Calisthenics and bodyweight exercises: different concepts or scientific synonyms?


  • Leury Max da Silva Chaves UFS
  • Gabriel Vinicius Santos UFS
  • Cauê La Scala Teixeira UNIFESP
  • Marzo Edir Da Silva-Grigoletto Universidade de Sevilla, Espanha



Bodyweight exercises (also popularly known as calisthenics) is a classic training method and its practice has been widespread since the 19th century, but little evidenced in the scientific literature over the years. This type of training aims to promote multi-system adaptations using body weight as an overload with no or few implements [1-3]. This characteristic makes exercise with body weight easy to apply, in addition to having an excellent cost-benefit ratio when compared to other training possibilities that require machines or materials [4,5].

Author Biographies

Leury Max da Silva Chaves, UFS

Graduate Program in Physical Education, Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Sergipe, São Cristóvão  

Gabriel Vinicius Santos, UFS

Graduate Program in Physical Education, Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Sergipe, São Cristóvão  

Cauê La Scala Teixeira, UNIFESP

Obesity Study Group, Federal University of São Paulo, Santos, SP, Brazil

Marzo Edir Da Silva-Grigoletto, Universidade de Sevilla, Espanha

Mestrado em "Metodologia de la Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud" - Universidad de Córdoba (2005) e Doutorado em "Ciencias Aplicadas a la Actividad Fí­sica y el Deporte" - Universidad de Córdoba (2006) e Pós-Doutorado no Hospital Reina Sofia (2007-2008). Foi Pesquisador contratado do "Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte" (2007-2010), e Professor com Dedicação Exclusiva na "Universidad de Sevilla" (2011-2013). Professor da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Departamento de Educação Fí­sica, Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Fí­sica


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