Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc. 2024;23:e235582
doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v23i1.5582
Twelve weeks of interval training with elastic resistance
increases aerobic fitness:
case report
Doze semanas de
treinamento intervalado com resistência elástica aumenta a aptidão aeróbia:
estudo de caso
Lenice Brum Nunes, Julieny Pita de Oliveira, Victor Hugo Gasparini Neto,
Letícia Nascimento Santos Neves, Luciana Carletti
Universidade Federal do
Espírito Santo, Vitória, ES, Brazil
Received: November 11,
2023; Accepted: January 22,
Correspondence: Lenice Brum Nunes,
How to
Nunes LB, Oliveira
JP, Gasparini Neto VH, Neves LNS, Carletti L. Doze semanas de treinamento
intervalado com resistência elástica aumenta a aptidão aeróbia: estudo de caso.
Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc. 2024;23:e235582. doi: 10.33233/rbfex.v23i1.5582
Introduction: High-intensity
interval training with elastic resistance (EL-HIIT) has promoted cardiorespiratory stimuli
in active young people. It is not
yet known whether obese individuals
will present favorable adaptations in physical performance and body composition. Objective: To evaluate the
effects of EL-HIIT on cardiorespiratory fitness,
body composition, and affective response in an obese woman. Methods:
Participant with BMI: 34.5
kg/m2, 42 years old,
physically inactive. The following were applied before and after 12 weeks
of training: Cardiopulmonary
treadmill exercise test, bioelectrical impedance, and cardiopulmonary exercice test with elastic
resistance. EL-HIIT was applied twice a week for 12 weeks (60s:60s – effort: recovery), at VT2, starting with 6 sets, and progressing to another set/week, until reaching 10 sets. Affective responses and intensity (feeling scale, HR, RPE, OMNI-RES-EB) were monitored during and up to
30 min after the session. Results: EL-HIIT increased VO2max (21.5%) and
VO2 of ventilatory
threshold 1 (73.5%) and ventilatory threshold 2 (46.6%).
Fat-free mass increased (3.9%), and skeletal muscle mass increased (5.9%). The affective response increased during (1st = 1.2; 6th = 1.5; 12th = 2.3) and post-session (1st = 1.7; 6th
= 3.0; 12th = 3.5). Conclusion: EL-HIIT applied for 12 weeks in an obese woman
promoted substantial improvements in cardiorespiratory
fitness, a positive affective response in addition to a slight
improvement in body composition.
Keywords: affect;
high-intensity interval
training; cardiorespiratory fitness.
Introdução: O treinamento intervalado de alta
intensidade com resistência elástica (EL-HIIT) tem se destacado por promover
estímulos cardiorrespiratórios em jovens ativos. Ainda não se sabe se
indivíduos obesos apresentarão adaptações favoráveis de desempenho físico e na
composição corporal. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do EL-HIIT na aptidão
cardiorrespiratória, composição corporal e resposta afetiva em uma mulher
obesa. Métodos: Participante com IMC: 34,5 kg/m2, 42 anos,
fisicamente inativa. Foram aplicados antes e após 12 semanas de treinamento:
Teste cardiopulmonar de exercício na esteira, bioimpedância e o teste
cardiopulmonar com resistência elástica. O EL-HIIT foi aplicado 2x por semana
por 12 semanas (60s:60s – esforço: recuperação), prescrito na intensidade do
limiar ventilatório 2, iniciando com 6 séries, e progredindo para mais uma
série/semana, até alcançar 10 séries. A intensidade e a valência afetiva (FC,
PSE, OMNI-RES, Escala afetiva) foram monitoradas durante e até 30 min após
sessão. Resultados: O EL-HIIT aumentou o VO2máx (21,5%) e o VO2
do limiar ventilatório 1 (73,5%) e do limiar ventilatório 2 (46,6%). A massa
livre de gordura aumentou (3,9%), e massa muscular esquelética aumentou (5,9%).
A resposta afetiva aumentou durante (1ª = 1,2; 6ª = 1,5; 12ª = 2,3) e pós-sessão (1ª = 1,7; 6ª = 3,0; 12ª = 3,5). Conclusão:
O EL-HIIT aplicado por 12 semanas em uma mulher obesa promoveu melhorias
substanciais na aptidão cardiorrespiratória, resposta afetiva positiva além de
melhora discreta na composição corporal.
Palavras-chave: afeto; treinamento intervalado de alta
intensidade; aptidão cardiorrespiratória.
Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior,
as identified by the World Health Organization
[1], are robust predictors
for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases, including type II diabetes,
cardiovascular diseases, hypertension,
certain types of cancer, and
obesity. Obesity is a multifactorial chronic condition influenced by factors
such as genetic predisposition, social and biological determinants, sedentary lifestyle, and poor dietary
habits [1]. To mitigate the progression
of the obesity
epidemic, programs and policies that promote improvements in eating habits and
regular physical activity
are proposed [1,2].
Physical exercise is crucial in controlling obesity and mitigating
its associated morbidities.
The Brazilian Association
for the Study of Obesity and
Metabolic Syndrome suggests combining aerobic exercises (either continuous or intermittent) with resistance exercises [1]. The recommended duration for regular aerobic exercise for individuals with obesity is
250 to 300 minutes per week
at a moderate intensity, and resistance exercises are advised to be
performed 2-3 times a week,
targeting large muscle groups [3].
However, a large part of the
adult population cannot meet the
recommendations determined by the guidelines.
Furthermore, women are more
likely than men to be
physically inactive [4].
The main physical barriers to physical
activity are physical pain/discomfort, fatigue/lack of energy,
and health problems. The socio-ecological barriers to practicing
physical activity appear to be
the lack of time and social support. Psychological barriers to practicing
physical activity are lack of self-discipline/motivation, lack of interest/fun,
lack of skills/confidence, and negative affective response to exercise [5,6,7].
It has been observed
that the affective response, characterized
by feelings of pleasure or displeasure,
is influenced by the intensity
of exercise. Obese individuals, in particular,
may encounter difficulties in tolerating high-intensity exercise [8]. Continuous high-intensity exercise can induce
unpleasant feelings, posing
challenges to sustaining adherence to the exercise
regimen [9,10,11]. This notion is aligned
with the Dual Model Theory [12], which postulates that when exercise intensity
exceeds physiological limits (e.g., ventilatory threshold 2), affective responses
tend to be
more negative, influenced by
interoceptive factors such as lack of
exercise. Shortness of breath, pain,
and fatigue negatively impact future exercise participation. However, evidence suggests that high-intensity training, particularly interval training
(HIIT), can elicit a
positive affective response to
exercise [13].
In this sense, high-intensity interval training
(HIIT) can be a favorable exercise modality to reduce
barriers to low adherence to
physical exercises, such as the feeling of displeasure and lack of
time, enabling physiological
adaptations favorable to health. HIIT is characterized by intermittent high-intensity efforts (85-100% VO2max
or 90-100% HRmax), followed by interspersed
periods of active or passive rest [14,15]. Studies have shown that
HIIT can improve oxidative capacity, insulin sensitivity, and cardiorespiratory fitness [14,15,16].
Many studies employing traditional HIIT often utilize high-cost equipment like treadmills and exercise bikes, posing accessibility challenges. A novel and cost-effective alternative is Elastic Resistance
High-Intensity Interval
Training (EL-HIIT), which can
be performed in diverse spaces. Recent studies using interval exercise with elastic
resistance have demonstrated essential reductions in blood pressure and blood
glucose after exercise
[17,18] and has the potential
for developing cardiorespiratory
fitness [19]. Gasparini-Neto et al. [17] demonstrated
that an interval
exercise session with elastic resistance
reduced blood pressure and blood
glucose in older women with and without
hypertension. However, the effectiveness of high-intensity interval training with elastic resistance (EL-HIIT) in
promoting long-term cardiorespiratory
improvements is still unknown, and no studies of this
training in obese individuals
have been found.
Study design
longitudinal case study was
carried out. The procedures and
training protocol were explained to the
volunteer, and after this stage,
the free and informed consent
form was signed. This subproject
is a supplementary study of the
project approved by the Human
Research Ethics Committee of the
Federal University of
Espírito Santo (CAAE 09109319.2.0000.5542). OBHIIT Study
(PRPPG/UFES, No. 9306/2019.
The subject was selected
for convenience. A woman with a body mass index classified as class I obesity (BMI 34.5 kg/m2), 42 years
old, physically inactive (≤ 150 min/week of physical exercise).
For the initial assessments, the volunteer completed
two visits at intervals of
at least one week to
the Exercise Physiology laboratory
(LAFEX/UFES). The first two
visits were dedicated to procedure familiarization and body composition assessment. Specific
maximal tests followed, including a cardiopulmonary test on the
treadmill to evaluate cardiorespiratory
fitness and an incremental test with elastic
resistance. The latter was employed to
prescribe the exercise session at the stage
corresponding to ventilatory threshold 2. Then, there was
a twelve-week training period,
where physiological and affective responses were monitored for monitoring in the study. After six
weeks, the incremental test with elastic
resistance was repeated to realign
the training. Finally, after twelve weeks,
the assessments were reapplied to characterize
the chronic effects of EL-HIIT.
Anthropometric assessment and
body composition
Body mass and height
were assessed using a digital anthropometric scale with a one-millimeter
precision stadiometer
(Marte Científica, L200, São Paulo) to calculate the Body Mass Index
(BMI). Body composition was
analyzed using a tetrapolar
digital scale with eight electrodes (model InBody 270), with a maximum capacity of 250 kg and frequencies
of 20 and 100 kHz.
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX)
The CPX was performed before
and after EL-HIIT to assess cardiorespiratory
fitness. The test was applied on a motorized
treadmill (Inbra Sport
Super ATL, Porto Alegre, Brazil) maintained
at a 1% incline with a warm-up of 3 minutes of walking at
3 km·h-1, the speed was increased by
0.5 km·h-1 every minute until
the volunteer reached exhaustion. The protocol used aimed
to last between
6 and 12 minutes [20]. The volunteer
received verbal encouragement
to advance through the test
stages to maximum effort. With breath-by-breath collection, ventilation, and gas exchange
variables were measured using a metabolic gas analyzer
(model Cortex Metamax 3B, Germany). Then, 20-second averages were calculated
and analyzed using the Metasoft
program. The Cortex unit was calibrated
using the closed-circuit method, using calibration gas (original 16%O2 and
5%CO2 cylinder supplied
by the manufacturer),
which allowed a new calibration before each test. The criteria for identifying the test as maximum consisted of accepting
at least three of the
following criteria: a) voluntary exhaustion; b) Maximum HR reached of at least
90% of that predicted for age (220-age); c) respiratory
exchange ratio equal to or
above 1.1; d) maximum consumption by the plateau or
peak of oxygen.
Cardiopulmonary exercise test with elastic
resistance (CPX-EL)
CPX-EL was administered following the protocol
proposed by Gasparini-Neto [21]. The test was carried out on a 4.5-meter-long
rubber mat, with 11 demarcations in a line (0 to 10) with a spacing
of 30 cm between them and
with white and black colors (Figure 1). An adjustable belt
with a reinforced clasp placed at
the height of the iliac
crest was used, coupled to
a 2 m silver elastic tube (Thera Band®, Akron, OH, USA) (Figure 2). The elastic tube was checked for safety at each session
and replaced when it showed weakness or increased
by 2 cm to its original size. The test consisted of alternating steps forward and backward
against elastic resistance attached to a belt. Before starting the test, the
belt, the silicone facial mask for gas collection,
and the heart
rate sensor (Polar, T31 CODED) were placed. After a 3-minute warm-up (S0), a protocol was carried out consisting of increments
of 1 stage (60 cm) per
minute following a cadence of 132 bpm (beats per minute) on an 8-stage rubber mat. During the test, the
volunteer was encouraged to follow the rhythm emitted
by a metronome (Cell Phone Application - ®Cifraclub). The cadence was controlled with a metronome at 112 bpm during the warm-up and
132 bpm during the stages. A new incremental test with elastic resistance
was performed in the sixth week
of training to adjust the exercise
intensity. The intensity was maintained, and the following
sessions were carried out at the same stage,
following the same value obtained
in the initial test.
Determination of ventilatory thresholds
The ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1) was identified at the moment
of the lowest
point, followed by an exponential increase in the ventilatory equivalent of oxygen (VE/VO2), without an increase
in the ventilatory equivalent of carbon
dioxide (VE/VCO2). The abrupt
increase in partial pressure of oxygen
in exhaled air (PetO2)
was also used as a secondary criterion. To identify
the ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2), the moment of the
lowest point of VE/VCO2
was considered with a subsequent increase beyond the moment of
the gradual fall in PetCO2.
To identify the ventilation thresholds, three evaluators, independently and blindly, defined
the results, considering the points of agreement of
at least two evaluators.
Heart rate
rate was monitored continuously during the sessions using
the POLAR H10 heart rate
monitor (Polar Electro Oy, Kempele,
Finland). The intensity reached during the sessions was
calculated with the values obtained,
which were expressed in %HRmax values.
Training program - EL-HIIT
EL-HIIT program lasted twelve weeks, consisting
of two weekly
sessions, totaling twenty-four sessions. In the first EL-HIIT session, six sets were performed in total. A new
series was added from the second
to the fifth
week of training, totaling ten series per session. This configuration
of ten sets was maintained throughout training until the twelfth week
(Figure 1). After six weeks, the incremental test with elastic
resistance was repeated to realign
the training, but during this period,
there was no need for changes in the training load. The sessions took place
in an air-conditioned gym. The volunteer used an adjustable
belt with reinforced closure, to which a 2-meter elastic tube (®Thera-band Tubing, Malaysia) was attached. The elastic tube was checked for safety aspects at each session
and replaced when it showed any weakness or
increased by 2 cm about its original size, which occurred
in the third, eighth, and last
week of training. Heart
rate was monitored throughout the session using a heart rate monitor. The exercise
series lasted one minute, performed at an
intensity equivalent to VT2 determined by CPX-EL (Stage 6), with a passive interval of one minute between
series, protocol 10 x 60s:60s [19]. The volunteer was encouraged
to follow the rhythm emitted by a metronome (Cellphone Application - ®Cifraclub). The cadence was controlled with a metronome at 112 bpm during the warm-up and
132 bpm during the sets.
Feeling scale, perceived exertion BORG-CR10 and OMNI-RES
EB; Session area - distance in centimeters: equivalent to stage
6 reached by the volunteer during
the CPX-EL
Figure 1 - Design of
EL-HIIT sessions, 3-minute warm-up,
6-10 x 1-minute (Ventilatory Threshold
2) and 1-minute passive interval
Affective response (AR)
AR was assessed using
the Feeling Scale (FS). The
FS is an 11-point scale ranging from
-5 ("very bad") to +5 ("very good"), which evaluates the sensation
of pleasure/displeasure provided by physical exercise [22]. The volunteer responded
as follows: "How are you
feeling right now? The scale was applied
at the beginning
(before the session), during (at the end
of each series), and at the
end of the
session (immediately after and 10/30 minutes after) throughout the EL-HIIT program.
Rating perceived exertion (BORG CR-10 and OMNI-RES EB scales)
rating perceived exertion
(BORG-CR-10) [23,24] was applied
at the end
of each series and the end
of the session
(immediately and 10/30
minutes later). The volunteer classified
the perceived effort as the general effort. The OMNI-RES 0–10 scale, developed to evaluate
the perception of peripheral effort,
with an adaptation
made using an elastic band [25,26], was applied at
the end of
each series of the EL-HIIT session. The volunteer classified the perceived effort
as a peripheral effort.
Data analysis
Data on VO2max, HRmax,
BORG-CR10, OMNI-RES EB, feeling scale, and body composition were presented in absolute and percentage
EL-HIIT promoted a 21.5% increase in VO2max
compared to pre-training measurements without any impact
on maximum speed (Vmax) and
maximum heart rate (HRmax) (Table I). In the submaximal parameters evaluated by CPET, they showed
increases of 73.5% in VO2,
85.7% in speed, and 40% in
HR of ventilatory threshold 1, and increases of 46.6% in VO2,
16.6% in speed and 21.3% in
heart rate, at ventilatory threshold 2 (Table II). Body composition measurements showed changes during the pre-training and post-training period. An increase in body mass of 3.7% was
identified, accompanied by a 2% increase in fat mass. Despite
this, there was an increase
of 3.9% in fat-free mass and 5.9% in skeletal muscle mass, with a 1.7% reduction in fat percentage (Table III).
Table I - Chronic effects of EL-HIIT on maximum cardiorespiratory
= maximum oxygen consumption; Vmax = maximum velocity reached in CPX; HRmax = maximum heart rate; (%) Predicted max: % of predicted VO2max for
sex and age group; Diff. (%) difference between pre-training and post-training in absolute and relative value
Table II - Chronic effects of EL-HIIT on submaximal cardiorespiratory
= oxygen consumption at ventilatory threshold 1; VO2VT2 = Oxygen
consumption at ventilatory threshold 2; FCVT1 =
Heart rate at ventilatory threshold 1; FCVT2 = Heart rate at
ventilatory threshold 2;
vVT1 = velocity reached at ventilatory threshold 1; vVT2 = velocity reached at ventilatory
threshold 2; %Max = Percentage
of maximum values evaluated; Diff. (%). Difference between pre-training and post-training absolute value and percentage
of difference
Table III - Chronic effects of EL-HIIT on body composition
In the analysis of
AR throughout the 1st, 6th,
and 12th week of EL-HIIT training, an increase in AR was noticed throughout the sessions when
comparing the average value between
sessions (1st = 1.2 vs. 6th = 1.5 vs. 12th = 2.3) and post-session (1st = 1.7 vs.
6th = 3.0 vs. 12th = 3.5) (Figure 2).
Pre = Pre-session;
wp = warm-up; Sets:1 to 10; post-10 and post-30 = after ten and
thirty minutes of the session
Figure 2 - Average
values of the affective response during the 1st, 6th, and 12th week of
the training program
Using the RPE averages during the session in the 1st, 6th, and 12th weeks, there was
an increase in the perception of effort during
the EL-HIIT program (1st =
3.3 vs. 6th = 4.1 vs. 12th = 4.4). RPE can also be noticed
at moments 10 and 30 minutes after exercise (1st = 3.8 vs. 6th = 5.0 vs. 12th = 6.0) (Figure
Wp = warm-up;
sets = 1 to 10; post-10 and
post-30 = after ten and thirty minutes of the session
Figure 3 - Average
values of subjective perception of general effort during the training program's 1st, 6th, and 12th week
The same analysis of
the means was carried out with the OMNI-RES EB scale, collected during the session,
and it was possible to identify
an increase in the perception of peripheral effort
during the El-HIIT sessions (1st = 3.0 vs. 6th = 4.7 vs. 12th = 4.9) (Figure
Wp = warm-up;
sets =1 to 10
Figure 4 - Average
values of subjective perception of peripheral effort
during the training program's 1st, 6th, and 12th week
In the average analysis
of HR, in the 1st, 6th, and 12th weeks of EL-HIIT training, a slight reduction in HR was noticed throughout the sessions, especially
when comparing the 6th and 12th week of training (1st = 148 bpm
vs. 6th = 148 bpm vs. 12th = 141 bpm) (Figure 5).
Wp = warm-up;
sets =1 to 10
Figure 5 - Average
heart rate values during the training program's 1st, 6th, and 12th week
This study investigated the effect of a high-intensity interval-training program with elastic
resistance (EL-HIIT) on cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition,
and affective response over
12 weeks in a case study with an obese
woman. The main findings were: a) EL-HIIT application resulted in significant improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness, evident
in both maximal (VO2max) and submaximal (VT1 and VT2) levels. Substantial increases were observed in submaximal work, as indicated by velocity
achieved at the respective ventilatory thresholds. b) Concerning body composition parameters, no reduction in body fat was found.
Despite this, there was an
increase in fat-free mass and skeletal
muscle mass. c) Furthermore, the program provided a positive affective response (AR) during the 12 weeks of
training, with an increase in AR compared to the 1st with
the 6th and 12th weeks.
The effect of EL-HIIT on increases in cardiorespiratory parameters is a significant finding since it is well described
in the literature that improvements in VO2max
are a key indicator in reducing the risk
of morbidity and mortality from
all causes [27]. These authors point out that an increase in VO2max of 3.5 mL/kg/min is associated with
a reduction in the risk of mortality
between 10% and 25% in men and women.
Reljic et al. [28] showed
that a low-volume HIIT protocol lasting 12 weeks (2 sessions per week) in people with obesity promoted
an increase in VO2max
of 4.5 This result is
similar to that found in the present
study, which applied a HIIT program with elastic resistance
(EL-HIIT- 12 weeks – twice
a week) and increased VO2max of
4.5 ml/kg-1.min-1. Furthermore,
Kaminky et al. [29] reinforce
the clinical value of cardiorespiratory
fitness, expressed by VO2max,
for estimating health-related
risk when estimating the risk for cardiac events and premature
mortality. It is important to highlight
that VO2max decreases
with age, and, therefore, the increase in VO2max has
a reverse effect on the aging process.
Adaptations in VO2max are associated with an increase in cardiac function, such as an increase
in maximum cardiac output (determined by the
product of heart rate and stroke volume) and peripheral adaptations in oxygen supply (arteriovenous O2 difference) [30]. In this study, it was not possible
to investigate cardiac function. However, the peripheral
adaptations related to the muscular component can be
interpreted by the association of the anaerobic
threshold, measured by the ventilatory
threshold, with the increase in glycolytic metabolism [31,32]. Therefore, the percentage increase in VO2
observed at ventilatory thresholds 1 and 2 (73.5% VO2VT1 and
46.6% VO2VT2) demonstrates an improvement in muscle oxidative function, as the collaboration of the glycolytic pathway to perform
work was shifted to a higher
intensity and High effort [31]. This is confirmed
by the increase
in submaximal work performed, expressed by the velocity
performed at the respective ventilatory thresholds (vVT1 of 85.7% and vVT2 of 16.6%), which reflects the increase
in the ability to perform work
with more comfort before subjecting the body to exacerbated
ventilatory responses, which
is observed during the metabolic
acidosis buffering mechanism, pertinent to the anaerobic
threshold [32,33].
Increased ventilatory thresholds are known to be linked
to peripheral adaptations such as increased capillary density in trained muscles. This is
due to increased
maximum blood flow in the muscles.
This increase in density provides a slow transit of
red blood cells in the muscle,
which causes the time needed for oxygen diffusion, which is benefited by
the mitochondrial increase in skeletal muscle [34]. Furthermore, EL-HIIT
caused changes in body composition. Despite there being an
increase in body weight of ~3.7%. This result may be
associated with increased skeletal and fat-free mass.
Studies indicate that HIIT can promote
hypertrophy and gain in muscle mass because type
II fibers are heavily recruited in this modality [41,42]. However, the present study
found no fat mass (kg) reduction. Batacan et al. [43] in a meta-analysis
study, demonstrated that HIIT (≤ 12 weeks) was not able
to promote improvements in fat loss in overweight and obese people.
Ramírez-Vélez et al. [44] applied HIIT and found a reduction
in body fat using a
training protocol with a higher weekly frequency
(3x per week) associated with dietary control
with caloric restriction. In addition, we did not
control caloric intake, which can
explain these findings.
Regarding AR, the dual
model theory postulates that interoceptive factors such as pain, fatigue, and acidosis are pronounced when continuous exercise is performed
at high intensity. High intensity provides a negative AR and makes it challenging to practice regular physical exercise [12]. High-intensity continuous exercise applied mainly to less
trained and sedentary individuals can cause an exacerbated
stressor effect, making it challenging to adhere to a vigorous
exercise program [35]. Although HIIT is performed at high intensity, several studies have shown
that HIIT can provide a positive AR to exercise in different populations [37,38,39]. These findings can be
explained, in part, by the intermittent
characteristic of HIIT, as recovery periods between sets can reduce the sensation
of pain and
discomfort, making HIIT more tolerable [40].
Furthermore, the constant change between stimuli and intervals can
reduce the monotony of the
session, making HIIT more enjoyable [41]. Furthermore, studies that evaluated AR in HIIT protocols over several sessions also found
positive AR for HIIT and a high rate of adherence to
training. According to these findings, our study demonstrated
that despite the high intensity during the EL-HIIT sessions, AR increased during the program,
even with the increase in RPE and OMNI-RES EB.
Limitations and future
Although the findings are very promising for the effects on cardiorespiratory
fitness, body composition, and
affective valence, it is important to
note that this is a case study and, therefore, it is not possible
to generalize these results. Furthermore, it is important to
highlight that although the session's
intensity was monitored rigorously, eating habits were
not monitored in the same way,
which may have included biases
in the body composition findings. However, this study opens the door for new studies of intervention
that use elastic resistance in different populations and presents an appropriate
study design, especially
for randomized clinical trials.
EL-HIIT applied to an obese woman
promoted substantial improvements in cardiorespiratory
fitness, complemented by modest adaptations in body composition. Furthermore, the training was well tolerated for 12 weeks with good
adherence, showing a
positive and increasing affective response.
Academic affiliation
This article
is the result
of the Institutional
Scientific Initiation Program of the
Federal University of
Espírito Santo (UFES) by Julieny
Pita de Oliveira
Conflict of
The authors declare that no known competing financial conflicts of interest
or personal relationships could have influenced
the work reported in this article.
Funding source
Not applicable.
Author’s contributions
Conception and
design of the research: Nunes LB, Carletti L, Neves LNS, Gasparini-Neto VH; Data
acquisition: Neves LNS, Gasparini-Neto VH; Data
analysis and interpretation: Oliveira JP, Neves LNS, Carletti L,
Gasparini-Neto VH, Nunes LB; Statistical analysis: Nunes LB, Oliveira JP; Manuscript
writing: Oliveira JP, Carletti L, Neves LNS,
Gasparini-Neto VH, Nunes LB. Critical
review of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Carletti L, Neves LNS,
Gasparini-Neto VH, Nunes LB