Fournier’s gangrene: knowledge of nurses about the disease and their experiences in patient care
Fournier gangrene, Nursing, fasciitis, necrotizingAbstract
Objective: To analyze the knowledge of nurses from a teaching hospital about Fournier's gangrene and their experiences in caring for patients affected by the disease. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, carried out in a teaching hospital in the Northeast of Brazil. The study included 63 nurses who answered a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, using the free software R. Results: Nurses (63/100%) had never participated in training regarding Fournier's gangrene, corroborating the insufficient knowledge about the pathology and aspects of care for the patient, mainly on the prevalence of the disease in relation to gender, adjuvant treatments (hyperbaric and vacuum therapy), complementary surgical procedures (cytostomy and colostomy). They mentioned difficulties in caring for patients (33/52.38%), lack of material resources, knowledge gaps about Fournier syndrome, lack of experience in caring for patients with the disease. Conclusion: The study points to the need for training programs for nurses, considering identified knowledge weaknesses, which imply in improving care for patients with Fournier's gangrene.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Anny Michelle Rodrigues da Silva Alves, Jéssica Lorena Palmeira de Morais, Luciana Maria Bernardo Nóbrega, Karinna de Abreu Lima, Francileide de Araújo Rodrigues, Jacira dos Santos Oliveira, Josilene de Melo Buriti Vasconcelos
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