Knowledge about coronary angiography and anxiety levels in pre-catheterization patients
angiography; anxiety; cardiovascular diseases; perioperative nursing; hemodynamicsAbstract
Objective: To analyze the knowledge about angiography and its association with anxiety levels in patients in the pre-catheterization period. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, carried out in the hemodynamics sector of a highly complex hospital with neurosurgical reference and vascular surgery. The collection took place from a form adapted from a validated instrument and the application of the Anxiety Inventory. The data were analyzed descriptively and Fisher's Exact test was used to assess the association between two categorical variables. Results: The age range varied between 18-86 years. The most frequent comorbidities were systemic arterial hypertension (48.6%), diabetes mellitus (24.3%), acute renal insufficiency and chronic renal insufficiency with percentages of 8.1% and 5.4% respectively. Most were performing the procedure for the first time and for diagnosis. They reported that the information about the procedure was not entirely clarifying. As for the level of anxiety, it was found that the levels present were mild or moderate and that there was no significant association between the anxiety inventory and the results of the questions about the information provided. Conclusion: Effective communication between professionals, patients and family members is necessary, since it has been demonstrated that the quality of the information provided can minimize the levels of anxiety.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Márcio Vitor da Costa Carneiro, Felipe Carvalho Farias, Bruno Albuquerque Campos, Tarcisia Domingos de Araújo Sousa, Fernanda da Mata Vasconcelos Silva, Emanuela Batista Ferreira e Pereira

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