Use of ratings of perceived exertion in national journals of physical activity


  • Luara Loren Arcenio UFPR



ratings of perceived exertion; perceptual scales; state of art


This study aimed to understand the current scenario of using ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) in national journals of Physical Education. A census about using RPE scales in articles published in journals with high Qualis/Capes qualification was carried out in order to identify how the topic has been approached. Ninety four of 113 articles found fit the inclusion criteria to compose the sample, 85 of which published from 2008 on. Despite the high number of studies, the category with the highest number of articles was the one that uses RPE only as a secondary mean to control exercise. It leads us to conclude that is necessary to do more studies regarding this theme to spread the value of this accessible and relevant tool to Physical Education.

Author Biography

Luara Loren Arcenio, UFPR

Mestranda em Desempenho Esportivo na Universidade Federal do Paraná


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