Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2021;20(6):618-32
doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v20i6.4943
Risk behaviors
for relative energy deficiency in sport in young high-performance Brazilian
rhythmic gymnasts
Comportamentos de risco para deficiência
de energia relativa no esporte em jovens ginastas rítmicas brasileiras de alto
Igor Leite Marques1, Vinícius Oliveira Menezes1,
Raquel de Jesus Silva1, Marcia Regina Aversani
Lourenço1, João Henrique Gomes2, Renata Rebello Mendes1
1Universidade Federal de Sergipe,
Aracaju, SE, Brazil
2Universidade do Norte do Paraná
(UNOPAR), Londrina, PR, Brazil
Received: September
29, 2021; Accepted: October
29, 2021.
Correspondence: Renata Rebello Mendes, Universidade
Federal de Sergipe, Departamento de Nutrição (DNUT), Av. Marechal Rondon, s/n -
Jardim Rosa Elze, 49100-000 São Cristóvão SE
Igor Leite Marques:
Vinícius Oliveira
Raquel de Jesus Silva:
Marcia Regina Aversani Lourenço:
João Henrique Gomes:
Renata Rebello Mendes:
Rhythmic gymnastics is an aesthetic sport, whose rules encourage long line and
lean biotype, exposing gymnasts to the risk of relative energy deficiency in
sport (RED-S). Objective: To analyze risk behaviors for RED-S in
high-performance Brazilian gymnasts from pre-infant, infant and juvenile
categories, with national and international prominence. Methods: 36
Brazilian athletes (10 pre-infant, 9 infant and 17 juveniles) were evaluated
for body composition, sexual maturation and risk of eating disorders. The
investigation of training volume, menstrual cycles, monitoring of bone mineral
density and laboratory tests, occurrence of stress fracture, specialized
nutritional monitoring and consumption of food supplements, was carried out
through a questionnaire adapted by Ackerman. Results: The gymnasts had a
weekly training volume of 27.32 hours, % of fat mass of 12.1 ± 2.8, with infant
having the lowest adiposity. As for sexual maturation, 66.1% were in the
pubescent phase, and no athlete reached the post-pubescent phase. The frequency
of risk of eating disorders was 55.6%, being the most affected juveniles
(70.6%). Only 47.1% of the juveniles had menarche. Only 36.1% have access to a
sports nutritionist, while 16.7% evaluated bone mineral density at least once
in their career, and 52.8% regularly perform laboratory tests. Stress fracture
was reported by 22.2% of the gymnasts, 44.4% in the juveniles. Food
supplementation was found in 36.1% of the gymnasts, especially vitamins C and
D, and proteins. Conclusion: Risk behaviors were found for RED-S in
young Brazilian rhythmic gymnasts with high performance, with emphasis for
eating disorders, especially in the juvenile category.
relative energy deficiency in sport; feeding behavior; gymnastic; adolescent.
Introdução: A ginástica rítmica é uma modalidade
esportiva estética, cujas regras encorajam biotipo longilíneo e magro, expondo
ginastas ao risco de deficiência energética relativa no esporte (RED-S). Objetivo:
Analisar comportamentos de risco para RED-S em ginastas brasileiras de alto
rendimento de categorias pré-infantil, infantil e
juvenil, com destaque nacional e internacional. Métodos: 36 atletas
brasileiras (10 pré-infantis, 9 infantis e 17
juvenis) foram avaliadas quanto à composição corporal, maturação sexual e risco
de transtornos alimentares. A investigação de volume de treinamento, ciclos
menstruais, monitoramento de densidade mineral óssea e de exames laboratoriais,
ocorrência de fratura por estresse, acompanhamento nutricional especializado e
consumo de suplementos alimentares realizou-se por questionário de Ackerman
adaptado. Resultados: As ginastas apresentaram volume de treinamento
semanal de 27,32 horas, % de massa gorda de 12,1 ± 2,8, sendo as infantis as de
menor adiposidade. Quanto à maturação sexual, 66,1% encontravam-se na fase
púbere, e nenhuma atleta chegou à fase pós-púbere. A frequência de risco de
transtornos alimentares foi de 55,6%, sendo as juvenis mais afetadas (70,6%).
Apenas 47,1% das juvenis apresentaram menarca. Somente 36,1% têm acesso a
nutricionista esportivo, enquanto 16,7% avaliaram a densidade mineral óssea ao
menos uma vez na carreira, e 52,8% realizam exames laboratoriais regularmente.
Foi relatada fratura por estresse por 22,2% das ginastas, sendo 44,4% nas
juvenis. Encontrou-se suplementação alimentar em 36,1% das ginastas, com
destaque para vitaminas C e D e proteínas. Conclusão: Foram encontrados
comportamentos de risco para RED-S em jovens ginastas rítmicas brasileiras de
alto rendimento, com destaque para transtornos alimentares, especialmente na
categoria juvenil.
Palavras-chave: deficiência energética relativa no
esporte; comportamento alimentar; ginástica; adolescência.
gymnastics (RG) is a sport modality of body movements that requires a
combination of beauty, thinness, and elegance of classical ballet, associated
with strength and physical fitness. Although the competition exercises last
between 90 and 150 seconds, in the individual and group events, respectively,
the training sessions are strenuous, consisting of warm-up, ballet, physical
preparation, and series training, which can vary according to the periodization
phase [1].
the competitive context, body weight is considered a relevant requirement for
good performance in acrobatic modalities, as “smaller” athletes seem to gain
biomechanical advantages [2]. Additionally, as it is also an aesthetic
modality, the rules of RG indirectly encourage a long biotype and low
adiposity. Thus, body shape has been reported to be relevant to satisfy judges
and the public, and body weight can be an eliminatory parameter in an elite
gymnast selection [3].
search for the thin biotype makes athletes more susceptible to dietary patterns
characterized by an imbalance between energy intake and physical exercise. This
increases the risk of adopting health and performance risk behaviors, including
eating disorders (ED) [4].
many years, ED was considered a pillar of the female athlete triad (FAT),
together with menstrual dysfunction and impaired bone health [5]. Recently, low
energy availability (LEA) was included as a causal factor of FAT, which may or
may not be due to ED. Currently, ED continues to be used as diagnostic criteria
for FAT and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) [6].
term RED-S is considered an expansion of FAT, as it includes other clinical
outcomes resulting from LEA, such as the reduced metabolic rate at rest, decreases
in immunity and protein synthesis capacity, damage to cardiovascular health, as
well as gastrointestinal, hematological, psychological, growth, and development
changes [7].
the assessment of behaviors related to health care of high-performance rhythmic
gymnasts is essential to promote strategies for the prevention and treatment of
RED-S [8]. This study aimed to describe risk behaviors for the development of
RED-S in young athletes with national and international prominence in Brazilian
rhythmic gymnastics.
is a descriptive and exploratory research. Data were collected during the Primeiro Estágio de Treinamento de Ginástica Rítmica do Brasil (First Stage of
Rhythmic Gymnastics Training in Brazil), which lasted one week. In the first
visit, athletes, coaches, and guardians were informed about all the procedures
inherent to the study and, after clarification, they signed the Free and
Informed Consent Term (TCLE). On the second visit, an anthropometric assessment
was performed. On the third visit, the athletes answered the questionnaire to
characterize the variables of interest and performed a self-assessment of
sexual maturation. At the last visit, the athletes responded to tests to assess
the risk of eating disorders.
high-performance Brazilian rhythmic gymnastics athletes were evaluated, with an
average age of 12 ± 1.9 years, who participated in the Primeiro
Estágio de Treinamento de Ginástica Rítmica do Brasil (First Stage of Rhythmic Gymnastics Training in
Brazil), an event organized by the Brazilian Gymnastics Confederation, held at
Aracaju/SE. To this end, Brazilian gymnasts were invited from the pre-infant (9
to 10 years old), infant (11 to 12 years old) and juvenile (13 to 15 years old)
categories, medalists in national and international championships in 2019, in
general or with apparatus tests, as well as the gymnasts who represented the
South American champion groups, configuring themselves as the elite practicing
the sport in Brazil. As exclusion criteria, hormonal contraceptives use was
Body composition
characterize the body composition, anthropometry was performed, with collection
of body weight, height and skinfolds. Weight and height were measured on an
analog scale with a coupled stadiometer (Toledo®) with a precision scale of 100
g and 1.0 cm, respectively. To estimate the percentage of body fat (%FM), the
triceps and subscapular skinfolds were measured with a scientific adipometer (Sanny®), with 0.1 mm
precision, according to the standards determined by the International Society
for Advancement of Kinanthropometry (2001). The
measurements were taken three times by the same examiner, not consecutively,
considering the mean of the values, which was then applied to the equation of
Slaughter et al. (1992) [9] and classified according to Lohman (1992)
Eating disorders
the risk assessment for eating disorders, the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) in
its validated version for females [11] and the Bulimic Investigatory Test
Edinburgh (BITE) were adopted. The EAT is a questionnaire consisting of 26
questions, evaluated on a Likert scale with 6 response options (from “always”
to “never”), divided into three factors: a) diet – related to pathological
refusal to high-content foods caloric and concern with physical appearance; b)
bulimia and preoccupation with food: refers to episodes of binge eating,
followed by purgative behaviors to lose/control body weight and; c) oral
self-control: reflects self-control concerning food and assesses the
environmental and social forces that stimulate food intake. The BITE is a
validated questionnaire to identify individuals with binge eating and assess
cognitive and behavioral aspects related to nervous bulimia [12].
maturation was self-assessed using a board that assesses the development of
breasts and pubic hair, according to criteria proposed by Tanner [13], with
stage 1 corresponding to the prepubertal phase, stages 2, 3, and 4
characterizing the pubertal period, and stage 5, the post-pubertal phase. In
cases where athletes have marked different stages for each secondary sexual
character (breasts and pubic hair), the smallest stage was considered,
according to Tanner [13].
Risk factors for
evaluation of training volume, menstrual cycles, monitoring of bone mineral
density (BMD) through Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), regular
laboratory tests (LT), history of stress fracture (SF), monitoring by a sports
nutritionist, as well as the consumption of food supplements, was performed
using a questionnaire adapted from Ackerman et al. [6].
collected data were submitted to descriptive statistics, presented as mean and
standard deviation. For the normality test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was
used. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used, and the significance adopted was p
≤ 0.05. All statistical procedures were performed using SPSS (Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences) software, version 21.0.
Ethical aspects
study followed the guidelines and norms that monitor research with human beings
(Law 196/96) and was approved by the local Ethics Committee (opinion
3.121.613). After informing the athletes and their guardians of the risks and
testing procedures, the guardians signed an informed consent form.
I shows that there were statistical differences in variables such as age, body
weight, height, BMI, fat mass, and lean mass, with juvenile athletes being the
heaviest, tallest, with higher values of BMI, fat mass, and lean mass in kg,
while infants were the gymnasts with the highest percentage of lean body mass.
Table I - Descriptive
statistics (mean ± standard deviation) regarding age, training routine, body
composition, and risk test scores for eating disorders among young
high-performance Brazilian rhythmic gymnasts, according to categories
with different letters indicate means with a significant difference (p <
0.05); Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA followed by
Tukey's test
1 to 5 demonstrate the frequencies found in the studied population concerning
the variables of interest. The association between duration and frequency of
the most cited training sessions in all categories evaluated (figure 1)
culminated in an average volume of 27.3 hours per week.
Figure 1 - Weekly
frequency and duration of training sessions of the evaluated rhythmic gymnasts,
according to the categories
the EAT-26, most gymnasts showed risk behaviors for the development of ED, with
the juvenile and pre-infant categories being the most affected. The figure also
shows that the risk of bulimia was lower than the results obtained by the
EAT-26, with a higher frequency among infant gymnasts (Figure 2).
Figure 2 - Risk
of eating disorders according to the EAT-26 and BITE instruments, in the
evaluated rhythmic gymnasts, according to the categories
shown in Figure 3, most gymnasts evaluated are in their pubescent stage. When
stratifying the results into categories, most pre-infants and infants are in
the pre-pubescent phase, and the pubescent phase is unanimous among the
juveniles. There was no self-assessed athlete in the postpubertal
phase. No athlete in the pre-infant and infant categories had menarche, and a
minority of juveniles had menarche. In addition, among the 17 youth gymnasts,
12 (70.6%) athletes were 14 years old, 3 (17.6%) were 15 years old, and 2
(11.8%) were 13 years old.
Figure 3 - Sexual
maturation and presence of menarche in the evaluated rhythmic gymnasts,
according to the categories
4 shows that a minority of gymnasts have access to specialized nutritional care
in the sports area, with this behavior being similar
in all categories. About 45% of athletes do not undergo laboratory tests
regularly. Figure 4 also shows that few gymnasts performed DEXA at least once
in their sports career, with a history of stress fractures, especially those in
the infants' category.
Figure 4 - Monitoring
by a sports nutritionist, history of stress fractures, the performance of
laboratory biochemical tests, and DEXA by rhythmic gymnasts evaluated,
according to the categories
5 shows that most gymnasts had a low fat-mass percentage, especially in the
infants' category.
Figure 5 -
Classification of the fat mass of the evaluated rhythmic gymnasts, according to
the categories
II shows the consumption of food supplements, with the juvenile group being the
largest consumer, with emphasis on vitamin C, vitamin D, and proteins.
Table II - Frequency
of consumption of nutritional supplements and products mentioned by gymnasts
= Multivitamin and Mineral Complexes
main findings of the present study show that the elite rhythmic gymnasts
evaluated had a high training volume and low adiposity, with child athletes
being the thinnest. Most gymnasts evaluated were in the pubescent stage, with
pre-infants predominantly categorized as pre-pubescent and juveniles as
pubescent. High risk for ED was found in most athletes, with juvenile and
pre-infant categories being the most affected. Menarche was only identified in
juvenile athletes, although most athletes in this category have not yet had
their first menstruation. Most gymnasts do not have access to specialized
nutritional care in the sports field and do not perform exams considered
essential for assessing bone mineral density. Stress fractures were mentioned
in all categories, especially those in the children's category. Most gymnasts
do not consume nutritional supplements. According to our searches, to date,
this is the first national and international study that analyzes behaviors for
RED-S in elite young rhythmic gymnasts, stratified by categories.
high volume of training, associated with low adiposity, and the high risk of
eating disorders, has been associated with low energy availability (LEA), the
latter being the main etiological factor of RED-S. As a consequence, athletes
in LEA can present damage in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis,
culminating in hypoestrogenism, amenorrhea, alterations in sexual maturation,
and even damage to cardiac health [6].
and eating disorders have also been correlated with less release of leptin,
insulin, and triiodothyronine (T3), and a greater synthesis of cortisol and
parathormone, with these hormonal changes being able to reduce osteoblast
activity, culminating in bone demineralization and greater risk of stress
fractures. Thus, the International Olympic Committee advises that athletes
exposed to the risk of RED-S perform bone mineral density assessment, through
DEXA, every one or two years and that the assessment of biochemical exams be
performed every six months [7], thus as the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS)
states that such athletes must be accompanied by a specialist nutritionist
International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) [15] reports that athletes
undergoing high-volume training often face difficulties consuming enough food
to meet their caloric needs, especially carbohydrates, for reasons related to
gastrointestinal discomfort during training and induced hunger suppression by
intense exercise. Thus, the ISSN suggests that, in these cases, the use of
carbohydrate supplements during training is convenient to prevent low energy
availability and RED-S.
it is possible to infer that the findings of our study point to important signs
for the development of RED-S in the evaluated gymnasts, which, in addition to
the aforementioned outcomes, can also promote immunological, hematological,
psychological, and performance damage [7].
findings' stratification of the present study, according to age groups, also
brought important observations to light. Regarding anthropometric data, the
difference in body weight between the three groups may be associated with
changes in height, which is expected; however, the higher BMI of the juveniles
may be related to the gymnasts' transition to different stages of pubertal
development, since in this category all athletes were in the pubertal stage.
Gonçalves et al. [16] state there is an increase in body mass as the
pre-pubertal individual moves to the pubescent and post-pubescent stages. As
for body composition, it is believed that the higher percentage of body fat in
pre-infants, concerning children, is related to the process of energy
repletion, characteristic of the pre-pubertal phase, and so necessary for
future development (pubertal spurt) [17]. The lower percentage of fat mass
found in children's gymnasts can also be linked to the stage of sexual
maturation, since practically half of the group is pubescent, and according to Fidencio et al. [18], this is the stage in which the
spurt usually occurs, favoring the reduction of fat mass. And the greater
adiposity found in juveniles, compared to children, may also be related to
biological maturation [19]. In Gemelli, Farias, and Spritzer [20], the
occurrence of menarche was associated with body fat gain.
training volume found in the present study was about 27.3 hours, varying
between 24 and 30 hours per week. Batista et al. [21] reported a volume
of 36 hours/week in athletes from the Brazilian and Portuguese teams of RG,
data that are consistent with the results of the present study.
aesthetic modalities, the combination of intense training and pressure to
achieve weight and performance goals can lead athletes to develop risky dietary
patterns [21], as well as RED-S [6,7]. The term eating disorder refers to
severe disturbances in eating behavior and body image, among which are nervous
anorexia and nervous bulimia. The EAT was proposed as an objective and
self-report measure of the symptoms of nervous anorexia, thus being more
sensitive to the indication of the presence of symptoms common to this type of
disorder and has been one of the most used instruments in research related to
ED due to its validity and reliability [22].
In the present study, the investigation
using the EAT-26 demonstrated that 55.6% of rhythmic gymnasts presented risk
behavior for eating disorders. A prevalence between 10 and 25% of eating
disorders in athletes has been found, which are considered higher than the
prevalence in non-athletes [23]. However, studies carried out with athletes in
aesthetic modalities show even higher frequencies, on average 40%, which is
similar to our results [24].
et al. [4] found a score of 8.73 ± 6.94 and the presence of disorder in
two, in a total of 33 gymnasts. Stofeles Cecon et al. [25] found a positive correlation
between the percentage of fat mass and body dissatisfaction, indicating that
individuals with higher percentages of fat may be more susceptible to the
development of ED. In our study, the athletes who were at higher risk were
those who had higher adiposity in a modality that requires thinness, which
could indicate an association between body image dissatisfaction and the onset
of eating disorders. However, a limitation of the present study was the lack of
self-perceived image assessment and body satisfaction.
in aesthetic sports are more likely to develop characteristic behaviors of low
energy availability (LEA), as they seek to maintain a body composition that
meets the standards required by the sport [21]. Although we have not evaluated
the total energy intake and the energy expenditure added by the training of the
gymnasts evaluated in this study, which we consider a limitation, a high
frequency of athletes classified as having a very low percentage of fat mass
was observed, and thinness has been correlated with LEA [26].
It is
known that the two main outcomes of RED-S are impairment of menstrual function
and bone health [5]. Although genetic factors are the main determinants of
puberty onset, nutritional, health, and psychological status may be involved in
the process. Additionally, a high level of physical exercise can promote
pubertal development delay [27]. The age at which menarche occurs varies
considerably between countries; in Brazil, studies carried out between 2010 and
2014 showed a mean age of 12.2 years [20]. Camargo [28] found the presence of
menarche in only 26% of its sample of 132 Brazilian athletes from RG, with an
average of 13.2 years. Adolescents with marked thinness and thinness had a mean
of 13.53 years and 13.39 years, respectively [29]. In our study, no athlete
from the infantile category had menarche, and only 47.1% of the juvenile
athletes had the first cycle, which may indicate a delay in pubertal
development, indicating menstrual impairment [7].
for bone health, our study found that, although very young, practically a
quarter of the athletes have already had stress fractures and almost half of
the juvenile gymnasts. It is noteworthy that these fractures are less common in
children and adolescents when compared to adults [30]. Additionally, it has
been shown that only less than one-fifth of rhythmic gymnasts have undergone
bone mineral density assessment by DEXA, although this is a test suggested by
the International Olympic Committee [7] and the Australian Institute of Sport
[14] for screening for high-performance athletes, to diagnose RED-S early.
aesthetic modalities, in which eating disorders and RED-S are more prevalent,
in addition to the investigation of the two main outcomes (menstrual and bone
damage), it is essential to investigate other clinical possibilities, such as
the follow-up of RED-S-related biomarkers, such as leptin, T3 and free
thyroxine (T4l), estradiol, testosterone, cortisol, and lipid profile and blood
count [31]. For this purpose, the Australian Institute of Sports [14]
determines that the interdisciplinary team must be composed of at least one
doctor, a sports nutritionist, and a psychologist, this being called the
“central multidisciplinary team”. However, in the present study, only 36.1% of
the evaluated rhythmic gymnasts are accompanied by a sports nutritionist, and
practically half of those evaluated are not regularly submitted to laboratory
food supplementation, there was an average consumption of 36.1%, highlighting a
higher frequency of consumption of vitamin C, followed by vitamin D and
proteins, while only 8.3% reported consuming carbohydrates (maltodextrin). This
result differs from the study by Jovanov et al.
[32], in which consumption of supplements was seen by 82.2% of 348 athletes and
a tendency by younger athletes (15-16 years) to use carbohydrates,
beta-alanine, glutamine, vitamins, and mineral complexes. It is necessary to
highlight that the average duration of the gymnasts' training sessions
evaluated in this study was 4.7 hours, and, according to the International
Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) [15], athletes engaged in prolonged training
sessions can benefit by supplementing carbohydrates in solutions with
concentrations between 6 and 8% of this nutrient, also because in this dilution
the digestion and absorption of carbohydrate would be facilitated. It is
noteworthy that better gastric emptying can be considered an advantage in an
acrobatic modality, in which there are many jumps and aerial activities.
C (ascorbic acid) was the most used supplement by athletes, and its use in
sports is associated with increased antioxidant capacity and reduced excessive
production of reactive oxygen species during and immediately after exercise.
However, the results are still controversial, since in some studies no positive
effects on markers of performance or recovery after exercise were observed
[33]; while, others suggest that 400 mg supplementation can act in the
reduction of late-onset muscle pain and recovery of maximum contractile
function [34]. It is noteworthy that vitamin C supplementation can be
considered a positive factor in the prevention of RED-S, provided that it is
guided by a sports nutritionist, since iron deficiency is a crucial factor in
the hematological outcomes of RED-S [35] and vitamin C is a determining factor
in increasing iron bioavailability [36].
the present study, some gymnasts also mentioned the intake of vitamin D
supplements. Low serum vitamin D concentrations have been associated with an
increased risk of fractures [37]. Vitamin D can be obtained from diet and sun
exposure. However, this exposure is highly variable depending on environmental
factors, skin pigmentation, clothing, and the use of sunscreen. Therefore,
obtaining it from diet or supplements may be necessary [34]. According to
Mountjoy et al. [7], athletes with bone damage due to RED-S, or at risk
for it, may benefit from a daily intake of 1500 to 2000 IU of vitamin D until
serum concentration of 25-hydroxy vitamin D between 38-50 ug/day.
protein supplementation, it is known that whey protein, the most mentioned
protein supplement by the participants in this study, has some relevant
qualities, especially concerning digestion speed and leucine concentration
[38]. However, the use of this supplement should be evaluated by a sports
nutritionist, as the sum of proteins ingested via food and supplement must be
considered since high-protein diets can be associated with a reduction in pH,
which in healthy and non-athletes, is easily reversed through buffers such as
bicarbonate. However, in high-performance athletes, metabolic acidosis has been
the subject of great debate, as carnosine and bicarbonate are not always
sufficient to control the drop in pH generated by exercise [39], and protein
excess could contribute even more for this ergolytic
acidosis has been associated with the use of bone alkaline reserves for
tamponade, which would incur less bone mineralization, which could be an
aggravating factor in aesthetic modalities where the risk of RED-S is greater.
It is noteworthy that, although less frequently, caffeine was cited by the
rhythm gymnasts evaluated, and its consumption has been associated with a
reduction in BMD and increased risk of fracture, mainly due to the adverse
effects on calcium balance, increasing its excretion or decreasing its
absorption [40]. Its use without professional monitoring can generate a
potential risk to the bone health of the rhythmic gymnasts evaluated in this
study, especially when we associate this practice with other detected risk
factors, such as low frequency of monitoring of bone mineral density by DEXA,
low frequency of menarche in juvenile athletes, very low concentrations of fat
mass, low frequency of laboratory tests, high training volume, and especially,
high frequency of eating disorders.
present study contributes to a better understanding of the risk factors for the
development of RED-S in RG athletes stratified by categories, little explored
in previous research. Brazilian rhythmic gymnastics is a modality on the rise
in Brazil, with the Brazilian team having recently qualified for the Olympic
Games in Tokyo. Therefore, our findings can contribute to the development and
implementation of effective strategies to guide actions for the prevention
and/or treatment of eating disorders and RED-S by inter or transdisciplinary
study showed a high prevalence of eating disorders associated with high
training volume, low adiposity, reduced bone mineral density monitoring,
presence of training-related fractures, low frequency of follow-up by a sports
nutritionist, and irregular laboratory tests in young high-performance
Brazilian gymnasts in the pre-infant, infant and juvenile categories. And in
the juvenile category, a delay in pubertal development was found. Such factors
are related to a higher risk of relative energy deficiency in sport.
We would like to
thank the athletes who participated in the study, as well as the Organizing
Committee of the First Stage of Rhythmic Gymnastics Training in Brazil and the
Brazilian Gymnastics Confederation, for collaborating with the study.
conflict of interest
conflicts of interest were reported.
Financing source
There were no external funding sources for this study.
and design of the research: Marques IL, Mendes
RR; Obtaining data: Marques IL, Menezes VO, Silva RJ; Data analysis
and interpretation: Marques IL, Menezes VO, Silva RJ, Mendes RR; Statistical
analysis: Gomes JH; Obtaining financing: Marques IL; Manuscript writing:
Marques IL, Mendes RR; Critical review of the manuscript for important
intellectual content: Mendes RR.