Home containment and COVID-19: a perspective about the mental health of the geriatric population
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is a major Public Health problem today. Social isolation is the main measure established so far to delay the spread of this pathology. However, the loneliness resulting from confinement can be particularly problematic in senescence. This article aimed to produce and update reflections about the impact of social isolation on the mental health of the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: A search was carried out in the main data sources: Lilacs, Bireme and Pubmed, in Portuguese and English. Articles that address inclusion requirements were selected and exclude those that do not. It was also decided to perform a reverse search, in order to expand and diversify the results. Results: By crossing the keywords in the database, a total of 475 publications were found. Joining selected articles in the database and in the reverse search, the sample was composed of 21 articles in all. Conclusion: Social isolation negatively affects the mental health of the elderly. Thus, health professionals must be prepared to face an epidemic of emotional disorders arising from the confinement of this population.
Keywords: elderly, mental health, pandemic, COVID-19, social isolation.
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