Effects of meditative practice on the management of chronic pelvic pain
mindfulness, pelvic pain, empathy, nursing, meditationAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the perception of women about the effect of mindfulness meditation in the management of chronic pelvic pain. Methods: Descriptive qualitative study with six women with chronic pelvic pain. The participants underwent an eight-week meditative practice, with two-hour weekly sessions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and treated according to content analysis. Results: Meditation promoted pain relief, improved emotional balance and self-care awareness. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that meditation promoted chronic pelvic pain relief through the perception of mind and body integration. This study shows the importance of an integrative approach in health care. Better management of chronic pelvic pain was shown through the association of meditation and allopathic care in patients with chronic pelvic pain.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Thomaz Jefferson Massaneiro, Ricardo Romano, Cleima Coltri Bittelbrunn, Tatiana Brusamarello, Patrícia Bhon Thomaz, Gisela Maria Assis, Rogério de Fraga, Auristela Duarte Lima Moser
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