Plasmatic and urinary analysis of muscle damage biomarkers in professional futsal athletes
biochemistry; sports medicine; athletic performanceAbstract
Introduction: In the view of metabolic changes resulting from sport and the consequences of overcoming individual limits in elite team sports, it is necessary to understand biochemically the phenomenon that occurs in this modality in order to minimize damage, improve athletic performance and provide protocols more suitable for every sport and individual. Aim: The present study aimed to analyze the metabolism of professional athletes during training by determining blood and urinary biomarkers of proteolysis, lipolysis, hemolysis and muscle microtrauma. Methods: The evaluation was carried out with 12 athletes participating in the Gold series of a futsal league. All were submitted to a standard training protocol and blood and urine samples were collected at rest and 15 minutes after the training session. Results: The statistical analysis of the results showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the relative (cells /%) and absolute (cells/μL) counts of neutrophils, as well as in the serum concentration of uric acid, total cholesterol and HDL fractions, ALT, LDH and CK-MM. On the other hand, it also showed a statistically significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the concentration of magnesium, glucose, urinary urea, relative lymphocyte count, absolute monocyte and eosinophil count (cells /% and cells/μL). Conclusion: The results obtained here allowed us to conclude that biochemical understanding can minimize muscle damage, improve athletic performance and offer the development of more appropriate protocols for each sport.
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