Isokinetic power of shoulder rotators in handball players: sectional study description


  • Ingara Fernanda Silva Ribeiro Schindler UFBA
  • Amanda Leite Vasconcelos UFBA
  • Cristiano Sena da Conceição UFBA
  • Mansueto Neto UFBA
  • Luana Rios Queiroz UFBA
  • Daniela Dias da Silva Garzedin Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
  • Antonio Marcos Andrade da Costa UNISBA, BA



shoulder; handball; isokinetic dynamometer


Background: The repetitions attributed to the shoulders, mainly to the internal rotator muscles, during the throwing movements increase the risk of injury. Thus, it is necessary to ensure an adequate balance between the internal rotator (IR) muscles and their antagonists, external rotators (ER). Objective: To describe the strength and muscle balance of internal and external shoulder rotators in handball players. Methods: Descriptive sectional study with 58 handball athletes. Muscle function was assessed by the isokinetic dynamometer, the variables analyzed were the peak torque (TP) between the right and left shoulders and the antagonist/agonist ratio. Results: The lowest TP value in women ranged from 2.18 at angular speed of 300º/s (ER) to 33.0 at angular speed of 60º/s (IR). For the ER/IR ratio, the lowest value was 0.11 and the highest 0.79. For males, the lowest PT value was 27.5 (ER) at an angular speed of 300º/s, a higher value of 69.5 (IR) at angled speed of 60º/s. The RE/IR ratio ranged from 0.54 to 0.71. Conclusion: The highest values of strength are in the dominant shoulder, for both sexes, which is considered normal. However, we also found a deficit in the ER/IR ratio above the cutoff point indicated in the literature, suggesting a significant muscle imbalance.

Author Biographies

Ingara Fernanda Silva Ribeiro Schindler, UFBA

Centro Universitário do Instituto Social da Bahia, Salvador/BA,  Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador/BA, Brasil

Amanda Leite Vasconcelos, UFBA

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador/BA Brasil

Cristiano Sena da Conceição, UFBA

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador/BA, Brasil

Mansueto Neto, UFBA

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador/BA, Brasil

Luana Rios Queiroz, UFBA

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador/BA, Brasil

Daniela Dias da Silva Garzedin, Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública

Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Salvador/BA, Brasil

Antonio Marcos Andrade da Costa, UNISBA, BA

Licenciado em Educação Fí­sica pela Faculdade Social da Bahia, Mestre em Educação, Especialização em Biomecânica e Prescrição de Exercí­cios e Mestrado em Educação com enfase em Gestão e Liderança Educacional pela Universidade de Santiago do Chile, Professor da Faculdade Social da Bahia, Coordenador de Educação Fí­sica do Instituto Social da Bahia


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