Quality of life of woman with breast cancer
quality of life; breast neoplasm; mastectomyAbstract
Introduction: The cancer changes the way of the individual life in many aspects. Aims: To carry out a systematic literature review related to breast neoplasm, mastectomy and quality of life and to evaluate the relationship among each others. Methods: Study about the literature published in journals indexed in Lilacs and Medline databases from 2000 to 2005. It was used a questionnaire, divided as follows: identification of the article, design method and quality of life. The sample was comprised of 42 articles and 1 dissertation. Results: The results showed that most of the articles lacked consistency and methodological rigor in measuring quality of life among patients with mastectomy. Also, they did not mention strategies and behaviors for improving quality of life. Conclusion: The systematic review allows to identify and to give direction for new research projects.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Kátia Melissa Padilha, Carolina Pessoni, Daniela Cervan Gomes, Juliane Almeida da Silva, Rosangela Ferreira da Silva; Rosangela Helena Maximino Barros
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.