Complications associated with COVID-19 and the main affected basic human needs
Introduction: Patients infected with COVID-19 have immune defense mechanisms that are still in doubt and without definitive medical treatment, so it is prudent for health professionals to be attentive to detailed signs of worsening in all symptoms. Objective: The objective was to know the complications associated with the new coronavirus and, through them, list the main basic human needs according to the Theory of Basic Human Needs. Methods: Integrative literature review through the Virtual Library Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Information System (Lilacs); National Library of Medicine (Pubmed), and Cochrane. The descriptors ‘Respiratory Distress Syndrome’, ‘Nursing’ and ‘COVID-19’ were used, with the Boolean operator ‘AND’, which were previously consulted in the Medical (MeSH) and Health Science Descriptors (DeCS) dictionaries. Results: Eight publications were part of the study, which brought respiratory infections, cardiovascular complications and follow-up reports of symptomatic patients as complications of the new coronavirus, through which it was possible to identify the basic human psychobiological and psychosocial needs affected. Conclusion: Tools such as the Theory of Basic Human Needs can contribute to enabling effective patient care, which enables comprehensive care.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Josiele de Lima Neves, Eda Schwartz, Lílian Moura de Lima Spagnolo, Julia Peres Ávila, Naiane Pereira de Oliveira, Fernanda Lise
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