Types of outcomes in research: what is their importance?





Currently, in the field of sports science, we are increasingly experiencing the transition from a decision-making model based on isolated expert opinions to an evidence-based decision model. This process demands that professionals have the skills and competence to carry out a systematic critical assessment of the available scientific information, before applying an intervention. Evidence-based practice is a strategy aimed at improving the quality of care for clients or patients. This approach involves the definition of a problem, the search and critical evaluation of the available scientific evidence, the application of that evidence in clinical practice and finally the quantitative and or qualitative evaluation of the results [1]...

Author Biographies

José Francisco dos Santos, FACOP

Faculdade do Centro Oeste Paulista, Bauru, SP

Renata Sena dos Santos, FACOP

Faculdade do Centro Oeste Paulista, Bauru, SP

Antônio Marcos Andrade da Costa, FACOP

Faculdade do Centro Oeste Paulista, Bauru, SP,  Centro Universitário Social da Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brasil


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