Knowledge of intensive care nurses about pressure injury prevention: implications for patient safety
pressure ulcer, intensive care unit, nursing, critical care nursingAbstract
Objective: To analyze the scientific production on the prevention of PI in Intensive Care Units and what knowledge the nursing team has to prevent harm to the patient and how it influences patient safety. Methods: This is an integrative literature review study carried out from June to October 2022. The survey was based on the Virtual Health Library Portal (BVS), in the databases: International Literature in Health Sciences (MEDLINE), Nursing Database (BDENF) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS). The final sample of the integrative review consisted of eight (08) articles. Results: Of the eight articles, only one of them was about nursing with satisfactory knowledge about the prevention of pressure injuries. Conclusion: The knowledge of nurses working in the Intensive Care Unit on the prevention of pressure injuries is inadequate. Thus, the nurse, as responsible for direct and continuous care to the patient, must have knowledge based on scientific evidence, to prevent the emergence of injuries and consequently improve the care provided, reduce hospitalization time, as well as hospital costs and improve the quality of patient safety.
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