Humanization in care in the adult ICU
Humanizationof Assistance, CriticalCare, NursingAbstract
Introduction: The Adult Intensive Care Unit is a sector defined by constant monitoring and more complex care by a specialized team composed of professionals from different areas, due to the aggravation of the patients hospitalized there. Objective: To identify strategies for the applicability of humanized nursing care in the scientific literature, analyzing how it is implemented in the Adult Intensive Care Unit. Methods: Study with a qualitative/integrative approach, using the Virtual Health Library as a database using the Health Sciences Descriptors: Humanization of Assistance; Critical Care; Nursing. Complete articles were selected, available in Portuguese, English and Spanish between 2016 and 2021. At the end of the application, 10 articles emerged for content production. Results: In the data analysis, ways of providing humanized care to the patient in the Adult Intensive Care Unit and the importance of the team in supporting the family as part of the care provided were observed. Conclusion: Humanization should not only focus on the patient, but also on family members who suffer in the hospitalization process and health professionals, who, as they are protagonists of this process, need recognition and appreciation of their work.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Raisa Silva dos Santos, Layna Pereira Amorim, Larissa Lessa dos Santos, Luana Valentim Monteiro, Grace Kelly da Silva Dourado, Rachel da silva Serejo Cardoso
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