Increased exercise capacity after a flexibility session in a patient with partial pulmonary lobectomy


  • Santiago Larrateguy Universidad Adventista Del Plata
  • Nicolas De Carlo Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina
  • Luis Larrateguy Centro Privado de Medicina Respiratoria de Paraná, Argentina
  • Johana Dabin Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina
  • Sebastian Wustten Hospital San Martí­n de Paraná, Argentina
  • Noelia Balla Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina



Introduction: Partial lobectomy is one of the surgeries chosen in the early stages of some diseases such as lung cancer. After thoracic surgeries or some respiratory diseases, both hard and soft structures undergo changes that lead to stiffness, lack of mobility, changing the mechanics and the correct respiratory pattern. Case presentation: A 75-year-old female patient entered the pulmonary rehabilitation program of the “Hospital de la Baxada” at Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina; referred to by a lower left lobectomy due to lung cancer. Treatment and evolution plan: The patient attended the pulmonary rehabilitation program, for 6 weeks she trained varying the load. We observed a significant change in recovery, compared at the minute of completing the first test the dyspnea was 4 and in the second test 3, the patient told us that after the flexibility session she felt she was able to breathe normally. Conclusion: In the case presented, the application of flexibility techniques increased exercise capacity.

Author Biographies

Santiago Larrateguy, Universidad Adventista Del Plata

Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina, Centro Privado de Medicina Respiratoria de Paraná, Argentina, Universidad Adventista Del Plata, Universidad de Montemorelos de Mexico

Nicolas De Carlo, Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina

Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina, Centro Privado de Medicina Respiratoria de Paraná, Argentina

Luis Larrateguy, Centro Privado de Medicina Respiratoria de Paraná, Argentina

Centro Privado de Medicina Respiratoria de Paraná, Argentina

Johana Dabin, Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina

Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina, Centro Privado de Medicina Respiratoria de Paraná, Argentina

Sebastian Wustten, Hospital San Martí­n de Paraná, Argentina

Hospital San Martí­n de Paraná, Argentina

Noelia Balla, Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina

Hospital de la Baxada de Paraná, Argentina, Centro Privado de Medicina Respiratoria de Paraná, Argentina


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