Importance of integrative and complementary practices in the treatment of patients with cancer
integrative and complementary practices; integrative medicine; cancer; nursing careAbstract
Introduction: The search for recovery of patients in oncologic treatment encompasses not only conventional medicine, but also integrative and complementary practices, since stimulating effective alternative means that decrease these effects is a tool of great relevance in the context of nursing care and holistic care. Objective: To investigate the role of integrative and complementary practices in the treatment of patients with cancer. Methods: Qualitative review carried out through an exploratory study using the descriptors "complementary therapies", "neoplasms" and "nursing" applying the Boolean connector "and" in the databases Lilacs, BDEnf, Mosaico and Medline, using the time cut from 2014 to 2019. We selected 59 articles, but only 14 met the criteria of the study. The Bardin content analysis method was used. Results: The use of integrative and complementary practices in the treatment of cancer patients is indicated for relief of stress, anxiety, side effects of chemotherapy, improvement of pain, increase levels of dopamine and serotonin, decrease of depressive symptoms among others. Conclusion: The role of integrative and complementary practices in the treatment of patients with cancer is linked to integral care, i.e., providing bio-psycho-socio-spiritual effects for this quite vulnerable population in the face of human suffering caused by the disease.
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