Prevalence of injuries in amateur surfers at Santos Brazil


  • Adilson Junior UNIMES
  • Fabricio Madureira UNIMES
  • Dilmar Pinto Guedes Jr UNIMES
  • Rodrigo Pereira UNIMES



prevalence injuries; surf


Currently surfing has an expressive number of practitioners in Brazil and there are people practicing the sport in all kinds of waves and places. The increased popularity of the sport and the evolution of the board in recent years increase the likelihood of injury. The objective of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of injuries reported by recreational surfers. The study was carried out in the city of São Vicente/SP and participants of the study were 19 surfers. Each participant answered a questionnaire about the injuries suffered during the practice of this modality. There were 17 injuries among all participants, two that were never injured and the contusion injury was the most frequent lesion. We concluded that most of the injuries occur due to the contact with the equipment itself, however, the external factors also had a contribution in the number of injuries.

Author Biographies

Adilson Junior, UNIMES

Graduado em Educação Fisica pela Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, SP

Fabricio Madureira, UNIMES

Docente da Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, SP

Dilmar Pinto Guedes Jr, UNIMES

Docente da Universidade Metropolitana de Santos e Universidade Santa Cecilia, SP

Rodrigo Pereira, UNIMES

Docente da Universidade Metropolitana de Santos e Faculdade Praia Grande, SP


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