Factors associated with dermatitis in ostomy patients
dermatite, estomia, terapêutica, perfil de saúde, estomas cirurgicosAbstract
Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence available in the literature on factors associated with dermatitis in ostomy patients. Methods: This is an integrative review. The search for articles was carried out; with delimitation in the last 5 years; in Portuguese, English and Spanish; available in full on the following data platforms: DOAJ, Lilacs, PMC, Scopus and Web of Science. Results: Data were organized and presented in figures and tables. Of the 1554 studies found, 224 were available from DOAJ, 5 from Lilacs, 52 from PMC, 444 from Scopus, and 1696 from Web of Science; however, after reading, only those who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria described in the methodology remained, 5 studies. Conclusion: This study evidenced the factors associated with dermatitis in ostomy patients; considering that they are not always directly related to the stoma, but to the handling of the equipment.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fernanda da Mata Vasconcelos Silva, Jéssica Emanuela Mendes Morato, Liniker Scolfild Rodrigues da Silva, Alexsander Wilkard Monte Sales de Barros, Joana D’Arc Vila Nova Jatobá, Emanuela Batista Ferreira e Pereira
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