In-hospital stress and increased blood pressure among patients companions
patient's companion; infectious diseases; high blood pressure; nursing; family caregiverAbstract
Introduction: Hospitalization generates a high degree of stress and anxiety in the family. They perceive the environment as an aggressive and threatening space, as it highlights the risk of death of the loved ones. Objective: To monitor blood pressure values of family caregivers of hospitalized patients as an aid in interventions related to exposures to in-hospital stress. Methods: The present study was a prospective, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, which measured and recorded blood pressure of companions of hospitalized patients, within a period of six months, and investigated the main causes of high level of stress among them. Results: During the period, 48 companions of hospitalized patients were selected, due to spontaneous demand, 10.4% declared to be hypertensive and of those who declared not to be hypertensive, 25% had a hypertensive peak on the first day as a caregiver and 8.3% over the days, 4.1% had a sudden increase in blood pressure and urgent medical intervention was required. Conclusion: The stressors related to the stay of a family caregiver in a hospital environment have a great influence on the increase in blood pressure values, especially when dealing with a hospital where patients with infectious diseases are located.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Arimatéia Portela de Azevedo, Majorry de Oliveira Pereira, Adriana Sales de Abreu, Daniel Guedes dos Santos, Michele Nascimento da Silva, Priscila Damasceno Frazão, Rebeca Castro Moreira, Wilzilene Coelho da Silva
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