Caffeine supplementation for 4-day, followed by acute ingestion, did not impact triathlete output power after submaximal intensity exercise


  • Anderson Pontes Morales UFRJ
  • Felipe Sampaio-Jorge UFRJ
  • Thiago Barth UFRJ
  • Alessandra Alegre de Matos UFRJ
  • Luiz Felipe da Cruz Rangel UFRJ
  • Beatriz Gonçalves Ribeiro UFRJ



caffeine metabolism; Wingate test; blood lactate; performance


Introduction: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that caffeine supplementation (6 mg·kg-1 body mass) for 4-days, followed by acute intake, would impact five male triathletes output power after performed submaximal intensity exercise. Methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study, placebo (4-days) - placebo (acute) PP, placebo (4-day) -caffeine (acute) PC, and caffeine (4-day) - caffeine (acute) CC. Participants abstained from dietary caffeine sources for 4 days and ingested capsules containing either placebo or caffeine (6 body mass day in one absorption). The acute trials the capsules containing placebo or caffeine (6 body mass day in one absorption) were ingested 60min before completing exercise in a treadmill for 40min (80% VO2max) and to perform the Wingate test. Results: Blood lactate was determined before, 60min after ingestion, and immediately after the exercise on the treadmill, the Wingate test, and after the recovery (10-min). CC and PC trials did not change the cardiopulmonary variables (P>0.05) and the anaerobic power variables (peak/mean power output and fatigue index) (P>0.05). The PC trial compared with PP promoted improvements in the curve power output in 2 sec by 31.19% (large effect-size d = 1.08; P<0.05) and 3 sec by 20% (large effect-size d = 1.19; P<0.05). A 10min recovery was not sufficient to reduce blood lactate concentration in the PC trial compared with PP (PC, 13.73±2.66 vs. PP, 10.26±1.60 mmol.L-1; P<0.05, respectively) (P<0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, these results indicate that caffeine supplementation (6 mg·kg-1 body mass) for 4 days, followed by acute ingestion, did not impact the triathletes output power after performed submaximal intensity exercise. Nutritional interventions may help researchers and athletes to adapt strategies for manipulating caffeine use.

Author Biographies

Anderson Pontes Morales, UFRJ

Doutorando em Ciências Nutricionais pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Docente dos Institutos Superiores de Ensino do CENSA (ISECENSA), Laboratório de Pesquisa e Inovação em Ciências do Esporte (LAPICE-UFRJ Macaé/SEMEL), RJ, Brasil

Felipe Sampaio-Jorge, UFRJ

Doutorando em Biociências e Produtos Bioativos pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Docente dos Institutos Superiores de Ensino do CENSA (ISECENSA), Laboratório de Pesquisa e Inovação em Ciências do Esporte (LAPICE-UFRJ Macaé/SEMEL), RJ, Brasil

Thiago Barth, UFRJ

Docente da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ Macaé), Laboratório de Produtos Naturais (UFRJ Macaé), RJ, Brasil

Alessandra Alegre de Matos, UFRJ

Especialista em Nutrição Clínica Estética pelo Instituto de Pesquisa Ensino Gestão e Saúde (IPGS), Laboratório de Pesquisa e Inovação em Ciências do Esporte (LAPICE-UFRJ Macaé/SEMEL), RJ, Brasil

Luiz Felipe da Cruz Rangel, UFRJ

Docente da Universidade Estácio de Sá, Laboratório de Pesquisa e Inovação em Ciências do Esporte (LAPICE-UFRJ Macaé/SEMEL), RJ, Brasil

Beatriz Gonçalves Ribeiro, UFRJ

Docente da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ-Macaé), Laboratório de Pesquisa e Inovação em Ciências do Esporte (LAPICE-UFRJ Macaé/SEMEL), RJ


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