Strength profile of lower and upper limbs of young people and adults from Grande Vitória, ES

Artigo original - número: e225324 - publicado 21 de novembro de 2023




strength, aging, longevity, computerized digital dynamometry


Introduction: Aging contributes to loss of functional mobility and quality of life, and, consequently, health complications and diseases incidence. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the strength levels of men (M) and women (W) for lower (LL) and upper (UL) limbs in different age groups to map the normative references of these profiles. Methods: 270 individuals, adults, and non-athletes, aged between 20 and 59 years old and residing in the metropolitan region of Vitória/ES, participated in the research. Separated into groups having 160 (M) and 110 (W), in the age groups between 20 to 29 years (A), 30 to 39 years (B), 40 to 49 years (C), and 50 to 59 years (D). Body composition assessment: body mass, height, perimeters, bone diameters, and skinfolds, using Sanny equipment and the fat percentage determination using physical assessment software, Jackson and Pollock protocol (7 skinfolds). Maximum isometric strength levels were assessed using a computerized digital dynamometer. Results: The assessed population shows a trend towards strength loss with age, especially from the 30-39 age group for men and women. Despite not being statistically significant, the data make the loss of strength evident. Notably, low levels can also be highlighted, following the references for functional health classification. Conclusion: The assessed population shows a tendency towards loss of strength with age, in addition to pointing out low levels of strength, according to the references for functional health classification.

Author Biographies

Helvio de Oliveira Affonso, Appto Assessoria Esportiva

Appto Assessoria Esportiva, Laboratório de Fisiologia do Exercício, Nutrição e Treinamento Esportivo, Vitória, ES, Brasil

Mylena Barros de Souza, Appto Assessoria Esportiva

Appto Assessoria Esportiva, Laboratório de Fisiologia do Exercício, Nutrição e Treinamento Esportivo, Vitória, ES, Brasil

Angelo Borgo Neto, Appto Assessoria Esportiva

Appto Assessoria Esportiva, Laboratório de Fisiologia do Exercício, Nutrição e Treinamento Esportivo, Vitória, ES, Brasil


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