Profile of nurses who care for people with stroke sequelae in the community
activities of daily living, mobility limitation, stroke, rehabilitation nursing, primary health careAbstract
Objective: To identify the sociodemographic profile and professional qualification of nurses who care for people with stroke in the community. Methods: Exploratory, cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach, carried out in 2020, with 11 nurses from the Family Health Strategy, working in a municipality in the Center-South Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Results: Most of the participants are female, permanent professionals, general practitioners, whose activities are divided between service, care and assistance to users of Primary Health Care, and commitment to the management of units, which makes the systematized implementation of nursing care, provided to people with sequelae of stroke, unfeasible, not only due to the lack of specific knowledge, but, above all, due to the accumulation of tasks. Conclusion: Nursing assistance provided to person with functional limitations and dependence for daily activities, in the community, should be focused on meeting their limitations for self-care and lacks nurses with specific training that give them knowledge inherent in the care procedures and guidance of these people , their family members and home caregivers, enabling them to perform long-term care.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sabrina da Silva Brasil, Hilmara Ferreira da Silva, Alexmália Fiorini da Costa Balonecker, Amanda Sarkis Moor Santos Xavier, Vanessa Vianna Cruz, Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo, Gabryelly Barros de Carvalho Silva, Wiliam César Alves Machado
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