User satisfaction about emergency nursing assistance: an integrative review
patient satisfaction; emergency nursing; nursing care; Nursing, delivery of health careAbstract
Objective: To investigate users' satisfaction with nursing care in care in urgent and emergency units. Methods: Integrative review of studies in the following databases: Scopus, Medline, BDEnf, Cinahl and Lilacs. The following descriptors were used: patient satisfaction, emergency nursing, nursing care, nursing and health care. Original articles published in Portuguese, English and Spanish between the years 2008 and 2018 were selected. Results: The final sample resulted in twelve articles. It was observed that the speed of care provided by the nursing team and the quality of care were more prominent among the factors that positively interfere with patient satisfaction. It was found that the safety of nursing professionals is one of the positive aspects and the inefficiency in care is a bad indicator in the opinion of users. Conclusion: Adopting a user satisfaction survey instrument as a measure of the assistance provided by nursing contributes to the improvement in the level of service quality and speed of recovery, which reflects in the satisfaction of the clientele and companions.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Valéria Souza Pereira, Amanda Tavares Xavier, Patricia Cavalcante Castro do Nascimento, Maria Mariana Barros Melo da Silveira, João Victor Batista Cabral
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