Neurological complications of COVID-19 in children: scoping review
Child; Nervous System Diseases; Coronavirus Infections.Abstract
Introduction: In children, cases of COVID-19, an infection caused by the new Coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2, are generally more discreet, with a much lower incidence and severity when compared to other age groups; however, there is evidence that it can affect the central and peripheral nervous systems, with the possibility of resulting in numerous deficiencies. Objective: To identify the main neurological complications of COVID-19 in children from the international literature. Methods: The scope review carried out in an electronic database. The literature search took place in January 2021. To construct the research question, the PICO strategy was adopted. The study selection process was carried out using the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyzes (PRISMA). The sample consisted of 14 articles. Results: The analysis identified that the most common neurological complications are: central nervous system infections and inflammations, Guillain-Barré syndrome, neurogenic pulmonary edema and epileptic seizures. Conclusion: It was observed that SARS-CoV-2 can cause serious neurological complications in infected children, being the most described in the evaluated studies: CNS infections, CNS inflammations, Guillain-Barré syndrome, neurogenic pulmonary edema and epileptic seizures.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maria Clara Soares Dantas, Ana Cláudia de Queiroz, Maria de Fátima Cabral da Silva, Giovanna Gabrielly Custódio Macêdo, Nathanielly Cristina Carvalho de Brito Santos, Anajás da Silva Cardoso Cantalice

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