Performance of telehealth nursing in the COVID-19 pandemic: an integrative review
SARS-CoV-2, Nursing, TelenursingAbstract
Objective: To identify how nursing care was provided in the use of telehealth in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Integrative literature review, through the selection of primary articles in the Virtual Health Library, with a selection of the Medline, BDENF, and Lilacs databases, through the search strategy: nursing AND (telemedicine OR telemonitoring) AND (sars-cov- 2 OR COVID-19), in the end, 15 articles were selected to compose the review. Results: Three categories are presented: Telenursing as a work strategy and instruments used; Teleconsultation applied in Primary Care; Advantages and difficulties encountered. Nursing teleconsultation is recognized by COFEN as a method to combat COVID-19 and has been implemented. Several tools can be used for this type of query, such as landlines, cell phones, and text messaging applications, among others. Primary Health Care also faced structural challenges in adapting to the pandemic. Difficulties include lack of ability to use technology, problems with internet connection, and availability of devices. Conclusion: The use of telehealth by nursing professionals has been highlighted in this pandemic period, with applications in the scope of Primary Care, as well as in Tertiary Care, being applied in several countries. Tools such as telephone, e-mail, and video call applications are used in patient care and follow-up. Nursing professionals must take ownership of this new space so that the individual, family, and community are fully attended to.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Débora Aline de Souza Ribeiro, Bruna Camila de Souza Santos, Pollyana Cirimele Lira, Alison Nery dos Santos, Juliana Mendes Correia
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