM) / 1-2 min.
Training intensity as the execution velocity in the
concentric action (MPV of the 1st repetition)
because of advances in technology that allow the execution velocity measurement
in exercises with free weights, there is the possibility of
determining/estimating, with a high degree of precision, the relative intensity
(%1RM) that represents the absolute load lifted from the first (or fastest)
repetition of the set, always performed at the maximum possible velocity
[5,25,26,27,28], all this through specific regression equations for each exercise.
This result occurs because the mean propulsive velocity of the fastest
repetition of the set is intrinsically associated with the relative load
magnitude (%1RM), and therefore each %1RM has its velocity [5]. In addition,
the execution velocity associated with each %1RM is different and specific to
each exercise because the 1RM velocity is different for each exercise [5,7].
These findings are highly relevant for exercise professionals, not only for
solving the existing problems to control and dose training intensity in
real-time and with high precision, but also for allowing the study and knowledge
of the true dose-response relationship of the training carried out, for the
first time.
velocity in concentric action is an objective and reliable indicator of
strength training intensity and, whenever possible, it should be adequately
controlled in any strength training (rather than using %1RM or an XRM) [5,6].
To be fulfilled, the only condition is that the load always moves at the
maximum possible velocity in the concentric phase [5].
this point, it is necessary not only to have analyzed how intensity should be
controlled, programmed, and determined but also to propose an unequivocal
definition of it for strength training. In this regard, we would say that
intensity will be represented by the “degree of effort involved in performing
the first repetition of the set, performed at the maximum possible velocity”
[5,6]. Based on this intensity definition applied to strength training, it is
essential to record the need not to confuse “intensity” with the degree of
effort or fatigue involved in performing all the repetitions programmed for the
set. For example, there is no doubt that performing 3 x 10 (70% 1RM) represents
a degree of effort greater than 3 x 5 (70% 1RM); however, the intensity used
would be the same in both cases (70%).
Training intensity as repetitions in reserve (RIR)?
publications have suggested using the value of the “repetitions in reserve”
(RIR), understood as the number of repetitions that remain unperformed in a set
to failure [29,30], as an indicator of strength training intensity. Although
this value is of interest in the research field and valuable to adjust the
load, it is no less accurate that this has been misinterpreted at the time of
application by professionals since it has been proposed as an alternative for load
definition and intensity.
interpretation would not be possible, mainly because defining a stimulus by
performing repetitions in reserve (RIR) would not allow having the information
on the stimuli characteristics to be applied. For example, we could program an
RIR of (-2) for a particular exercise in each set. However, this numerical
value does not allow us to know the applied stimulus unless complemented by the
number of possible repetitions with the said absolute load. The RIR results from
the difference between the repetitions completed and the maximum achievable in
the set (defined later as “level of effort”), but it cannot be used or applied
by itself to determine the training stimulus.
The quantification, control, and dosage of volume in
strength training
scientific literature identifies the volume of strength training concerning
specific indicators. We will analyze the validity, usefulness, and
applicability of these indicators considered as "gold standards".
Training volume as the total number of performed
most of the literature on strength training, the traditional and basic way to
quantify and express volume is through the total number of repetitions
performed in a given exercise, a training session, or
any temporal structure of the programming (week, month, cycle, so on), and the
total of repetitions of a training session is dependent on the number of
exercises, sets and the repetitions per set [1,4,31]. In this way, the usual
thing in scientific studies (and training programs) is to prescribe the volume
of each set through a pre-established number of repetitions for all the
subjects of a group who train with a certain relative intensity.
from this simple volume quantification procedure, numerous studies have
proposed multiplying the total number of repetitions (sets x repetitions) by
the absolute load (kg) used in each exercise [32,33,34], obtaining an absolute
value of kilograms or tonnage (for example, 3 x 10 x 50 kg = 1500 kg). However,
it does not make sense to compare measurements of absolute volumetric load (kg,
tonnage) between individuals and different exercises since this measurement
does not reflect the degree of effort that this volume represents either. Faced
with these types of limitations, other authors have proposed considering the
total number of repetitions performed concerning the individual relative
intensity (%1RM) to obtain a more individualized parameter of the effort that
represents the volume performed (relative volume = sets x repetitions x %1RM)
[33]. By linking the volume (sets x repetitions) with the percentage of the
1RM, a value is obtained in arbitrary units that express the impact of the
training with greater precision and allows comparisons between different
individuals [4]. However, this procedure could also provide identical volumes
but representing totally different stimuli (for example, 3 x 10 x 70% would be
the same relative volume value as 10 x 3 x 70%).
truth is that all these traditional approaches to volume expression and
quantification assume that when a group of subjects performs the same number of
repetitions per set of an exercise and with the same relative intensity, the
programmed degree of effort and the associated real effort are equivalent to
each other. However, this might not be the case, since if during a session all
the subjects performed the same number of repetitions per set at the same
specific relative load (%1RM), it is very likely that many of them were a
different level of effort or fatigue, as has been commented. If we assume this
situation, in all those studies in which training volume has been controlled
and dosed for a predetermined number of repetitions per set that is the same
for all participants, the degree of fatigue generated or the degree of effort
exerted could have been different for a large part of the participants. Then,
the question remaining is: How could this problem have influenced the results
of the studies and the conclusions derived from them?
either case, the training volume will always have little or no value if it is
not accompanied by the intensity variable, correctly determined, and controlled
[6]. In other words, the training volume cannot be a component of the load that
by itself characterizes or precisely defines the type of stimulus used.
Velocity loss in the set (%VL) as a control and dosage
procedure of the training volume
training volume should be defined, controlled, and dosed more concretely and
objectively by the relative velocity loss achieved in the set (expressed as the
percentage difference between the velocity of the fastest repetition - the
first - and the slowest - the last - of the set) [19], and only failing that by
the total number of repetitions carried out (assuming the previously mentioned
inconveniences or limitations). For the same velocity loss in the set, this
procedure allows a similar degree of effort or fatigue to be achieved among
subjects who perform a training protocol with the same relative intensity.
However, if these subjects perform a different number of repetitions [19], the
relative velocity loss equalizes the effort throughout a set and not the number
of repetitions performed with the same relative load [19]. This result occurs
because, if the effort is maximum in its concentric action, the decline in
execution velocity during a set of repetitions is directly proportional to the
increase in neuromuscular fatigue [6,35].
instead of programming and performing a fixed or predetermined number of
repetitions, the most suitable alternative to setting the training volume
should be to stop or end each set as soon as a certain magnitude or percentage
of velocity loss is reached in the set, depending on the objective
Training volume as time under tension (TUT)?
training volume is directly related to the duration or the magnitude of the
stimulus time. For this reason, in some studies, training volume was associated
with the time “under tension” when performing an exercise [37]. However, the
time required to complete a set depends on different factors, such as, for
example, the number of repetitions, the movement velocity for each repetition
in the concentric phase, the movement velocity for each repetition in the
eccentric phase, the transition time between concentric and eccentric phase,
the time interval between repetitions, relative load, and others. All these determinants
of time under tension are challenging to control, interacting with each other,
and therefore cannot express a value that objectively represents the resistance
training volume.
the same way, it is not possible to prescribe an established execution time per
repetition (for example, 2: 0: 2) and that this is maintained throughout a
maximum number of maximum repetitions when raising volumes that approach muscle
Definition and control of the strength training
stimulus magnitude, or training load
the previous sections, we have delved into the need to review and update how
intensity and volume variables are individually defined and controlled in
strength training. However, for the same exercise, the magnitude of the
training load would be determined by the interaction of both variables (volume
and intensity), and through it, the degree of “global” effort that the training
stimulus represents can be defined and accurately assessed [6].
The training load as the level of effort (LE)
In strength training, the “level of effort” (LE) is
the factor that expresses the relationship between the effort made and the
achievable or possible that the subject can manifest at all times [37] and,
therefore, it will be determined by the relationship between the number of
repetitions performed per set concerning the maximum possible to perform in the
same exercise, with the same weight and at the same time [12,38]. The training
load through this factor is expressed and programmed, indicating the number of
repetitions per set to be performed (which represents the volume) and, in
parentheses, the maximum number of repetitions that the subject could achieve
with the indicated weight (which represents relative intensity).
the LE relates to and defines the training stimulus/load magnitude but should
not confuse the training intensity itself. The LE can be an efficient
procedure, accessible to all professionals, and applicable to most exercises.
Its main advantage, apart from the immediacy of its programming without the
need to carry out any test, is that the effort made will be more precisely
adjusted to the programmed effort, and therefore it will be able to express the
degree of effort made by the subject in each of the exercises. It should be noted
that the application of this methodology requires a careful educational process
and involvement on the part of the coach and athlete [37].
The effort index (EI) as a value of the training load
magnitude of each exercise
all the above, it can be deduced that the degree of effort definition and
quantification during strength training is expressed and determined through the
relationship between intensity and volume itself. By controlling the execution
velocity, we can assess very precisely the degree of effort or degree of
fatigue that a subject has experienced during training through the velocity of
the first repetition (which can be used to determine the relative intensity)
and the percentage of velocity loss in the set (which may be used to determine
the volume). Both variables significantly influence the degree of stress
induced by the strength training [6,12,16]. These same advances have allowed
the emergence of a highly valid numerical indicator that represents, predicts,
and quantifies the degree of effort or fatigue that a set or several sets have
meant, called the “effort index” (EI), and which is specific for each exercise
[39]. This index is defined by the product of the first (fastest) repetition
velocity and the value of the relative velocity loss in the set. It is closely
related to indicators of metabolic stress (r = 0.95 and 0.90 for bench press
and squat, respectively) and mechanical fatigue variables, such as the relative
velocity loss pre-post effort with the load that can be displaced at 1 m/s (r =
0.98 and 0.91 for bench press and squat, respectively) and height loss in CMJ
(r = 0.93) [39]. In this way, the same load magnitude (index or degree of
effort) can be obtained by combining different values of intensity (velocity of
the first repetition) and volume (% velocity loss within a set).
this new numerical indicator, it has also been found that the same value or
result induces and represents an equivalent degree of fatigue, independently of
the velocity of the first repetition and the intra-set velocity loss, at least
for relative intensities ranging from 50 to 80% 1RM [39].
EI = 1st rep MPV x %VL
MPV = mean propulsive
velocity of the 1st repetition of the set
%VL = percentage of
velocity loss in the set
it is easy to understand that low or moderate-intensity (45-70% 1RM, that is,
medium or high velocities), in combination with an increased number of
repetitions per set (12 to 15 or more, that is, a high-velocity loss) may lead
to a high “effort index” (degree of fatigue) (Table I). What would then need to
recommend or prescribe loads of the 3x12-15RM type in programs aimed at
sedentary, untrained, or with specific pathologies people?
Table I - Effort index of intensities
between 40 and 95% with different velocity losses (10 to 55%) in the full squat
It can be
seen how a low training intensity (for example, 45%) always supposes an effort
index more significant than a moderate intensity (for example, 70%) for the
same velocity loss [39].
Conclusions for practice and research in exercise
the same exercise, intensity and volume are the most determining variables of
the strength training effect [1,40]. Therefore, its determination and control
must be carried out using an accurate and validated methodology. However, the
traditional determination and dosage of intensity using 1RM percentages present
impediments that limit its applicability to daily practice, such as, for
example, the high variability of the 1RM value on a day-to-day basis. In turn,
any study or training protocol that establishes the determination of intensity
through a maximum number of repetitions will be incurring with high probability
in providing a different relative intensity for each subject, in addition to
generating a degree of fatigue that is undoubtedly unnecessary and
counterproductive. On the other hand, the control and dosage of the training
volume through the same number of repetitions per set before a certain
intensity is a procedure where the degree of effort or resulting fatigue
(velocity loss in the set) will be unequal for each of the trained subjects.
Therefore, these traditional procedures to control both variables are not
appropriate or rational for neither scientific research nor sports practice.
However, when there are no resources or the time required to control and adjust
the training load objectively, using the "level of effort" based on
the number of repetitions will be a sufficiently precise and adequate
alternative practice.
panorama should make us reflect on whether the knowledge acquired about
strength training from scientific studies where volume and intensity have not
been adequately controlled can be sufficiently valid and applicable. In our
opinion, we may have to “redo” part of the path we have traveled in this field
to advance research and training methodology in the future firmly. For this
reason, research in exercise science should consider using execution velocity
as a reference for the dosage and control of the training load and the effect
it produces, which would also allow the comparison between the scheduled
training program and that actually performed in
Potential conflict of
No potential conflicts
of interest relevant to this article have been reported.
Financing source
No external funding
sources for this study.
Author´s contribution
Conception and design
of the research: Heredia-Elvar JR, García-Orea GP. Data acquisition: N/A. Data analysis and
interpretation: N/A. Statistical analysis: N/A. Obtaining financing: N/A.
Writing of the manuscript: Heredia-Elvar JR, García-Orea GP, Mate-Muñoz JL, Lougedo
JH, de-Oliveira LA. Critical review of the manuscript for important
intellectual content: Da Silva-Grigoletto ME