Music therapy to humanize assistance of people with mental disorder
humanization; nursing; psychiatry; musicAbstract
Since remote ages, it has been attributed different meaning to music, either in relation to the aesthetics expression, or to mystic, religious, magic and therapeutic function. It can be used as an instrument for humanizing the process of nursing care. This study had as objective to demonstrate the benefits of music to assistance of people with mental disorder and was carried out from July to September 2007 at Bairral Institute of Psychiatry, located in Itapira, São Paulo, where musical activities were developed with 27 persons. Among the main findings, it was observed that music was related directly to the conception of thoughts and positive emotions, favoring relaxation, expression of feelings, the recovery of past memories and interpersonal relationship improvement, contributing significantly for the process of humanization of mental health assistance.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Marco Aurélio Tosta Longo, Silvia Andréia da Silveira, Benedito Cherbéu Dlessandre Oliveira
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