Impact of Pilates on the quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review

Review - e235437 - Published 2024 February 27




renal insufficiency, chronic, Pilates, quality of life


Introduction: The evolution of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is silent and asymptomatic, which makes diagnosis and treatment difficult in the initial phase. Patients with CKD present loss of muscle mass, decreased functional capacity, and quality of life (QoL). Objective: To review the effects of the Pilates Method on the QoL of patients with CKD. Methods: This is a systematic review carried out according to PRISMA. The search was carried out in December 2022 in the following databases: Google Scholar, Scielo, Lilacs, CINAHL, Pubmed, PEDro, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Central Register of Systematic Review. To carry out the literary search, the PICOT strategy was used, and the studied population was patients with CKD, the intervention was training with the Pilates method, compared with patients who did not undergo training or any other intervention, the evaluated outcome was QoL and we included only randomized controlled clinical trials. Results: 3,287 articles were found, of which 3 were considered eligible for our systematic review. Due to methodological heterogeneity, it was not possible to perform a meta-analysis. All studies included showed significant benefits of Pilates practice in the QoL of patients with CKD. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the practice of physical exercise with the Pilates method can favor the improvement of QoL in individuals with CKD.

Author Biographies

Lucas Oliveira Soares, UNIFAN

Fisioterapeuta pelo Centro Universitário Nobre, Feira de Santana, BA, Residente no Programa Multiprofissional em Saúde no Cuidado ao Paciente Nefropata, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo – HCFMUSP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Wasly Santana Silva, UFS

Residente no Programa Multiprofissional em Saúde do Adulto e Idoso - Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (HUUFS), Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (EBSERH), Aracaju, SE, Brasil

Beatriz Rodrigues Rodrigues Mortari, USP

Residente no Programa Multiprofissional em Saúde no Cuidado ao Paciente Nefropata - Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo – HCFMUSP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Adriana Malavasi Falleiros, USP

Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo – HCFMUSP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

André Luis Lisboa Cordeiro, UNIFAN

Centro Universitário Nobre – Feira de Santana, BA, Brasil


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