Adhesion to the vaccination against hepatitis B among the workers of the health service: a proposal for the control of the disease
It was estimated that hepatitis B is the main disease contracted during the manipulation of biological material. Despite the recommendation of immunization against hepatitis B as a basic precaution mechanism and the gratuitousness of this kind of vaccine by the Health Ministry, various authors have demonstrated the low vaccination coverage among people that work in the health service. The objective of this study was to verify the adhesion to the vaccination against hepatitis B among the workers of the health service of a Federal University of the State of Minas Gerais. The study is characterized as both descriptive and of quantitative approach and it was carried out in the Health Service Division of that University. Data were collected from vaccination’s cards of 79 workers of that Division and related to the period June-July, 2008. During the period of data collection, it was verified that most of the workers were not vaccinated against hepatitis B and that a high percentage of the workers did not present the vaccination card. Based on these facts, it is recommended the implementation of preventive actions.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Janaina Maria Setto, Gisele Simas dos Santos, Daniel Almeida da Costa, André Luiz dos Santos Silva, Marcus Vinícius de Mello Pinto
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.