Relationship between anthropometric variables and age in the cardiorespiratory capacity


  • Júlio Stancati Filho UniFMU
  • Marcos Maurí­cio Serra FMU
  • Cristiane Utimura Fuku Unisant´ Anna
  • Sérgio Ayama Unisant´ Anna
  • Alexandre Sabbag Silva Mackenzie
  • Cristina Prota USP
  • Angélica Castilho Alonso USJT



anthropometry; physical activity; obesity; oxygen consumption; professional performance evaluation


With the increase in the world obesity index, the interest arises if the anthropometric factors and the age exert an influence on the physical fitness of the sedentary individuals. The aim of the study was to correlate body mass, height, body mass index (BMI) and age with measures of cardiorespiratory capacity VO2max, VO2la, max pulse and HR rest. The study included 90 individuals who underwent cardiorespiratory tests on a treadmill with subsequent execution of resting electrocardiogram. The oxygen consumption (VO2), by direct measurement, was determined through a respiratory valve of oxygen and carbon dioxide interconnected to a metabolic system. Statistical analysis was performed by Spearman correlation. Age, body mass and BMI were negatively correlated with VO2max; body mass and BMI also correlated negatively with VO2la; the max pulse correlated positively with body mass, height and BMI; and HR rep correlated negatively with age. The higher the body mass and the BMI lower cardiorespiratory capacity (VO2max, VO2la, max pulse). As the age increases, there is a decrease in VO2max and resting HR. And higher the height the higher is the max heart rate.

Author Biographies

Júlio Stancati Filho, UniFMU

Médico especialista em Medicina Esportiva, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, Professor de Anatomia Humana e do Aparelho Locomotor do curso de Ed.Física da UniFMU, Médico do Depto. de Futebol do S.C.Corinthians Paulista desde 1996 

Marcos Maurí­cio Serra, FMU

Ft., M.Sc., Profissional da Educação Fí­sica, docente da FMU

Cristiane Utimura Fuku, Unisant´ Anna

Docente da Unisant’Anna, SP

Sérgio Ayama, Unisant´ Anna

Ft., M.Sc., Docente da Unisant´ Anna e UNINOVE, SP

Alexandre Sabbag Silva, Mackenzie

Ft., M.Sc., Docente do Mackenzie, SP

Cristina Prota, USP

Ft., M.Sc., Profissional da Educação Fí­sica, Pesquisadora do Laboratório do Estudo do Movimento do Hospital das Clí­nicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo HCFMUSP, SP

Angélica Castilho Alonso, USJT

Ft., D.Sc., Docente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências do Envelhecimento da USJT, São Paulo, SP


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