Physical exercise to reduce cancer fatigue


  • Luí­s Felipe Rodrigues UNIFAE



physical exercise; oncologic fatigue; cancer


During the last few years a significant increase in new cases of cancer has been observed, and many different methods for the reduction of the side effects to treatment and the disease are being studied. The cancer fatigue is a predominant factor among the cancer patients. The aim of the present review was to analyze if the physical exercise promotes a reduction in the chronic fatigue picture. The databases used were: Pubmed, Scielo and Google Academic, and the search counted with the descriptors both in English and Portuguese: Cancer, physical exercise, immune system and fatigue oncology. The search had as inclusion and exclusion criteria the readings of the abstracts and were eliminated those that did not correspond with the objective of the research, also excluded the articles that were obtained in a paid form. We concluded that health-oriented exercise brings benefits to reduce fatigue and improves quality of life in cancer patients.

Author Biography

Luí­s Felipe Rodrigues, UNIFAE

Aluno de pós-graduação latu sensu em fisiologia do exercí­cio: avaliação e prescrição do treinamento, UNIFAE


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