Physiological changes associated with virtual reality in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting

Original article - e235611 - Published 2024, Dec 15




monitoring, physiologic, thoracic surgery, virtual reality, early ambulation


Introduction: Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) promotes physiological changes in patients, and Virtual Reality (VR) is an option within the cardiac rehabilitation program that may help them reduce discomfort and control physiological parameters. Objective: To describe the physiological changes caused by the practice of VR in patients undergoing CABG. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Patients undergoing CABG used VR using the XBOX 360 device plus Kinect from the third day after cardiac surgery. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RF), oxygen saturation (SaO2) and temperature were assessed on three occasions: before VR application, at the end of the session and one hour after recovery. Results: 31 patients were included, with a mean age of 54 ± 8 years, with a higher prevalence in males with 21 (68%) individuals. The SBP was 123mmHg ± 18 at baseline, 133mmHg ± 17 (p = 0.25) immediately after the intervention, and 121mmHg ± 15 (p = 0.43) at recovery. The HR variable was analyzed in the pre-test with 81bpm ± 11, in the post-test 92bpm ± 12 (p = 0.32), and in the recovery 83 bpm ± 13 (p = 0.83). SpO2 was found in the pre-test 96% ± 1, in the post-test 96% ± 1 (p = 0.83), and in the recovery 97% ± 2 (p = 0.84). Comparing the variables of the pre with post-test and this with those of recovery, despite the clinical changes, they did not show statistical significance. Conclusion: The physiological parameters evaluated, despite the variations, showed that their applicability to virtual reality is safe and viable.

Author Biographies

André Luiz Lisboa Cordeiro, UFBA

Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Salvador, BA; Faculdade Nobre, Feira de Santana, BA, Brasil

Gleisiane de Oliveira Santos Santos, UNIFAN

Centre Universitário Nobre, Feira de Santana, BA, Brasil

Késsia Morgana Vital Oliveira Oliveira, UNIFAN

Centre Universitário Nobre, Feira de Santana, BA, Brasil

Nathaly Carneiro da Silva, UNIFAN

Centre Universitário Nobre, Feira de Santana, BA, Brasil

Rafaela da Silva Sales, UNIFAN

Centre Universitário Nobre, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brasil

André Raimundo Guimarães, INCARDIO

Instituto Nobre de Cardiologia, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brasil


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