COVID-19 pandemic: impacts on the life of elderly people in a small town




Aged, COVID-19, Qualitative Research


Objective: Comprehend the perceptions about the main impacts caused in the lives of elderly people living in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This is a descriptive-exploratory research of a qualitative nature, developed in a small town in the interior of Goiás, with 30 elderly people from the community. Data collection took place between October 2022 and February 2023. For the analysis and categorization of the contents of the interviews, Content Analysis based on Bardin was used to evaluate the interviews and free qualitative data software. Results: From the statements of the elderly, five classes emerged, which were named according to their predominant content: Emotional and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Loneliness and longing caused by the pandemic, Impacts on routine and aging, The Challenges generated by COVID-19 and Change in the media in the context of a pandemic. Conclusion: The synthesis of the interviews showed that in the pandemic, the elderly felt alone and that their routines were modified, mainly changing their perception of themselves, interpersonal relationships and the need to adapt to a technological world.

Author Biographies

Karyta Jordany Ferreira Rezio, UFCAT

Linda Aléxia Cardoso de Araújo, UFCAT

Beatriz Lessa e Silva, Universidade Federal de Catalão

Silvia Queiroz de Souza Matos, Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Catalão

Enfermeira, Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Catalão, Goiás, Brasil

Ana Carolina, UFCAT

Luípa Michele Silva, UFCAT

Docente do curso de enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Catalão, Goiás, Brasil


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