Concurrent training and their effects in middle age and elderly


  • Alan Luiz da Silva FAIP
  • Patricia Amanda Serafim FAIP
  • Camilo Antonio Monteiro Bueno FAIP



resistance training; aerobic; aged


Physical training programs are used as intervention and prevention for the degenerative effects of aging, among these the concurrent training (CT), which is the combination of training methods in the same session, interesting proposal for middle-aged and elderly subjects. The CT is nothing more than the combination of training methods: it can be characterized by the combination of endurance and resistance. The present study aimed to verify in the literature the importance and benefits of CT in relation to isolated methods, investigating its effect on chronic diseases, physiological action, cardiovascular risk factors and training protocols to be used. The literature review was primary source of research papers and dissertations using databases such as Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs, among others, with publications from 1997 to 2018. The research has noted that the CT generates much discussion in academic environment, however, what makes the difference is the protocol used. Literature shows that the CT does not harm middle-aged people compared to other methods, good results are highlighted with regard to the increased dynamic strength, peak VO2 and increased energy expenditure quantified by EPOC. It is used to burn fat and to reduce cardiovascular risk factors and hypotensive action related to hypertensive people, also acts in the improvement of type 2 diabetes. We concluded that the CT is an effective method for this population group and is equivalent to strength training and aerobic isolated and often a better option.


Author Biographies

Alan Luiz da Silva, FAIP

Bacharel em Educação Fí­sica pela Faculdade de Ensino Superior do Interior Paulista (FAIP), SP

Patricia Amanda Serafim, FAIP

M.Sc., Professor do Curso de Educação Fí­sica da Faculdade de Ensino do Interior Paulista (FAIP), SP

Camilo Antonio Monteiro Bueno, FAIP

Professor do Curso de Educação Fí­sica da Faculdade de Ensino do Interior Paulista (FAIP), SP


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