Effects of Krav Maga physical training on body composition, physical fitness and muscle strength





exercise; muscle strength; physical fitness; body composition


Objective: To compare body composition, physical fitness and muscle strength levels between veteran and beginner Krav Maga practitioners during 16-week physical training. Methods: Thirty men participated in the study, Krav Maga practitioners divided into veterans (GV, n = 15) and beginners (GI, n = 15). Body composition was measured using the Jackson and Pollock method, physical fitness by bending the arm, abdominal and flexibility, isometric handgrip strength using the protocol adapted from Fess, and voluntary muscle strength in the Shoulder Press, Back Squat and Deadlift movements, using the Baseyana statistic. The intervention was carried out with 60-minute sessions, three times a week, for 16 weeks, totaling 48 classes. Results: No differences were found between body composition and fat percentage between groups (GV = 24.14 ± 4.13%; GI = 26.10 ± 5.18%; BF10 = 0.56) in handgrip strength (GV = 46.66 ± 8.17 kgf; GI = 41.23 ± 7.77 kgf; BF10 = 1,238) and muscle flexibility (GV = 28.30 ± 7.23 cm; GI = 24.60 ± 7.61 cm; BF10 = 0.691). Statistically significant differences were found in voluntary muscle strength (GV = 242.13 ± 43.52 kg; GI = 184.86 ± 43.94 kg; BF10 = 25,615). Conclusion: It can be concluded that veteran Krav Maga practitioners have higher levels of muscle strength, muscular endurance, physical fitness and upper limb isometric strength when compared to beginners.

Author Biographies

João Batista de Andrade Neto, USP

PhD student in Health Sciences applied to the Locomotive Apparatus at the University of São Paulo and exchange with the Academic Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of Wingate Israel. Master in Adult Health, Specialist in Executive MBA in Safety and Security, Exercise Physiology, Full Degree in Physical Education, Technologist in Management and Public Safety. Instructor of Personal Defense and Tactical Immobilizations in Commandos, Special Forces, Urban Combat and Jungle Warfare Courses of the Brazilian Army. Black Belt 6th Dan Karate, 2nd Dan Aikido and Senior Krav Maga Instructor. Prof. Holder of Physical Education and Fights at School Military of Brasília and representative of Academic College Wingate Israel for Brazil.

Yan Figueiredo Foresti, USP

Universidade de São Paulo – USP, Escola de Educação Física e Esporte de Ribeirão Preto



Antônio Coppi Navarro, UFMA

Docente Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Física – UFMA, Laboratório de Fisiologia e Prescrição de Exercício do Maranhão- LAFIPEMA, São Luís, MA, Brasil


Francisco Navarro, UFMA

Docente nos Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Física e Saúde do Adulto – UFMA, São Luís,MA, Brasil

Natalino Salgado Filho, UFMA

Docente Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde do Adulto-UFMA, São Luís, MA, Brasil.


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