Level of satisfaction with body image, anxiety symptoms and depression of students of the Physical Education course in Teresina/PI


  • Laura Stephane de Oliveira Lima UFPI
  • Marcela Araújo Sá Nogueira UFPI
  • Cláudia Maria da Silva Vieira UFPI
  • Mara Jordana Magalhães Costa UFPI




body image; university students; anxiety; depression


Introduction: Body image is defined as the image that everyone has in mind about the size and shape of one's own body, including feelings about these characteristics and the constituent parts of the body. Objective: To analyze the level of body image satisfaction and to relate to the symptoms of anxiety and depression of students of the Physical Education course of the Federal University of Piauí. Methods: The sample research of this quantitative and descriptive type consisted in 50 academics from the UFPI Physical Education course. In order to collect the data, the scale of nine silhouettes was initially applied, followed by the questionnaire assessing the symptoms of anxiety and depression (HADS). The chi-square test was used for the inferential analyzes with significance level p < 0.05. The software used was Stata 12.0. Results: The results showed that the majority of students surveyed were male (56%) and 70% of students were dissatisfied with their body image. Regarding the symptoms of anxiety and depression, 36% of respondents were classified as likely to present some characteristic of anxiety and only 4% were classified as possible to have some characteristic of depression. There were no statistically significant associations of body image with anxiety (p = 0.764) or with depression (p = 0.529). Conclusion: We observed that a high percentage of students is dissatisfied and with probable symptoms of anxiety, although statistically these variables had no association.

Author Biographies

Laura Stephane de Oliveira Lima, UFPI

Profissional de Educação Fí­sica, Universidade Federal do Piauí­ (UFPI), Teresina, PI

Marcela Araújo Sá Nogueira, UFPI

Professora de Educação Fí­sica, substituta na UFPI, Teresina, PI

Cláudia Maria da Silva Vieira, UFPI

Profissional de Educação Fí­sica, Universidade Federal do Piauí­ (UFPI), Teresina, PI

Mara Jordana Magalhães Costa, UFPI

Profissional de Educação Fí­sica, Universidade Federal do Piauí­ (UFPI), Teresina, PI


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